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1、练习一:练习一: 7A7A 经典易错题经典易错题 班级: 姓名: 1 1, 词汇。词汇。1. How many _(千克) of beef do you want? 归纳以归纳以 O O 结尾结尾+es+es 的名词的名词:_Now we use mobile phones as _(radio). _2. Mother always buys lots of _(糖果) before Chinese New Year.3. The _(玩具) are those _(儿童).4.4. TheThe _(sheep)_(sheep) teethteeth areare notnot sharp

2、,sharp, becausebecause theythey eateat grass.grass.5.5. YoudYoud betterbetter watchwatch TVTV forfor _(little)_(little) thanthan anan hourhour a a day.day.6. The _(leaf) on the trees turn yellow when autumn comes.7.7. ThereThere areare twentytwenty comiccomic boobooks.ks. OneOne isis mine,mine, the_

3、(the_(其他其他)are)are mymy classmates.classmates.8. Kate dislikes_(listen) to the radio. She likes sports.9. I can finish_(make) the model plane in 30 minutes.10. The _(number) of the free parks in our city is over four.2 2,动词填空。动词填空。1. Are you ready_(take) a walk with me now?2. The students are busy_(

4、clean) the classroom.3. To spend the cold winter, some animals will keep_(sleep) for a few months.4. Look! The students each_(have) a new pen on the desk.5.5. AtAt thethe momentmoment Mr.Mr. FoxFox _(think)_(think) heshes wrong.wrong.6. There _(be) some good news to tell you.7.7. WouldWould youyou p

5、leaseplease _(take)_(take) a a looklook atat thethe newnew shirt?shirt?8.8. AmyAmy isis suresure _(come)_(come) herehere byby plane.plane.9. He doesnt have much time_(play) with me. Have a good time/have fun_10. His son always _(read) before_(go)before_(go) toto bed.bed.ChineseChinese peoplepeople c

6、elebratecelebrate SpringSpring FestivalFestival by_(give)by_(give) presentspresents toto eacheach other.other.11. Everyone _(enjoy) _(let) off fireworks at the weekends. 不定代词3 3,句型转换。句型转换。1.1. AnnAnn usuallyusually hashas ricerice andand meatmeat forfor lunch.(lunch.(否定句否定句) ) Ann_ _ rice _ meat for

7、 lunch.2.2. TheThe bagbag ofof mymy ownown isis fullfull ofof schoolschool things.(things.(划线提问划线提问) )_ _ is full of school things?3. He likes the yellow one.(划线提问)_ _ _ he like?4.4. HeHe doesntdoesnt oftenoften exercise.exercise.He _ _ _ exercises.5. How much are the hair clips?(同义句)_? _?6. Thank y

8、ou for helping me.(同义句)Thank you _ _ _.7. Amys father is a cook._ _ Amys father? _ _Amys father_?_ _Amys fathers_?4 4,完成句子。完成句子。1. 我想给妈妈买的礼物要花 50yuan。The _I want to _ _ my mother _me 50 yuan.2. 艾米总是送我一盒糖果作为我的生日礼物。Amy always _me a box of_ _my birthday present.Buy sb. Sth= buy sth. for sb. 3. 你认为贫困地区的

9、孩子最需要什么?What do you think the children_?4. 要使孩子远离不良书籍。_ the children _ _bad books.5. 一顿好的早饭给我提供上午好好学习的能量。A good breakfast _me _ _ _ _ in the morning.5 5,单项选择。单项选择。1. -_ do you celebrate your birthday? -Eat a birthday cake and get gifts.A. Why B. When C. What D. How2.2. HeHe isntisnt _his_his father,

10、father, butbut he_hishe_his fatherfather veryvery much.much.A. like; lieks B. likes; likes C. like; like D. likes; like3.3. TheThe boy_blackboy_black clothes_myclothes_my bestbest friendfriend Nanthen.Nanthen.A. wears; are B. in; are C. wears; is D. in; is4. My math teacher sometimes_us about the hi

11、story of China.A.speaks B. tells C. talks D. saysHow do you _ that in English? A.speak B. tell C. ask D. say5.5. HeHe hashas a a pairpair ofof socks.socks. OneOne ifif onon thethe chairl.chairl. ButBut hehe cantcant find_.find_.A.other B. others C. the other D. anotherAnother:Another:TheThe other:ot

12、her:O Others:thers:6.6. -How-How longlong _the_the shopshop _every_every day?day? -It_at-It_at 8 8 a.m.a.m. and_atand_at 8 8 p.m.p.m.A.does; open; is open; is closed C. is; open; is open; is closedB.Does; open; opens; closes D. is; open; opens; closes7. The teacher asks us_in the classroom between classes.A.dont shout B. not shout C. not shouting D. not to shout8. The boy was born _the night of October 1st. 时间介词:时间介词:_A. after B. in C. on D. at9. There is _MP3 and _US ship model on the desk.A.an;



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