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1、摘 要近年来,房地产行业发展迅速,已经成为我国国民经济的重要产业之一,房地产市场的健康稳定发展对国民经济有着重要的意义。要在激烈的行业竞争中立于不败之地,房地产行业必须尽最大可能的规避项目的投资风险,通过准确的市场定位等相应策略手段把项目的投资成本降低到最低,故而项目在建设前期的投资可行性就显的尤为重要。本文说明了房地产项目可行性研究的一般流程,它能够帮助我们在开发过程中避免决策的盲目性。首先,阐述了万树森林项目的基本概况和可行性研究的目的及编制依据。其次,立足实际,进行项目市场分析确定项目的市场定位。接着,根据项目建设条件,拟定项目开发方案,安排实施进度,制定营销策略。然后,根据拟定的开发方

2、案,用两章的篇幅重点估算项目的总投资与销售收入、税金,计算相关财务指标,进行财务评价和风险分析。通过本文的分析,最后得出万树森林项目可行性结论是利润高,风险较小,具有一定的投资价值。关键词:房地产,可行性研究,财务评价ABSTRACTIn recent years, the real estate industry has developed rapidly, has become one of the important industries of the national economy, the real estate market healthy and stable developm

3、ent of national economy has important significance. To be in an impregnable position in the competition in the industry, the real estate industry must be as much as possible avoid investment risks of the project, through the accurate market positioning strategies means such as the project investment

4、 cost down to the lowest, so in the early stage of the construction project investment feasibility is the significant particularly important.This paper illustrates the general process of real estate project feasibility study, it can help us to avoid the blindness of decision making in the developmen

5、t process. First, this paper expounds the basic situation of the critics, forest project, and the purpose of the feasibility study and compilation basis. Secondly, based on actual, project for market analysis to determine the market positioning of the project. Then, according to the project construc

6、tion conditions, make project development plan, implementation schedule arrangement, formulate marketing strategy. Then, according to the proposed development plan, in chapter two key to estimate the project total investment and sales income, taxes, calculate relevant financial indicators, financial

7、 evaluation and risk analysis. Through the analysis of this article, the critics, forest project feasibility conclusion is high profit, less risk, and has a certain value.Key words: real estate, feasibility research, financial evaluation目 录摘要 .IABSTRACT.II1 绪论.11.1 建设项目概况.11.2 可行性研究目的.11.3 可行性研究的编制依据.12 市场分析.22.1 宏观经济形势.22.2 成都市房地产市场分析.62.3 项目 SWOT 分析 .132.4 项目的市场定位.153 项目建设条件.193.1 项目建设的自然条件.193.2 项目建设用地条件.193.3 市政配套条件.193.4 规划控制条件.194 项目规划设计方案.214.1 技术经济指标.214.2 规划设计原则.214.3 规划方案.215 项目组织机构与人力资源配置.235.1 项目组织结构.235.2 人力资源.236 项目实施进度.246.1 建设工期.



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