2013届高考英语一轮复习 part1 unit2 English around the world课件 新人教版必修1

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1、2013届高考英语一轮复习课件新人教版全国通用 voyage n.航行,航海The voyage from England to India used to take six months.过去从英国航行到印度要用6个月。短语 make a voyage/make voyages to 远航去 voyage n.辨析 voyage/journey/trip/tour/travel voyage 主要指“乘船做海上旅行”,也可指“空中旅 行”。 journey 旅行、旅程、路程,一般来说着重指长距离的陆上旅行。 trip 往往着重指“短途旅行”或“有特别目的的旅行” ,在口语中可与journey

2、互换。 voyage n.辨析 voyage/journey/trip/tour/travel tour 指以旅游、视察、购物等为目的的旅行,常含 有“最后要回到出发地”的意思。 travel 主要指“国内旅行或长途旅行”,泛指“旅行”时,是不可数名词,若要表示某人在某一时间内, 从一地到另一地作长途旅行,也可用复数。(通常 有物主代词修饰)。 voyage n.活用 用voyage/journey/travel/trip/tour填空(1)We went on a _ to the mountains. (2)The novel is based on his _ in India. (3)

3、The ship sank on his first _, which was quite disappointing. triptravels voyage voyage n.活用 用voyage/journey/travel/trip/tour填空(4)The Prince will visit France on the last leg of his European _. (5)Did you have a good _?(6)The book describes a spiritual _ from despair to happiness. tour journeyjourney

4、 voyage n.活用 单项填空(7)It was reported that their ship broke down on the way and only a few men survived the _. A. travel B. voyageC. tour D. tripB解析 由ship推断出是海上旅行,因此用voyage。根据语境猜词义 (1) The fire officer took command, ordering everyone to leave the fire. (2) He has studied in the USA and has a good comm

5、and of spoken English. (3) Kathleen walked in, tall, slim, confident and in total command of herself. (4) The commander commanded that everyone die rather than give in. command n. 句我们不能把such an attractive school代入到从句中,所以是结果状语从 句,因此答案是A; 句我们可以在such an attractive school前加介词in代入到从句中作地点状 语,是定语从句,所以答案是D。

6、such (3) 倒装问题 Such is Such is Shen Hao, a diligent, warmhearted and selfless man. 这就是沈浩,一个勤奋,热心而又大公无私的人。 温馨提示 这一句式主要用于描述人的文章的句 尾处,使文章简洁明了,不拖泥带水而又对文 章起到画龙点睛之效。such (3) 倒装问题 “such 名词 助动词谓语 that”的结果状语从句Such loud noises did they make that they were heard out in the street. recognize vt.根据语境猜词义 (1) I rec

7、ognized him as soon as he came in the room. (2) Can you recognize this tune? (3) They recognized they need to take the problem seriously. (4) He is recognized as the best teacher because of his broad knowledge.根据语义找匹配A. 公认为 B. 认出 C. 听出 D. 承认B CDArecognize vt.链接 recognizable adj. 可辨认出的 recognition n.

8、 认出;辨认;认可短语 recognize sb./sth. by/ from 根据认出某人 recognize sb. as / to be 认为是 beyond ones recognition 完全认不出;面目全非recognize vt.句型 Its recognized that人们公认为活用 完成句子 (1) The moment I picked up the phone, I _ (听出来他是谁)答案 recognized himrecognize vt.活用 完成句子 (2) He has changed so much that I _ (几乎认不出来他了) (3) _(人

9、们一直认为) that environment pollution has become one of the most serious problems that people face. 答案 (2) can hardly recognize him (3) It is recognizedrecognize vt. Hello, can you recognize me? Sorry, I cant see you at all. How can I know who you are?在这个对话中,他们之间为什么会产生这一误会 呢?recognize vt.答案 他们误会的根源在于:对方

10、误解了recognize 是“认出”,而实际上,这是打电话的一个情景, 对方的recognize 的意思是“听出我是谁”的意思。原来英语中还有小品啊! come up 根据语境猜词义 (1)A child came up to me and showed me the way to the station. (2)The sky was dark blue and clear when the moon came up. (3)Your question came up at the meeting. 根据语义找匹配A.走近,走向前去 B. 升起 C. 提出AB C短语 come about

11、发生 come across 邂逅;偶遇 come out 出版;开花 come to 达到;苏醒;谈到 come down 下来,败落,降价 come true 实现 come up with (针对问题等)提出,想出,提供 come up活用 用come相关的短语填空The other day when I was walking in the street, I(1) _Wang Lei, an old friend of mine. She told me a story of her brothers. He once saw a dog (2)_ a boy, which made

12、 the boy die of a disease related to a dog disease. come upcame acrosscome at活用 用come相关的短语填空At that time, he (3) _the idea to learn medicine and find a cure for the disease. In the next 10 years, he (4) _ a lot of difficulties and his dream finally (5)_. come upcame up withcame over came true even i

13、f / though把下列句子翻译成汉语 (1) Even if we can go out for a play, we wont do. (2) Even if it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will still not be able to go. 即便明天不下雨,我们还是不能去。即使我们能出去玩,我们也不想去。根据例题你体会出even if / though的语义了吗?你发现主从复合句中的时态问题了吗?答案 根据例题,even if / though是“即使;即便”的意思,引导让步状语从句。当从句的动作发生 在将来时,从句应该使用一般现在时代替一般将 来时。

14、even if / though链接 even if 与as if /thoughEven if you take a taxi, you will still miss your flight. 即使你搭出租车你还是赶不上你的航班的。He talks as if he had known everything in the world. 他说起话来好像他已经知道世界的一切。通过对比我们不难发现他们的语义是不同的, even if是“即使;即便”的意思,而as if/though是“好 像”的意思。 even if / though活用 单项填空 (1)Im determined to get

15、 a seat for the concert _it means standing in a queue all night. A. as though B. even if C. in case D. so that解析 考查连词辨析。句意“我决心得到一张音 乐会的座位票,即使意味着整夜排队。” even if / thoughB活用 单项填空 (2) Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, _ they knew it to be valuable. even if / thoughCA. as if B. now that C. even though D. so that 活用 单项填空 (2) Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, _ they k


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