人教版高中英语高二语法 it 的用法

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1、 It 最基本的用法是人称代词人称代词,主要代表刚提到的东西以避免重复。 Look at that car. Its going much too fast.Where is the car key? - I put it in your drawer. 也可以代表抽象的东西。 Its all my fault .也可以指动物或未知性别的婴儿。 What a beautiful baby, is it a boy?How about the baby? - Ill take care of it.还可代表一个彼此都知其何所指的东西。 Where does it hurt?If he doesn

2、t come, I cant help it.You have saved my life. I shall never forget it.It 可以表示“是谁(在某处或做某事) “Whos that?” “Its me.” Its your mother on the phone. “Why, its you!” she cried. It还可以用来泛指某件事 Isnt it awful! It doesnt matter. it 有时并不指具体东西,而指天气、时间、环境、距离等,称为非人称代词it. Its raining. Its Tuesday today. Its quiet he

3、re. Its two miles to the beach.非人称代词it :It 用于代替指示代词:替代词one, ones, that, those, it, this, that1) one, ones, that, thoseThat替换单数可数名词或不可数名词;one只替换单数的可数名词 。The vase on the left is more beautiful than the one on the right.The coffee produced in Brazil is more famous than that in Mexico.That只用于替换表示事物的名词,

4、而one/ones替换表示人和表示事物的名词皆可。 His younger sister is taller than the elder one.I need the plastic bags, not the paper ones.The computers in our school are connected to the Internet while those in their school arent.The football players on our team seem to be more energetic than those on your team.That/ t

5、hose一般用于替换有定冠词的名词;one/ones用于替换有不定冠词的名词。The style of the building is similar to that of a temple.A CD player made in Japan costs more than one made in Hong Kong.That/ those一般不带前置定语,但必须有后置定语。One/ones都可。当替换词的后置定语用所有格的of短语或当替换词被所有格修饰时,不用one/ones而用that of/those of.I like the vase better than the one / th

6、at in another shop.The windows of your flat are cleaner than those of mine.A grandparents job is easier than that of a parent.2) it, this 和 that都可以替代前文已提到的事或情况,细微差别在于it不如其余两者那么强调。So she decided to paint the door pink. It upset the neighbors a bit.So she decided to paint the house pink. That really u

7、pset the neighbors, as you can imagine. 当前面提到的事物不止一件时, it通常指最先提到的事物,而This/that是指最后提到的事物。We keep the ice cream machine in the spare room. It ismainly used by the children. (指 the machine)We keep the ice cream machine in the spare room. This/That is mainly used by the children. (指the spare room)This可以

8、出现在它所指代的事物之前;而that则指上文所提到的事物。Listen to this! We will have three days off. “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Who said that?3) It和one It用以指特定的前面提到过的事物,即:it和它替换的是同一个事物,it前无修饰语;而one用于替换与前提事物有共同之处但并不完全一样的事物,因此,one之前或之后一定有修饰语来加以区别。I bought a dictionary three years ago and I am still usingit now.I bought

9、a dictionary three years ago but I am going to buy a new one soon.(一)形式主语it:有下面几种类型:be+形容词+不定式 eg: Its better to be early. be+名词+不定式 eg: It was his duty to take care of the orphans. be+介词短语+不定式 eg: Its beyond me to say why. It + 及物动词+宾语+不定式 eg: It makes me sick to think about it. be+名词+动名词 eg:Its no

10、 good standing here in the cold. be + 形容词+动名词 eg:Its helpless trying to convince her. 其他结构+动名词 eg:It doesnt matter waiting a few more days. (二)用于由that 引导的主语从句,有下面几种类型:it +be+形容词+that从句: eg: It is natural that they should have different views. it +be+名词+that从句: eg: Its a shame that youre sick.it +动词(

11、+宾语)+that从句 eg: It happened that she wasnt in that day. Eg2: It never occurred to me that perhaps she was lying. It+动词的被动语态(said/believed/thought/expected/reported/known+that从句 eg: Its said that there has been an earthquake in India. (三)形式宾语 it:it 可以代表不定式: She found it difficult to convince him. He

12、felt it his duty to take care of them.It 代表that引导的从句: I took it for granted (that) you would be coming.It代表连接代(副)词引导的从句: He hasnt made it clear when he is coming back. They havent made it known where the meeting is to take place. (四)用it跟从句用法:1)it +be+形容词+从句:It is not clear to me why he behaved like

13、that. 2)it +be+名词+从句: Its a puzzle how life began.3)it +动词(+宾语)+从句It doesnt matter much where we live.It makes no difference whether we go by train or by boat. 4)it +动词的被动语态+从句It is not decided who will edit it. 5)it +动词be +that从句 No, it couldnt be that they were interested in him. 6)It +be + 一点时间+

14、whenIt was Christmas Eve when I got the news of his being killed in a car crash.7)It +be+一段时间+ sinceIt is/has been three week since I last heard from him.8)It is time to do/ that(谓语用过去时态)It is time for us to give the house a thorough cleaning.It is time that we gave the house a thorough cleaning.9)I

15、t + be + the first/second time that(谓语动词用完成时态)It is the first time in history that two Nobel Prizes have beenawarded to the same person.10)It takes sb. Time to doIt took Mary 20 minutes to choose a suitable dress for the party.Nancy saw your sister in Tokyo last week. It was Nancy who saw your sister in Tokyo last week. It was your sister whom Nancy saw in Tokyo last week. It was in Tokyo that Nancy saw your sister last week. It was last week that Nancy saw your sister in Tokyo.(五) It 用于强调句结构:It+动词be+强调部分+who(whom)/that+其他部分


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