B4Unit 3UsingLanguage(人教版)

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1、Section Learning about Language & Using Language.重点单词一、将下列单词与所对应的英文解释连线1whisper Aespecially;more than usual or more than others2mess Bto move easily over a smooth or wet surface;to make sth.move in this way3amuse Cto speak softly,quietly or privately4particularly Da situation that is full of problem

2、s5slide Eto make sb.laugh or smile答案:1.C 2.D 3.E 4.A 5.B二、根据所给词性和汉语意义写出英语单词1 adj.特殊的;特别的 adv.尤其,特别地2 vt.使发笑 adj.好笑的,有趣的 adj.觉得好笑的3explain vt.解释 n.particularparticularlyamuseamusingamusedexplanation4 n侦探 v侦察,发现,察觉5 n山;山脉 adj.多山的6 vi.回应;作出反应 n反应;反作用detectivedetectmountainmountainousreactreaction.重点短语根

3、据汉语意思补全短语1burst laughter放声大笑2 one occasion有一次3pick 拾起,捡起4keep sth.遵守5a play words双关语intoonuptoon6treat. .把当作对待7 the open air在露天,在户外8look 向上看;查阅9bring 使清楚明白10react 对作出反应,回应asinupouttoparticularly adv.特殊地;特别地(P20)Traffic is bad,particularly in the city centre.交通状况很差,特别是在市中心。The lecture was not particu

4、larly interesting.讲座并不是特别有趣。We must pay particular attention to this point.我们必须特别注意这一点。The nurse asked me for my particulars.护士向我询问了我的个人资料。Im not particular about my clothes while my wife minds what I wear.我不怎么讲究着装,我的妻子却很在乎我穿什么。I like all the four seasons,spring in particular.I like all the four sea

5、sons,particularly spring.这四个季节我都喜欢,尤其是春天。归纳拓展particular adj.特殊的;特别的 n细节,细目in particular(particularly)特别地;尤其地be particular about /over.对挑剔易混辨析particularly/speciallyThe ring was specially made for her.这枚戒指是专门为 她订做的。particularly特别地,表示程度。specially专门地,表示目的。即境活用1完成句子Alex is very _ _(挑剔)his food.It was a g

6、ood concertI enjoy the last song _ _(尤其)答案:particular about in particularburst into闯入,突然发作,突然起来(P20)My wife burst into tears when she heard the bad news.我妻子听到这个坏消息就哭了起来。The boy burst out crying at the look of his mother.那男孩一见到他妈妈就哭了起来。He burst into the room.他突然闯入了房间。He burst with anger when he found

7、 out the truth.当他发现真相后勃然大怒。I felt as if my heart would burst with joy.我感觉自己心花怒放。归纳拓展burst out crying/ laughing/singing突然大哭/大笑/ 唱起歌来burst into tears/ laughter/songs突然大哭/大笑/ 唱起歌来burst in / into闯进,突然破门而入burst with anger/grief / joy勃然大怒/心痛欲绝/乐不可支 即境活用2完成句子她突然大笑起来。She _ _ laughter.She _ _ laughing.The au

8、dience _ _(爆发出)applause.答案:burst into;burst out burst intooccasion n 时刻;场合(P20)The summit is an occasion for different countries to exchange views.这次峰会是不同国家交流看法的一个好时机。On one occasion,she called me in the middle of the night.有一次她深更半夜给我打电话。I meet her on occasion at the club or in the theatre.我有时在俱乐部或剧

9、院里会遇到她。归纳拓展on occasion(s)偶尔;偶然;有时on this /that occasion这/ 那次on one occasion有一次,曾经即境活用3完成句子_ _ _(有一次)we had to walk all the way home.Ive met him _ _ _(几次)before._ _(有时),he went to London to spend the weekend.答案:On one occasion on several occasionsOn occasionamuse vt.使发笑;使愉快(P22)She made funny faces t

10、o amuse the children.她做鬼脸逗孩子们开心。It amused me to think back to my life in London.回想起在伦敦的生活,我觉得很好玩。We were all amused at his stories.我们都被他的故事逗乐了。The interesting story kept all of us amused.那个有趣的故事逗得我们很开心。归纳拓展amusing adj.好笑的amused adj.觉得好笑的;逗乐的amusement n.愉悦;娱乐be amused at / by.对觉得好笑keep sb.amused使某人快乐

11、to ones amusement使某人感到好笑的是即境活用4完成句子小男孩被那本有趣的书逗得很开心。The little boy was highly _ _ _ _ _.嬉水可以使孩子们玩乐好几个小时。Playing with water can _ _ _ for hours.令我们感到好笑的是,那位演员从舞台上摔了下来。_ _ _,the actor fell off the stage.答案:amused by the amusing book keep children amused To our amusementwhisper(P22)(1)vi.& vt.低声说;耳语Its

12、bad manners to whisper at a meeting.在会议上窃窃私语是不礼貌的。Jim was caught whispering to Tony in the exam.Jim在考试中和Tony窃窃私语时被当场抓住。归纳拓展whisper.in ones ear在某人耳旁小声说whisper(sth.)to sb.向某人低声说(某事)It is /was whispered that.据秘密传闻 At that time,he was whispering the news to his wife.那个时候,他正把那个消息悄声告诉他的妻子。It is whispered

13、that the manager has been arrested.据传闻经 理被逮捕了。(2)n.耳语;低声Dont speak in a whisper.I didnt hear.不要小声说,我没听见。They sat in the room,talking in whispers.他们坐在屋子里小声说话。即境活用5完成句子你们俩在那里嘀咕些什么?What are you two _ _ over there?她在他耳边低语。She _ _ in his ear.他压低声音激动地告诉了我一个激动人心的消息。He told me an exciting piece of news _ _

14、_ _.答案:whispering about whispered something in an excited whisperreact(P23)(1)起反应;(对)作出反应;回应react to.对起反应(作出反应)Local residents have reacted angrily to the news.当地居民对这一消息表示愤怒。(2)对过敏(有不良反应)react against.反抗(对)People can react badly to certain food.人们对某些食品会严重过敏。The boy often reacts against his parents.这个男孩经常和父母对抗。归纳拓展react to对作出反应react with与起化学反应react against反对;



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