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1、To (Company Name): Attn: (Fax:( ) )From: * SZ Tel: Fax: Email:Your client has appointed * to carry out inspection on their orders. In order to provide best arrangement to your company, please use the following Inspection Requisition Form for all coming inspection arrangement:您的客户 委托我司 * 承担他们的产品订单的检验

2、。为了对日后的检验提供更好的安排,请填写下列的验货申请表格:Inspection Requisition Form 验验 货货 申申 请请 表表 格格 The inspection requisition form sent to * in the form of email has a legal binding force between both parties if it is accepted by * by return email. 验货申请表若以电子邮件方式发送到 *,一旦 * 以电子邮件方式回复并接受此验货申请,即对 申请验货方与 * 都具法律约束力。To: * SZ - 1

3、st Requisition 首次申请 Revision 修订 ( No.: ) We inform you that the following goods will be ready for inspection with details as below: 我司现正式通知 贵司以下货物已完成。烦请根据下列数据,安排验货事项:From (Company Name) : 公司名称(in English 英文) Address: 地址(in English 英文)Contact Person联络人: Tel. 电话: ( ) E-mail 电邮地址: Fax 传真: ( ) BUYER NAM

4、E IN FULL : 买家名称买家名称 全写COUNTR Y: 国国 家家 INSPECTION DETAILS 产产 品品 资资 料料Product Description 产品名称: Buyer Order No 买家订单号码: Ship date 船期/ Destination 目的地 : / Buyer Art. No./ Model 买家产品型号 : / Quantity 数量 / Deparment 部门部门 : / REQUESTED INSPECTION DATE 要要 求求 验验 货货 日日 期期:INSPECTION LOCATION 验验 货货 地地 点点 (if po

5、ssible please provide detail Map; 如可能,请提供详细地图如可能,请提供详细地图)Factory Name: 工厂名称(in English 英文)(中文)Factory Address : 工厂地址(in English 英文)(中文)Contact Person 联络人 : Tel. 电话: ( ) E-mail 电邮地址: Fax 传真: ( ) TYPE OF SERVICES 服服 务务 类类 别别Final Random Inspection Re-inspection (Prev. Report no.: ) During Production I

6、nspection 装运前抽样检验重新抽样检验生产中检验Factory EvaluationSupervision of LoadingOthers: 工厂评估装运监督其它Remarks 备备 注注 : (1).Inspection booking should be made at least 4 working days (Sat, Sun & Public Holiday not included) and 10 working days (outside Guangdong Province) prior to the scheduled date of inspection. If

7、air traveling is required, at least 10 working days notice is needed. 凡验货申请,请务必于最少最少 4 个工作日前个工作日前 不包含周六, 周日,公共 假日 提出申请;对于广东省以外及需要航空安排的验货地点,则最少需要10个工作日前提出申请。(2).To make sure * receive the requisition form, kindly follow up with a phone call. 当此申请表发出后,请务必以电话方式确认。(3).Re-send this form to * for any amen

8、dment. 若对先前申请表的内容有任何修改,请务必重新发出已改正的申请表。 (4).Once inspection date is confirmed, any postponement or cancellation made with less than ONE working date notice (Sat, Sun & Public Holiday not included), you are required to absorb a handling fee / late cancellation fee of RMB1,500 . 当申请之验货日期确定后,如欲延期或取消,请务必

9、于验货日前不少于一个工作日一个工作日不包含周六, 周日,公共假日提出,否则 * 将向申请人 司收取手续费人民币1,500元整 。 (5).Make sure all the goods are ready for inspection according to clients requirement upon *s inspector(s) arrival, otherwise, the inspection will be aborted and you are required to absorb the abortive inspection fee of RMB1900. - x nu

10、mber of inspector(s) sent plus traveling expenses. 在验货员到达工厂时,请务必确保所有货物皆 已按客人要求完成且包装待验,否则,验货将被取消,同时申请人 司需支付不成功验货的有关费用支付不成功验货的有关费用 (每位验货员不成功验货费为人民币1,900元整 及验货员的差旅费)。(6).Kindly submit us the product photos, together with this requisition form. 提交该验货申请表时, 请同时提供产品照片.(7).According to *s company policy, benefit of any kind should not be offered to any of * staff. 依照 * 的公司政策,我司职员严禁收受任何形式的利益。(8).Terms and Conditions of Business will be available upon request. 如有要求, 可提供我司商业条款.X Date of RequisitionSupplier/ FactoryStamp & Signature 发出日期申请供货商或厂家代表签名且盖公章


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