【优化方案】2014届高考(新课标版)一轮复习:选修七 Unit 4 Sharing 教师配套课件(共60张PPT)

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1、Unit 4 Sharing共享本节目录基础盘点自测自评考点串讲讲练互动目录基础盘点自测自评核心单词单词 1_ n两星期2_ n观观念;概念3_ adj.有关的;切题题的4_ adj.遥远远的;偏僻的5_ vi.(使)适合6_ conj.否则则;不然adv.用别别的方法;其他方面7_ vt.购买购买8_ n周年纪纪念(日)9_ n安全;保护护;保障fortnightconceptrelevant remoteadjustotherwise purchaseanniversarysecurity目录10_ n特权权;特别优别优 待11_ vi.参与;参加participation n参加,参与p

2、articipant n参与者12_ vt.捐赠赠donation n.捐赠赠donator n.捐赠赠者13_adj.自愿的;志愿的;无偿偿的volunteer n自愿做14_ vt.分配;分发发distribution n分配;分发发;分布状态态15_ vi.工作;运转转vt.操作operation n手术术,运转转operator n操作人员员privilegeparticipatedonatevoluntary distributeoperate目录高频频短语语1_ 接到的信2_ 极想;渴望3_ 不久前的一天4_ 和有关5_ 参与;参加6_ (使浸水等之物)完全变变干;干透7_ (指河

3、流、井等)干涸8_ 在困难难中;在危急中9_ 完成;穿过过10_ 伸出hear from(be)dying to the other daybe relevant to. participate in dry out dry up in needget throughstick out 目录典型句式1“介词词which/whom”引导导的定语语从句Sometimes I wonder how relevant chemistry is to these students,_ will be going back to their villages after Year 8 anyway.有时时

4、候,我想知道,化学对这对这 些学生究竟有多大用处处,他们们中的大多数在学完八年级级以后将回到他们们的村子。2doubt whether.“怀怀疑是否”To be honest,_ Im making any difference to these boys lives at all.说实说实 在的,我真的不知道我教的课课是否会让这让这 些孩子的生活有所改变变。most of whomI doubt whether目录3not.but.“不是而是”The gift you give _something your loved one keeps_ a voluntary contribution

5、 towards the lives of people who really need it.你送的礼物不是给给你所爱爱的人留念的,而是给给那些确实实有生活需要的人的一项项志愿性捐助。4did动词动词 原形的强调调句But last weekend another teacher, Jenny, and I _a village which is the home of one of the boys, Tombe.但是上周末,我和另一位老师师 Jenny 拜访访了一个村子,这这个村子是其中一个男孩 Tombe 的家。is notbut did visit目录5with复合结结构在句中作定语

6、语Tombes father, Mukap, led us to his house, a low bamboo hut _the roofthis shows it is a mans house.Tombe的父亲亲,Mukap,领领我们们到他的房子,一个低矮的小竹屋,屋顶顶上长长着草,这这就是一个男人的房子。6from where.从那儿We walked for two and a half hours to get therefirst up a mountain to a ridge _we had fantastic views.我们们走了两个半小时时才到那儿先爬到了一座山的山顶顶

7、,从那儿我们们欣赏赏到了优优美的美景with grass sticking out offrom where目录单单元语语法限制性定语语从句1(2013山西太原维刚实验维刚实验 学校高三押题题)Researchers are now conducting hibernation experiments and can use chemicals to put living cells into sleeplike state _ they dont age.Afor which BthatCwhere Dwhich解析:选选C。考查查定语语从句。先行词词state在这这里表示状态态,属于抽象地

8、点,语语境为为:在这这种状态态下,这这些细细胞不会衰老,所以用where相当于in which。目录2The course is a must for all those _ mother tongue is not English.Awhose BwhoCthat Dwhich解析:选选A。考查查定语语从句。句意:这门课这门课 程对对那些母语语非英语语的人来说说是必须须的条件。mother tongue与先行词词those之间间构成所属关系,用whose作定语语。故选选A项项。目录3There stands an old tree with a history of over 500 yea

9、rs,_ many branches have broken off.Athat BwhenCof which Dwhich解析:选选C。考查查定语语从句。分析句子可知,先行词词an old tree与many branches构成所属关系,故选选of which作定语语。目录4As a teacher,I seldom give my students so difficult a problem _ they cannot work out.Athat BifCin order that Das目录解析:选选D。句意:作为为老师师,我很少给给我的学生难难以解决的问题问题 。先行词为词为 s

10、o difficult a problem,代入定语语从句后为为:They cannot work out so difficult a problem.由此可见见先行词词在定语语从句中作宾语宾语 。“so或such名词词”作先行词词,且先行词词在定语语从句中作主语语、宾语宾语 或表语时语时 ,需用as引导导定语语从句.本题题易误选为误选为 A项项,用that引导导状语语从句,但状语语从句应应是完整的,所以,如选选A项项,题题干应该为应该为 :As a teacher,I seldom give my students so difficult a problem that they cann

11、ot work it out.作为为老师师,我很少给给我的学生如此难难的问问题题以至于他们们不能解决。目录5Safety in school has been of great concern because of frequent reports about accidents_students got injured or killed while in school.Ain which Bfor whichCwhich Dwhen 解析: 选选A。考查查定语语从句。该该句中in which 引导导定语语从句修饰饰先行词词accidents。句意:由于对对学生在学校受伤伤或死亡事件的不断报

12、报道,学校安全成为为一个重要问题问题 。目录考点串讲讲练互动单词单词 精研1.adjust vi.(使)适合(教材P30)The hut was dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust.小屋内很黑,因此眼睛要过过好一阵阵才能适应过应过 来。目录目录(牛津P24)It took her a while to adjust to living alone.她过过了一段时间时间 才适应应独自生活。He adjusted his life so that he could adjust himself to the new environm

13、ent.他调节调节 了自己的生活以便能适应应新环环境。This kind of desk can be adjusted to the height you need. Besides,its not expensive at all.这这种课课桌可以调调整你需要的高度,况且一点也不贵贵。We have adjusted/have made an adjustment to our price and give you a special discount of 3 percent.我们对们对 价格做了调调整,给给你们们百分之三的优优惠折扣。目录2.participate vi. 参与;参加(

14、牛津P1450)We encourage students to participate fully in the running of the college.我们们鼓励学生全面参与学院的运作。目录(朗文P1489)More than 400 children participate in a cleanup of the park.400多个孩子参加了公园的清扫扫活动动。Everyone in the class is expected to participate in these discussions.希望全班同学都参加这这些讨论讨论 。All the participants in the debate will have an opportunity to speak.所有参加辩论辩论 的人都有机会发发言。目录3.privilege n特权权;特别优别优 待(教材P30)It was such a privilege to have spent a day with Tombes family.能与汤贝汤贝 一家度过过一天的时间时间 真是莫大的荣幸。目录(牛津P1576)You can enjoy all the benefits and pri



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