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1、第三单元 词汇翻译蒋喜玲 2011-9第三单元 词汇翻译 (语言语境) 3.1判断词义 3.2 选择用词(3.3 变换用词、3.4词语搭 配) (非语言语境) 3.5 特殊词汇翻译 Words do not have meanings;people have meanings for them. -Eric Partridge (1894 - 1979), lexicographer ,one of the twentieth centurys leading experts on American, English, and Australian slang.Each word when u

2、sed in a new context is a new word. -John Rupert Firth(1890-1960), the London school of linguistics 3.1 判断词义1.查阅字典(网上字典)2.分析句子、句群的语法结构3.上下文逻辑关系、篇章的整体 效果语言 语境查阅字典(网上字典) 1. What you have always wanted until now has been a set, steady, constant purpose. 2. The carpet really wants cleaning. 3. They were

3、 not rich. They had lived all their lives in want. 4. He is wanted in connection with the murder of a teenage girl. 5. You are wanted on the phone. sanction sanctions ground grounds The leaf slowly fluttered to the ground。 Jim has strong grounds to ask for more money. custom customs economy economie

4、s damage damages export exports transaction transactions理由节约措施海关赔偿费出口货物 (会议的)讨论 、记录分析句子的语法结构 He took charge of his failing father and after a time . fail to be unsuccessful in sth you want to do, in exam/test, or in business body organs stops working failing sight/health 衰退的视力/身体分析句群的语法结构 (关联词表达的逻辑关

5、系) that there must be something dashing and “fast” in his appearance, whereas his costume was perfectly plain, the expression of his face grave and earnest, 时髦 放荡 朴素 严肃 诚挚fast Marx and Engels were fast friends. The baby is fast asleep. She held on fast as they went round the bend(弯道). We should hold

6、 fast to our faiths till the very end. Muslims fast during Ramadan. 1. My sister thinks it is futile to study hard the nigh before an exam, but I find it quite useful. 2. Cellphones have become ubiquitous; you can see and hear them everywhere. 3. Desalination, or the removal of salt from seawater, i

7、s a method of providing fresh water for business, home and agriculture use. Australian passports will now have three gender options - male, female and x. The new category is only for use by intersex people - who are not biologically entirely male or female.girlfriend voiceGirlfriend voice refers to

8、the change in pitch or tone of a mans voice when talking to their significant other. The girlfriend voice is characterized by a higher pitch and a more effeminate(温柔的) tone with speech patterns scattered with pet names and childish words.女友专用调指男士在跟自己的另一半说话时声调和语气上的 变化。这种变化主要体现为:声调提高、语调更显温柔,并 且不时夹杂着各种

9、爱称和幼稚的语言。根据词语的词性back I will come back, I will. It was said that they would back the plan. Its the last straw that breaks the camels back. 1. 我一定会回来的。 2. 据说他们会支持这个计划。 3. 压死骆驼的最后一根稻草。分析上下文逻辑关系、篇章的整 体效果等来判定词义Arrests Made in China Gutter Oil ScandalChinese police have arrested 32 people for producing an

10、d selling adulterated cooking oil made from leftovers dredged from gutters behind restaurants.我国公安机关抓获了非法炼制及销售餐馆地沟油制 成的食用油的32名犯罪嫌疑人。More than 100 tonnes of such oil was seized after busting(摧毁) a criminal network spanning 14 provinces, the ministry of public security said.公安部称在摧毁了这个涉及14个省的地沟油犯罪网 络后,

11、公安机关共查处了地沟油炼制的食用油逾百吨。3.2 选择用词1.确切理解所选用词的含义2.注意所选用词的感情色彩和语 体色彩3.慎用文言文和方言确切理解所选用词的含义及感情色 彩 From Charles Dickens to His Son 狄更斯致子函 I write this note today because your going away is much upon my mind, and because I want you to have a few parting words from me to think of now and then at quiet times. I

12、need not tell you that I love you dearly, and am very, very sorry in my heart to part with you. But this life is half made up of partings, and these pains must be borne. 我今天写这封短信,一来因为你的离去萦绕我心, 二来也想给你只字片语,让你在宁静的时间里时而 思量。我不必告诉你,我爱你有多深,也不必说, 与你分离让我多么惆怅。但是人生有聚有散,而这 些痛苦是必须承受的。 愁肠百结 It is my comfort and m

13、y sincere conviction that you are going to try the life for which you are best fitted. I think its freedom and wildness more suited to you than any experiment in a study or office would ever have been; and without that training, you could have followed no other suitable occupation. 你将去体验最适合你的生活,这是我的

14、安慰,也是我诚 挚的信念。与书房或办公室的工作相比,我认为那种自 由而又不羁的生活更适合你。少了那样的训练,你就不 能从事其他适合你的职业。 wildness 放荡不羁 不羁 无拘无束 1. He flattered her, saying how beautiful her eyes were. 2. I was flattered to be invited to write an article for the famous magazine. 他奉承她,说她的眼睛有多美丽。 获邀为那本著名的杂志写文章,我受宠若 惊。 凡是能用白话表达的,尽量不要使用文言 词语。(para 2,p34)

15、 方言词语的使用也要看原文的语言特色。慎用文言词和方言3.3 变换用词1.通过替换同义词、近义表达法 实现变化用词2.通过转译(词性转换)实现变 化用词 In the time of autumn, cold winds which are not at all pleasant generally blow. 在秋天,冷风一点也不会让人愉快。 在秋天的日子(秋日里),通常是寒风飒飒,一点也不 令人喜悦(讨人喜欢)。 But spring has none of these drawbacks; 但是春天没有这些缺点 但是春天毫无这些缺憾 the flowers bloom, the woods and grasses grow luxuriantly. The weather is mild and the air is balmy. 花儿盛开,树木草地茂盛地生长,天气温和,空气温馨 。 百花儿盛开,草木茂盛(葱茏),气候温和,春风和煦 。替换同义词How to grow old Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death. In the



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