【2014年备考】2013版高中英语全程复习课件:选修6 Units3~5(人教版)

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《【2014年备考】2013版高中英语全程复习课件:选修6 Units3~5(人教版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【2014年备考】2013版高中英语全程复习课件:选修6 Units3~5(人教版)(94页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、选修6 Units 35 话题话题 之十二文学艺术艺术三年1考假如牛津大学出版社要出版Daniel Gottlieb 编编写的“Learning from the Heart: Lessons on Living, Loving and Listening”这这本新书书,请请你根据下面的提示为该书为该书 写一篇100词词左右的英文介绍绍。1. 作者的不幸:30岁时岁时 因车祸瘫痪车祸瘫痪 (paralysed); 离过过婚(divorce)且第二个妻子得了癌症;孙孙子有自闭闭症(autism)。2. 作者的生活态态度:若不是有这这些不幸,就不会有现现在的成就。3. 该书该书 的启示:我们们要用

2、心聆听他人和自己的心声。 In most peoples eyes, Gottlieb, the writer of the book “Learning from the Heart: Lessons on Living, Loving and Listening”, might be uncomfortable with himself. He became paralysed due to an accident that happened when he was 30. He went through a terrible divorce and his second wife got

3、 cancer. Whats worse, he even had an autistic grandson. Yet in his book, Gottlieb manages to see the bright side of the hardships. As he once wrote in the book, he might not have become the man he is today were it not for the misfortunes.What the book tells us is that people should listen to the voi

4、ces of others and their own hearts and learn to feel comfortable with who they are. 1. 本文为书为书 籍介绍类绍类 的说说明文。层层次清晰,要点齐齐全,动词时态动词时态 运用正确,是一篇不错错的习习作。文章第一段叙述作者的不幸生活。写作时时用了动词动词 的过过去时时, 把握准确。第二段介绍绍作者乐观乐观 的生活态态度。第三段介绍该书绍该书 的启示。2. 全文行文流畅畅,使用词汇词汇 恰当。高级级短语语:due to, went through, manages to see, were it not for高

5、级级句型:As. . . , What. . . is that. . . 语语篇过过渡语语:In most peoples eyes, Whats worse, Yet【佳作习习得】翻译译句子要不是你的及时时帮助,我昨天是不会取得成功的。I might not have succeeded yesterday were it not for your timely help. 写作提升(七)应应用文(四)新闻报闻报 道也是高考书书面表达考查应查应 用文的重要形式之一,其结结构分为为:标题标题 、导语导语 、主体和结语结语 四部分。写新闻报闻报 道时时注意标题语标题语 言要风风趣幽默,有吸引力

6、,写作依据的材料要充分,用事实说话实说话 ,同时语时语 言要简练简练 、准确。最后报报道中要有亮点,能使人深思或产产生兴兴趣等。21世纪纪学生英文报报记记者采访访了你校“争做好学生” 活动动, 并邀请请你就活动动前后同学们们的言行变变化写一篇英语语新闻报闻报道,同时发时发 表你的个人看法。 活动动前 活动动后 1.上课迟课迟 到,作业业拖拉。 1. 准时时到校,作业认业认 真。 2. 不问问候老师师,课课后喧哗哗。 2. 尊敬师长师长 ,帮助他人。 注意:1. 请请根据以上提供的信息写篇报报道,个人看法可自由发挥发挥。2. 词词数:100120;开头头已写好(斜体部分),不计计入总总词词数。3

7、. 参考词汇词汇 :活动动 campaign【审题谋审题谋 篇】1. 本篇为为新闻报闻报 道,为应为应 用文形式之一,目的是报报道“争做好学生”活动动前后变变化的情况及个人看法。2. 人称:第一人称3. 时态时态 :活动动前的情况一般过过去时时活动动后的情况及个人看法一般现现在时时4. 写作要点:简简要概述活动动情况活动动前学生在学习习、礼貌等方面的情况活动动后学生的变变化情况个人对对此活动动的看法【常用模板】. 格式模板开头头:At the beginning of the term, a campaign . . . and great changes have taken place.

8、. . 正文:Before the campaign, we used to. . . The campaign has changed us a lot. . . 结结尾:The campaign is a very good experience. . . . 句式模板1. 陈陈述“变变化的发发生”Great changes have taken place in . . . . . . take on a new look. . . . . . see great changes. . . 2. 副词词置于句首,修饰饰整个句子Luckily, he passed the exam. Mo

9、re importantly, we have made great progress. 【尝试尝试 运用】1. 过过去我们经们经 常忘记记与老师师打招呼,课课后喧哗哗。We used to forget to greet our teachers and after class we made loud noises. (同义义句转换转换 )=Often, we forgot to greet our teachers and after class we made loud noises.2. 这这次活动动是一次很好的经历经历 ,我们们从中学到了很多。一般表达:The campaign i

10、s a very good experience and we have learned a lot from it. 高级级表达:The campaign is a very good experience, from which we have learned a lot. 【佳文点睛】At the beginning of the term, a campaign called “To be a good student” was launched in our school, and great changes have taken place since then. Before t

11、he campaign, we used to be late for school _ fail to hand in our homework in time. _, we forgot to greet our teachers and after class we made loud noises. _, the campaign has changed us a lot. We are no longer late for school _ are more careful in our homework. We have learned to show respect for th

12、e elders and help others. andOftenHoweverandThe campaign is a very good experience, from which we have learned a lot. _, we have got rid of many bad habits _ have become better students at school. More importantlyand请请你以记记者的身份,根据案件登记记卡所提供的情况,用英语语写一篇新闻报闻报 道稿。注意:1. 词词数:100120。2. Key words部分要用适当的联联想描述事

13、情发发生的经过经过及目前警察的行动动。INFORMATION ABOUT THE CASETIME 4: 55 yesterday afternoon, just before the closing time PLACE a bank in the Park StreetWEATHER raining heavily Key wordstwo young men with masks, guns, about 20, 000 dollarsnobody killed or woundedsearching for _【参考范文】Yesterday afternoon a robbery ha

14、ppened in a bank in the Park Street. According to the witnesses statements, it was five minutes to 5: 00 pm, just before the closing time of the bank. And it was raining heavily, with little traffic on the road outside. Suddenly, two young men with masks rushed in and threatened the clerks with guns

15、. Then they put the money in bags, rushed out and drove away with about 20, 000 dollars. All the things lasted for only a few minutes. Fortunately, there was nobody killed or wounded in the robbery. The police are searching for the robbers, hoping whoever gets the connected information will call them up as soon as possible.



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