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1、雅思口语考试题型雅思口语考试题型 TestTest FormatFormat 口语考试的全过程在 11 到 14 分钟, 是考官和考生之间单独的对话, 而且全程录音。 the speaking test takes between 11 and 14 minutes and consists of an oral interview between the candidate and an examiner. All Speaking tests are recorded.独 立 零 碎2.2.1 简单问答:简单问答:simple Q&A 45 分钟分钟The examiner asks th

2、e candidates about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies & other familiar topics,such as hobbies, travelling, music, film, etc. 他、她自己 工作、学习 其他熟悉的话题:兴趣爱好,旅游,音乐,电影等等等等。2.2.2 即兴演讲:即兴演讲:a card & speech 45 分钟分钟In part 2 the candidate is given a verbal prompt on a card and is asked to talk on a parti

3、cular topic. The candidate has 1 minute to prepare before speaking at length for up to 2 minutes. The examiner then asks 1 or 2 rounding-off questions.看着卡片要求作 1 分钟笔记 然后看着笔记和卡片,做至多 2 份钟的演讲 最后考官根据你的演讲用一到两个问题和你寒暄几句来圆满结束紧 密 相 关2.2.3 高级问答:高级问答:advanced Q&A46 分钟分钟In Part 3 the examiner and candidate engag

4、e in a discussion of more abstract issues and concepts which are thematically linked to the topic prompt in part 2. The discussion lasts between 4 and 5 munites. 抽象的话题和概念 和第二部分的卡片题相关2.2.1 简单问答:简单问答:simple Q&A做到:不费力地长时间讲话,没有明显的不连贯。 Speaks at length without noticeable effort or loss of coherence 做到:灵活

5、地使用多样化的连接词和交流标记词 uses a range of connectives and discourse markers with some flexibility容许:可以多次显示出语言相关的犹豫或一些自我重复或自我更正 May demonstrate language-related hesitation at times, or some repetition and/or self-correction 三句话7 分以上的答案:What kinds of music do you like?1. 正面回答:我很可能会说我对摇滚乐很投入 well, I would proba

6、bly say I am really into Rock Music.2. 解释一下:我很迷恋其节奏和吵闹 it is the rhythm and loudness that Im so obsessed with.3. 举个例子:viva la vida 来自于酷玩乐队是我听过的最好的歌之一。 Viva la vida from Coldplay is one of the best songs that Ive ever heard.7 分以上的答案:What kinds of hobbies do you have?非正面回答:实际上,我确实有很多种兴趣爱好我很享受的 well, a

7、ctually, I do have a variety of hobbies that I take pleasure from正面回答: 我会特别选择阅读作为我最爱的娱乐方式 I would particularly choose reading as my favorite type of entertainment.举个例子: 更具体的说,我真的是哈利波特的大粉丝,一本世界产销书来自己于 J.K.罗琳。 to be more precise, Im really a big fan of Harry Potter, one of the bestsellers worldwide by

8、 J.K. Rowling.低分答案: What kinds of Music do you like? - Rock MusicWhy do you like it? - Because its very loudDo you have any example? - Viva La Vida from coldplay低分答案: What kinds of hobbies do you have? - Too many Which one is the most interesting one for you? - Reading Any book you have in mind that

9、 you like? - Harry Potter低分答案: What kind of transport do you like best? - Aeroplane Why do you like it? Any reason? - Efficient and comfy In what situation did you ever travel by it? - From Shanghai to London7 分以上的答案:What kind of transport do you like to take to travel?正面回答: 我想我得选飞机作为最高效舒适的走动方式 I th

10、ink Ill have to choose the aeroplane as the most efficient & comfy way of moving around.解释一下: 这是由于这样的事实,没有东西可以和他的速度,舒适和优良的服务媲美,尽 管它相对昂贵。 this is due to the fact that nothing can match it for speed, comfort & excellent service though it is relatively expensive.举个例子: 去年我由一个很心旷神怡的旅行从上海到北京,坐英国航空,喝香槟看电影

11、11 个小时 Last year I had a very refreshing journey from Shanghai to London by the British Airway, sipping champagne and watching movies during that 11 hours 小结:fluency & coherence 流利与连贯非正面回答非正面回答 非正面回答非正面回答非正面回答非正面回答1正面回答正面回答正面回答正面回答正面回答正面回答正面回答正面回答正面回答正面回答2. 解释一下解释一下解释一下解释一下解释一下解释一下转折一下转折一下3. 举个例子举个例

12、子 举个例子举个例子举个例子举个例子举个例子举个例子2.1.2 词汇资源 lexical resources 做到:有词汇的灵活性来讨论各种话题 Uses vocabulary resource flexibly to discuss a variety of topics7 分以上答案: Birds: pigeon 鸽子 dove 白鸽,和平鸽 parrot,鹦鹉,albatross,信天翁 hummingbird 蜂鸟Dogs: poodles 贵宾犬、spaniels 垂耳狗、german shepherds, Labradors, Dalmatians and great danes.

13、 Whats your hobby? Music, films.做到:用不太普通的词或谚语 Uses some less common and idiomatic vocabulary and 容许:shows some awareness of style and collocation with some inappropriate choices7 分以上答案:我叔叔是一个精明有钱的生意人 my uncle is a shrewd and wealthy businessman.哈利波特是一个国际重磅炸弹,不仅作为书系列,而且电影系列。 Harry Potter is an intern

14、ational blockbuster not only as a series of books but films as well.做到:有效地解释一个无法表达出来的词 Uses paraphrase effectively7 分以上答案:火锅, 一种传统的四川烹饪,直接把清洗过的生的蔬菜,鱼和肉放入热辣油汤里去煮,在 餐桌上,就是,边吃边煮 Hot-pot, a traditional cuisine in sichuan province, directly putting cleaned raw vegetables, fish and meat into the hot spicy

15、 oily soup to be boiled in a big pot on the dinner table, kind of, eating while cooking at the same time.旗袍, 一种传统中国服饰,起源于唐代,通常有非常精致的丝绸刺绣,在中国女生中非常 流行,当她们出席某个国际大型活动时去展现独特的中国式优雅。 Qipao, a traditional chinese dress, originated from Tang Dynastry, usually having very delicate silk embroidery on, now very popular with Chinese girls when they attend some international big event to show a unique Chinese style of elegance.小结:词汇资源 lexical resources 不需要很高级的词 1.冷门的词要稍微了解一些


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