【全程复习方略】2013版高中英语 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good课件 译林牛津版必修1

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1、Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good看上去好,感觉就好话题话题 之三 意见见征询询三年5考假定你是李华华,你所喜爱爱的Global Mirror周报报在创创刊五周年之际际征集读读者意见见。请请你依据以下内容给给主编编写封信,内容主要包括:1说说明你是该报该报 的忠实读实读 者2赞赏该报优赞赏该报优 点:1)兼顾顾国内外新闻闻2)介绍绍名人成功故事3提出建议议:刊登指导导英语语学习习的文章。注意:词词数100左右。Dear Editor-in-Chief, Congratulations on the 5th anniversary of Global Mirror

2、! Im a loyal reader of your newspaper. There is no denying the fact that it has many advantages. For my part, I like it for the following two reasons. For one thing, it covers both national and international news so that I can know more about the world and broaden my horizon by simply turning the pa

3、ges. For another, the success stories of world-famous people help me shape my sense of value and it is their success stories that make me decide to spare no effort to make the world a better place. As a student, I suggest that Global Mirror publish some articles about English learning and I hope tha

4、t it will become even more popular. Sincerely yours, Li Hua 1. 全文内容要点清晰、全面符合要求。首先说说明自己是该报该报 刊的忠实读实读 者。接下来介绍该报优绍该报优 点。最后提出改进进建议议。2. 全文行文流畅畅,句式多样样,用词词高级级、得体。高级词汇级词汇 和短语语:loyal, broaden ones horizon, shape ones sense of value, spare no effort多样样句型:There is no denying. . . , . . . so that. . . , Its. .

5、. that. . . 语语篇过过渡语语:For my part, For one thing, For another【佳作习习得】用强调调句型强调调画线词线词What did you know about the matter? What was it that you knew about the matter? . 单词盘单词盘 点根据词词性和汉语汉语 意思写出词汇词汇1. _(n. )体形;数字;人物2. _(adj. )惭惭愧的,羞愧的3. _(vi. )复原,恢复健康(vt. )重新获获得, 恢复4. _(vt. )包含;容纳纳figureashamedrecovercontai

6、n5. _ (vt. 人物v. 计计算出;认为认为 ,认认定(1)keep/lose ones figure保持体形/变变胖了(2)figure on计计划、打算、预预料到某事figure out弄懂,看透;计计算出(金额额或成本)The young girl has an attractive figure. 这这位年轻轻女孩有迷人的身材。Where did you get those figures? 你从哪里得到那些数字的?He is a historical figure known to everyone. 他是一个知名的历历史人物。Though she is in her fift

7、ies, she keeps a nice figure. 尽管她五十多岁岁了,她的身材保持得很好。Have you _ _ how much the trip has cost? I hadnt _ _ costing so much money. To be honest, I cant _ _ what the money has been spent on. 旅行花了多少费费用你算出来没有?我没想到花了这这么多钱钱。老实说实说 ,我弄不懂这这些钱钱花在哪些东东西上了。figured outfigured onfigureout2. recover vi. 复原,恢复健康vt. 重新获获

8、得,恢复recover sth. 恢复(健康等);重新找回(遗遗失之物);挽回,弥补补(损损失、损损害等)recover sth. from sb. /sth. 重新获获得或找回某物recover from. . . 恢复健康;恢复常态态recover oneself使自己恢复到正常状态态I think it will take a long time for those in the quake-hit area to _ _ the loss of their loved ones. 我认为认为 地震灾区的人们们从失去亲亲人的痛苦中恢复过过来可能要花很长时间长时间 。The survivo

9、r, little Yiyi, recovered her health thanks to many doctors care. 幸存者小伊伊在许许多医生的照顾顾下恢复了健康。recover from3. failure n. 衰退, 衰竭;失败败;故障,失灵(1)engine/crop failure发动发动 机故障/庄稼歉收failure to do sth. 未做,未履行(应应做之事)(2) fail v. 失败败;忘记记、忽视视或未能(做某事)fail to do未能做或忘记记做fail(in) sth. 在某事中失败败Crop failure often results in fa

10、mine. 庄稼歉收常引起饥饥荒。His repeated failures to appear in court made the judge very angry. 他多次未出庭,让让法官很生气。I passed my maths exam but failed (in) French. 我数学考试试及格, 但法语语不及格。She did not _ _ keep her word. 她没有食言。fail to【点津】(1)failure用作不可数名词词,前面不能有不定冠词词。但是也可作可数名词词,此时时抽象名词词已经经具体化,意为为“失败败的人或物”。例如:He was a failur

11、e as a doctor. 他当过过医生,却不称职职。(2)类类似的词还词还 有:success,pleasure,surprise等。4. contain vt. 包含,含有;容纳纳Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol. 威士忌的酒精含量极高。The bowl contained a variety of fruit. 这这个碗里盛着各种各样样的水果。 【辨析】理解下列区别别并选词选词 填空containinclude(1)通常用于表示所包含之物的全部或部分。 (2)含有某种成分。 (3)容纳纳(=hold),装有。 (1)用于指整体包

12、括多少个体或把算入。 (2)including(介词词)+n. /pron. 或n. /pron. + included作状语语。 The box _ a number of letters, _ those from her admirers and of course his letters _ as well. containsincludingincluded【熟词词生义义】根据语语境选择选择 最佳汉语汉语 意思I was so angry that I couldnt contain myself. A. 控制 B. 包含 C. 容纳纳答案:A【助记】5. damage vt. ev

13、en on holidays, he preferred doing something to doing nothing. 他很勤劳劳, 即使在假日里, 他也宁愿做点什么事, 而不愿闲闲着。He preferred speaking/to speak without referring to his notes. 他更喜欢欢不看演讲讲稿作报报告。【归纳】宁愿也不愿_/ _更喜欢欢_prefer to do. . . rather than doprefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth.prefer (doing) sth.【想一想】在高考书书面表达中常会遇到“宁愿

14、也不愿”的表达法,除了上面提到的,你还还能想到哪些同义义短语语呢?【拓展延伸】表示“宁愿也不愿”的同义短语还有:would do. . . rather than do. . . would rather do. . . than do. . . 8. suffer vt. 影响have an effect on对对有影响side effect副作用take effect见见效,开始起作用come into effect开始实实施;生效in effect实际实际 上;在实实施中,有效be of no effect无效The nuclear leak has _ _ _ _ _ the envi

15、ronment. 核泄漏对环对环 境产产生了灾难难性的影响。I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didnt have any effect. 我吃了头头疼药药,可是没有效果。When do the new driving laws come into effect? 有关驾驶驾驶 的新法律什么时时候开始实实施?had a disastrous effect on/upon【助记】The new traffic rule came into effect last month. Now, it is beginning to take effect. In effect, it has a big effect on peoples life in many ways besides peoples focus on road safety. 新的交通法规规上个月开始实实施了。现现在它开始见见成效了。事实实上,除了人们对们对 道路安全的关注,它还还在方方面面影响着人们们的生活。10. count vi. 认为认为 ,算作;重要vt. 数数count for much /little很有价值值/没有意义义


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