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1、英译汉UnitUnit oneoneSome of the old folklore of neighborliness is impractical or silly, and it is likely that our relations with our neighbors are changing. The biblical commandment to “Love Thy Neighbor” was probably a poor translation of what must have originally been “Respect Thy Neighbor”. Love ca

2、nt be called up on order.过去关于睦邻关系的民间传说变得不切实际,或者愚蠢,我们和邻居之间的关系可能正在发生变化。 圣经上那条戒律“爱你的邻居”也许是一句蹩脚的译文,本来肯定是“尊重你的邻居” 。照单定制无法唤回爱心。The best relationship with neighbors is one of friendly distance. You say hello, you small-talk if you see them in the yard, you discuse problems as they arise and you help each o

3、ther in emergency. Its the kind of arrangement where you see more of them in te summer than in the winter. The driveway or thhe fence between you is not really cold shhoulder,but a clear boundary. We all like clearly defined boundaries for ourselves.邻居之间最好保持不太亲密的友好关系。你们彼此打个招呼,在院子里看看到他们休闲聊几句,一旦出现问题你们

4、一起商量,遇到紧急情况互相帮忙。按照这种办法, 你在夏天见到他们的机会比冬天多一些。搁在你们中间的私人车道,或者树篱,或者栅栏,其实不是冷漠,而是非常明确的界线。我们都喜欢给自己划上清清楚楚的界线。It is easier to produce nostalgia about a neighborhood than about a community, but a community is probably a better unit. A neighborhood is just a bunch of individuals who live in proximity, but a comm

5、unity is a group of people who rise above their individual limitations to get some things done in town.比起整个社会群体,人们更容易对居民区产生怀旧情绪,但社会群体可能是一个更好的单元。一个居民区只是有一群住的很近的个体组成,而社会群体却又一批超越个人局限、共同完成城镇某些事物的人。UnitUnit twotwoI knew it had been a major earthquake, though not centered where I lived. The next day I lea

6、rned that a 7.6 Richter-scale earthquake had destroyed my lovely hometown. For the next few weeks, everyones life was centered around the earthquake due to the constant media coverage and electricity rationing.我知道这是一次大地震,虽然震中不在我住的地方。第二天我才得知,里氏 7.6 级的地震使我美丽的家乡遭到了破坏。接下来的几个星期,由于媒体不断的报道,供电实行限制,每个人的生活似乎都

7、围绕着地震这件事。My hometown is but one of many places along the “Ring of Fire“ encircling nearly half the globe around the Pacific Ocean. Constant volcanic and earthquake action occurs here, sometimes with serious results. In this century alone, major earthquakes have taken more than one million lives. Man

8、y more have been injured and mode homeless. The economic, social, and personal costs are immeasurable.我的家乡只是太平洋沿岸、环绕近半个地球的“火环”上的一个地区。这里不断发生火山和地震活动,有时候造成灾难性的后果。仅仅这个世纪,大地震就夺走了一百多万人的生命。受伤或无家可归的人数目更大。经济、社会及个人损失无法估量。Before the earthquake:地震前Prepare an “earthquake kit“ near everyones bed; these kits shoul

9、d include drinking water, a flashlight with fresh batteries, and dry food.在每个人的床边准备一个“地震包” ;这些地震包应该包括饮用水,装有新电视的手电筒,以及干粮。Place an extra pillow, blanket, or quilt near the bed to be placed over the head during the earthquake and for warmth if trapped afterwards.在床边多放一个枕头、一条毯子或一条被子、以备地震发生时保护头部,或者万一地震后被

10、困,可以用来保暖。During the earthquake:地震中If possible, get out of the building you are inside of and into a clear area.如果可能的话,离开你所在的建筑物,去室外开阔的地方。If escaping from a building is impossible, get away from windows and doors;try to find shelter under structural beams or under any heavy piece of furniture, like a

11、 large table or bed.如果无法逃避建筑物,那么请不要靠近门窗;想办法躲在建筑横梁或者结实的家具下面,譬如说大桌子或大床。UnitUnit threethreeWe must conclude from the work of those who have studied the origin of life, that given a planet only approximately like our own, life is almost certain to start. Of all the planets in our own solar system, we ar

12、e now pretty certain the Earth is the only one on which life can survive. Mars is too dry and poor in oxygen, Venus far too hot, and so is Mercury, and outer planets have temperatures near absolute zero and hydrogen-dominated atmospheres.从那些研究生命起源的人撰写的著作中我们必然会得出这样的结论:一颗行星只要大致类似于我们自己的这颗行星,生命几乎可以肯定会产生

13、。在我们自己太阳系所有的行星中,我们现在相当确定,地球是唯一有生命存在的星球。火星太干燥,又缺氧,金星太热,水星也一样。而外层行星的温度接近于零度,空气中主要是氢气。Fortunately, there is a uniquely rational way for us to communicate with other intelligent beings as Alter Sullivan has put it in his excellent book, We Are Not Alone. This depends on the precise radio frequency of th

14、e 21-cm wavelength, or 1420 megacycles per second. It is the natural frequency of emission of the hydrogen atoms in space and was discovered by us in 1951; it must be know to any kind of radio astronomer in the universe.幸运的是,我们有一种惟一合理的方式来与其他智慧生命交流,正如沃尔特沙利文在他那本卓越的书我们并不孤独中所说的那样。这依靠了 21cm 波长或每秒 1420 兆周

15、精确的无线电频率。这是我们 1951 年发现的氢原子在太空中自然释放的频率。它肯定也为宇宙中任何无线电天文学家所了解。UnitUnit fourfourThe Police and the Intelligence Agents警察与特工The cop, or ordinary police-man, is a city o a State employee. He cannot arrest anyone outside his city or his State. He cannot even cross the border into a neighboring State to loo

16、k for a criminal. If he does, he can be charged with breaking the law of that State. The police who have to be really tough are those that operate in big cities, like New York, Chicago and Detroit,which have large ghettos and organized crimes.警察即普通警员受雇于某个城市或州。他不能在自己的城市或州以外逮捕任何人。他甚至不能跨越边界到临州去追捕罪犯。如果那样做,他会被指控触犯临州的法律。在像纽约、芝加哥、底特律这样的大城市里,因为有大贫民区和团伙犯罪,所以执行公务的警察必须能吃苦耐劳。They are responsible to the USA Department of Justice, and have their headquarters in Washington. D.C. The head of the



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