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1、山东省金榜高复山东省金榜高复 2014 届高考英语三轮阅读理解及单项选择届高考英语三轮阅读理解及单项选择模拟冲刺精品卷模拟冲刺精品卷. 单项填空单项填空1. (2013南阳模拟) of danger in the street at night, she had to go home, with a friend her. A. Warned; accompaniedB. Having warned; accompanyingC. Warning; accompanyingD. Having been warned; accompanying2. We were just calling yo

2、u up you came in. A. about; whenB. on the point of; whileC. on the point of; whenD. on the point of; as来源:学科网 ZXXK3. (2013温州模拟)A person alone may be not strong enough to change his environment, but at least he can choose how to himself to it. A. matchB. adaptC. regulateD. coordinate4. The island, lo

3、cated off the coast of Fujian, is deserted with nothing a Chinese landmark and trees. A. rather thanB. instead ofC. as well asD. apart from5. (2013蚌埠模拟) for his work, he was too excited to fall asleep. A. PraisingB. To praiseC. PraisedD. Having praised6. (2013蚌埠模拟)I did love my mom very much but it

4、got to a point even she did not want me to see her as she was. A. where B. when C. that D. which7. (2013衡阳模拟)The project by the end of 2015 will greatly expand the citys telephone network. A. accomplishedB. being accomplishedC. to be accomplishedD. having accomplished8. Lets discuss the question rai

5、sed last night, shall we? There is no hurry for that. I am a conference. A. looking forB. joining inC. heading forD. taking part in来源:学科网 ZXXK9. (2013成都模拟)Well do the job more quickly if you us. A. assistB. consultC. conductD. question10. (2013威海模拟)They make you feel understood, and they encourage y

6、ou to _ your goals and pursue your dreams. A. go throughB. go afterC. go againstD. go ahead11. The figures released by the local government showed that the area still suffered _ teaching resources. A. uniqueB. essentialC. naturalD. inadequate12. He exercise and a good diet as the key to a healthy li

7、fe. A. assumedB. adoptedC. advocatedD. convinced13. (2013姜堰模拟)On hearing the news, the girl rushed out without hesitation, _ the luggage on the floor, and in the dark. A. left; lied; disappearedB. leaving; lying; disappearedC. leaving; lie; disappearedD. left; lay; disappear14. By the time scientist

8、s the fundamental structure of dark matter, Im sure that man amazing advances in science. A. figure out; has madeB. will figure out; will makeC. figure out; will have madeD. will figure out; will be making15. (2013天津模拟)We take this opportunity of expressing our sincere of your help. A. enjoymentB. a

9、ppreciationC. entertainment来源:学科网D. application. 阅读理解阅读理解(A)(2013北京模拟)Once upon a time, on his way to the Himalayas, was a saint(圣徒). He came across a shallow river he had to cross. Just when he was about to wet his feet, he saw a scorpion(蝎子)helplessly trying to come out of the river. It was almost

10、 touching the bank but not enough to gain hold of the ground. The saint saw scorpions struggle and decided to save it. He picked up the scorpion in his right hand with the intention to place it on the dry surface. No sooner did he do that than the scorpion stung and rushed off the hand, landing in t

11、he water again. It struggled to come out of water again. The saints body was in pain but his mind, calm. Seeing that the scorpion could lose its life, the saint used left hand this time to lift the scorpion out of water. However, it panicked and stung again. Once again, it sped off the hand and fell

12、 in water. He was left with both hands filled with pain. He was not the one to give up either. He tried again. This time, he cupped his hands together and lifted the scorpion in one swift movement. Before it could react, he safely dropped it on the land. The scorpion disappeared into the pebbles tha

13、t lay near the bank. He felt happy, for he succeeded in carrying out his rescue, for saving another life. It was worth the pain he thought. At a distance, a man, surprised and shocked, had watched the whole process. He approached the saint and said, “Can I ask you a question please? ”“Yes, you may.

14、”“First of all, there was no need to save a scorpion. It does no good to anybody. Secondly, if you must save him, you could have simply tried once. Im surprised that even after it stung you, you still went on. Why? ”“Oh! Thats pretty simple, ”he replied softly rubbing his stung hands against each ot

15、her. “This was a scorpion, a creature really low on the food chain, a creature whose nature is to sting(蜇), to panic, to harm. It is supposed to be weak. However, I am supposed to be a saint, a person whose job is to love everybody, to offer love. I am supposed to be the strong one, the one higher u

16、p on the food chain. With my principles, my philosophy(人生观)and practice, I am supposed to save other creatures. Right? ”The man nodded. (395W)1. When a saint saw a scorpion struggling to come out of the river, he . A. was in the shallow riverB. was climbing the HimalayasC. was on the river bankD. had just crossed the river2. Why did the scorpion sting and rush off his right hand? A. Because it was full of panic



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