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1、How to search, manage and write biomedical papers 专业英语阅读与写作Liang Zhaohui, M.Med,MPH Second School of Clinic Medicine 主讲人:梁兆晖 第二临床医学院Outline of this lecture At the end of this lecture, you will be able to: Skim, identify 15(6):426-30. IF=0.42 Liang ZH, Yin DZ. Preventive treatment of traditional Chin

2、ese medicine as antistress and antiaging strategy. Rejuvenation Res2010 Apr-Jun;13(2- 3):248-52. IF=4.198 Lu CJ, Luo Y, Zhou H, Qin XL, Chen BJ, Tang XC, Deng H, Liang ZH, Ou AH. A preliminary study on the medical expenditure of Chinese medicine and integrative medicine treatment for influenza a (H1

3、N1) in the fever clinics. Chin J Integr Med2010 Dec;16(6):493-7. IF=0.578 Liang Z, Zhu X, Yang X, Fu W, Lu A. Assessment of a traditional acupuncture therapy for chronic neck pain: a pilot randomised controlled study. Complement Ther Med2011 Jan;19 Suppl 1:S26-32. IF=1.95 Wang XY, Liang ZH, Huang HL

4、, Liang WX. Principles of ethics review on traditional medicine and the practice of institute review board in China. Chin J Integr Med2011 Aug;17(8):631-4. IF=0.578SKIM, IDENTIFY information on author access to data; disclosure of potential conflicts of interest; sources of funding and support; an e

5、xplanation of the role of sponsor(s); names, degrees, and affiliations of participants in a large study or other group; listing of supplemental material; the contributions, names, degrees, affiliations, and indication if compensation has been received for all persons who have made substantial contri

6、butions to the work but who are not authors. Acknowledgements References give credit to the ideas and findings of others and direct readers to sources of further information. Reference must be accurate in every detail: authors names 19 Suppl 1:S26-32. (NLM) Liang Z, Zhu X, Yang X, Fu W, Lu A. Assess

7、ment of a traditional acupuncture therapy for chronic neck pain: a pilot randomised controlled study. Complement Ther Med. Jan 2011;19 Suppl 1:S26-32. (JAMA) Liang, Z., Zhu, X., Yang, X., Fu, W., and Lu, A. (2011). Assessment of a traditional acupuncture therapy for chronic neck pain: a pilot random

8、ised controlled study. Complement Ther Med 19 Suppl 1, S26-32. (CELL)Reference CONSORT是“the Consolidated Statement of Reporting Trials”的 简称,即临床试验报告统一标准 ,旨在制订临床试验报告(尤其是 RCT)的质量,由David Moher和 Drummond Rennie发起,于1996 年在加拿大渥太华制订了第一版 的CONSOR声明,目前最新为 2010版 CONSORT声明得到了全世界400 多种期刊的认可,同时也获得国际 医学期刊编辑委员会(ICMJ

9、E)、科 学编辑理事会、世界医学编辑协会 等权威医学期刊编辑组织的正式 支持。The standard of clinical report CONSORT STATEMENTHow to apply CONSORT in writing The CONSORT Statement comprises a 25 -item checklist and a flow diagram, along with some brief descriptive text. The checklist items focus on reporting how the trial was designed,

10、analyzed, and interpreted; The flow diagram displays the progress of all participants through the trial. How to use the CONSORT Checklist See an exampleA CONSORT flow diagram Tables and figures Tables Tables are usually used to present background information related to methods or to present data Tab

11、les of data either present individual data for all subjects, or specimens studied or make a point Table should be arranged to have clear visual impact NOTE: DO NOT directly copy the tables from statistic software (e.g. SPSS) to your paper Use three horizontal lines: one above the column headings, on

12、e below the column headings, and one below the dataAn example of TableFigures Figures are usually used to clarify methods or to present evidence that supports the results Design figure to have visual impactPAPER SUBMISSION NOT editorials or Letters-to-the-Editor.)The impact factor of a journalThe im

13、pact factor of a journalThe impact factor of a journalRecommendation of Journals for Chinese medical papers Complementary Therapies in Medicine, IF 2010 =1.484 Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, IF 2010=1.498 Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine, IF 2010=2.06 Chinese

14、 Journal of Integrative Medicine, IF 2010=0.578 Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, IF not availableHow to submit a paper Most SCI journals only accept online submission The common submission procedure: Create an account on the website Login the submission system Create an entry for a new manus

15、cript Fill out the key information, i.e. paper type, title, abstract, keywords, author information, designate preferred / Non-preferred reviewers Cover letter Upload files Submit Login / create an accountCreate a new manuscriptFill out informationWrite a cover letter The cover letter is to indicate

16、the title of the paper, the name of the author/s and the main idea or contribution of your article. It will be a useful message to the journal editor from the author for selling the importance and scientific values of the submitted manuscript. ExampleUpload files The upload files include the manuscript, figures, tables, photos etc. Some journals requir


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