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1、 暑假即将来临,你班同学讨论了假期计划,提出了不同看 法。请根据提示写一篇有关讨论的英语短文,并谈谈你的看 法。注意:1. 词数100-120(不含已写好部分) 2短文必须包括表中所列要点,可根据内容分段表述。 3可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 4参考词汇:眼界-horizon (view)The Summer holiday is coming. Our class have had a discussion about what to do during the summer holiday.优优点缺点 待在家中花费费少,舒适方便不能亲亲身了解外界外出旅游增长长知识识, 开拓眼界花费费多,

2、旅途不便1.Pre-writing:2.While-writing:3.Post-writing: Discussion: How to compose a composition(议论文) ?审题: type(议论文) 、 tense(主要为一般现在时) person(第一或第三人称) 、 main points(要点)correct sentence structuretransition words/expressions (过渡词) proper structure for the passagebeautiful sentences neat handwritingread and

3、check (动词时态,人称, 单词拼写,大小写, 名词单复数, 连词和标点的使用)main pointssentencespassageMain points 花费少多 舒适,方便了解外界世界The cost /expense is low/high.It costs less than/ more thanThey will spend less/more thanknow the outside world have a good knowledge of the world have a better understanding of colorful worldIts conveni

4、ent and comfortable. It offers them convenience and comfort.增长知识,拓宽眼界 旅游不便意愿,选择add to/enrich /increase our knowledge widen/broaden/enlarge our horizons/viewsIts inconvenient and uncomfortable.meet some problems/difficulties during the trip.prefer to/ be in favor of/ tend to /would rather/ would like

5、 to /insist that /hold the view that Structure for the passageThe Summer holiday is coming. Our class have had a discussion about what to do during the summer holiday.Some_. They think_. Whats more,_. But _. However, others_. But _. In my opinion, _.Correct some mistakesnTense : nPerson: nStructure:

6、nSpelling: experence n conveient n comfotable n incresen knowlege n boardenn socityexperience convenient comfortable increase knowledge broaden混乱 混乱 段落不清晰,没条理,忽略发表意见部分societyCorrect one students passageThe summer holiday is coming. Our class have had a discussion about what to do during the holiday.

7、There are some students are in favor of staying at home .They are convenient and comfortable. They think stay at home spend less money. But they cant learn the out world by themselves.But, other students thought go traveling have some advantage. It can grow our knowledge and open our horizons. But i

8、t need more money and cause many difficults in the journey. In my opinion, stay at home is better than go out.It isstayingcostsoutsideHowever,think goinghassincrease theirbroaden theirssdifficultiesstayinggoingTransition words and phrases 表并列,递进表转折,对比表发表意见besides in addition apart from/ also whats m

9、ore / whats worse/ furthermorewhile however but on the other hand on the contraryin my opinion/ as far as Im concerned/ as for me/from the point of my view/ personally I think/ for my partEnjoy one good passage from a student(凌玉)The summer holiday is coming. Our class have had a discussion about wha

10、t to do during the holiday.Some students think that we should stay at home, for it costs us little and it is convenient and comfortable. But it will limit our communication with society and nature.On the other hand, some hold the idea that traveling is a good way for us to learn much knowledge which

11、 we cant learn from school. Its just like a bridge that combines us with the outside world, which will broaden our horizons. These are very important for our future study and work. But it often costs us so much that we cant afford, which might throw us into trouble.As we know, everything has two sid

12、es. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. We cant say which is good and which is bad. We can choose it according to our hobbies and economics.Something worth learning1.合理的过渡词/句子 2.变换句型及表达方式(避免难点,文章 不拘一格) 3.使用高级句型,使文章增色不少.使得行文流畅,条理清晰,文章更有说服力n1.nothing is more important the fact you will s

13、pend little money.(张超)n2.As far as Im concerned ,going outside is better than staying at home.(陈玲)n3.Its more comfortable and convenient to stay at home.(骆群)n4. Some students think traveling can enrich their knowledge and broaden their horizons. (魏薇,万青等)n5.If we were to do it, we would know more abo

14、ut the world and make our horizon bigger.(张瑞)n6.Some students are in favor of staying at home.(谈炎 )n1.Some people prefer to stay at home than go traveling.(丘菊)n2.We can know the variety of culture all over the world.(徐甲)n3.we can not learn many things happening in the world without having to go outs

15、ide our houses.(赵鹃)Enjoy some beautiful sentences1. The summer holiday offers us a good chance to do more valuable things, such as reading books, doing housework, practicing in the society and so on.(骆彬) 2. As is known to us, everything has two sides. (陆千军等) 3. Opinions are divided on this topic. (高明等) 4. Some students think traveling can enrich the


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