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1、Module 5Unit 1 Great ScientistsWarming uplGame “WHO AM I ? ”l1. lived during the Eastern Han Dynasty of China. l2. I was an astronomer, mathematician, inventor, geographer.l3. My invention had 8 dragon heads round the top with 8 balls in each of their mouths. Around the bottom there were 8 frogs dir

2、ectly under a dragons mouth.l4. My invention was the earliest instrument that told people where earthquakes happened?Zhang HengA replica of Zhang Hengs seismometer, l1. I was a British.l2. I was a chemist and inventor.l3. I was probably best remembered today for my discoveries of several alkali(碱) a

3、s well as contributions to the discoveries of the elemental nature of chlorine(氯) and iodine(碘 ). l4. I invented the Davy lamp, which allowed miners to work safely underground. Sir Humphry Davy ArchimedesCharles DarwinThomas NewcomenGregor Mendel Marie Curie Thomas Edison Leonardo da Vinci Stephen H

4、awking ReadinglRead the title and 1st para and find out some information about John SnowScientific Report by John SnowFind a problem: Nobody knew _ of the serious disease of cholera. Make a question: Which ideas were right? Idea 1:_ that attacked victims. Idea 2: people absorbed the disease _. Think

5、 of a method: First:_ Next:_ Collect results: Many of the deaths _. were near the water pumpthe causeStrange cloud in the airwith their mealsMarked on a map where all the dead had lived Looked into the source of the waterAnalyze the results: Some families _ had no deaths. Find supporting evidence: H

6、e found 2 more deaths who _, but drunk the water from that pump. Draw a conclusion:l_ Solution: who hadnt drunk the water from the pumphad moved awayThe water was to blameThe source of all the water supplies should be examined and new methods of dealing with polluted water should be found.What is Ch

7、olera?lCholera is a kind of _.lIt is caused by _.lIt can lead to _ if its not _.lIt _ peoples intestines(肠), causing diarrhea(腹泻), vomiting(呕吐) and leg cramps(腿抽筋) .infectsinfectious diseasesdrinking polluted water death treated in timeinfectlvt. 传染;使感染 l sb sth with sth ( 使sb感染了)l携带(病菌等)(多用于被动态)be

8、ed with sthl影响;感染了(某种情感)l sb with sth (用感染了sb)ladj. infected 带菌的;感染病菌的l infectious 传染性的ln. infection (u)传染;感染l感冒的传染性很高,但握手不可能染上感冒 。lFlu is _ _, but its impossible to _ _ _ _ _.l坏鸡蛋带有细菌。lBad eggs _ _ _bacilli.l他的热情感染了在场的所有人。lHe _ all the people present _ his enthusiasm.l你不能使用受污染的供水源。lYou can not use

9、the _ _ _.highly infectious infect others by shaking handswere infected withinfectedwithinfectedwater supplyHomework lFinish the Exx on P3 1. 2. 3.lLook up the new words or words you dont know in the dictionary;lFind some expressions or sentences which are difficult for you;Learning about Language B

10、rainstorm:choleradefeat 痊愈CUl 治疗法; 处理社会问题等的)对策C(+for)l治疗癌症尚无良方,医生也不能保证治愈。 vt vi 治愈 sb of sth; sth祛除(恶害、恶习等)他能治(好别人的)病,却改不掉自己的坏习惯。 He can (other people of) a disease, but cant cure himself of bad habits.Theres no known for cancer, and the doctor cannot guarantee a .Challenge ln.挑战;邀请比赛C+to-v rise to

11、the challenge/ accept (take) a challenge 接受挑战, 迎战; 迎着困难lface the challenge l遇到问题, 面向挑战ltake a challenge lying down 对挑战俯首屈服, 被 困难吓倒 lvt. 向.挑战(+to)O2l我要他拿出证据。 l 对.提出异议;怀疑;反对他就我对那件事的看法提出异议。I challenged him to show his proof. He challenged my view on that matter.enquiry = inquiryn. l询问 UC (+about/into);

12、 agent 询问处l调查 C (+into) hold an inquiry into sthl探究,探索 UC 科学探索 scientific inquiryenquire = inquire vtvi 询问 sth of sb查询 about sth求见(某人);查询(商店的货物) for sbsth调查 into enquiring=inquiring 喜欢探究的;爱询问的severelA. unpleasant or dangerous weather lB. very strict lC. very bad or serious to worry about lD. extreme

13、 criticism or punishment 1. He has such a severe illness that he has been in hospital. 2. I was caught in a severe storm last night and couldnt go back home in time.CA3. Come on! Dont be so severe with the children.4. His report contains severe criticism of the companys actions.BDblamelvt. 责备;责怪;谴责;

14、归咎于(语气较轻)l sb for doing sth 因而责备某人l sth on sb 把归咎于某人l sb be to for doing sth 对应负责任,受 到责备ln. (u) 责怪; (过错失败等)责任l put lay the for sth on sb 把sth归咎于sbl take the for sth 为sth承担责任l get the for sth 为sth背黑锅l adj. blameless 无可指责的;清白无疵的l blameworthy 该受指责的l1. 不应该总把失败归咎于别人,有时该责备 你自己。l2. 她素有十分好的名声。Shes always had a blameless reputation.Dont always blame your own failure on others. Sometimes you yourselves are to blame.handleA. 操作; 运用



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