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1、THE CONSTITUTIONofARCHERY CLUB, HKUSU (Amended 20065) waiting for the approval of HKUSUSA CRCSECTION 0: DEFINITIONSIn this Constitution,“Club” shall mean the Archery Club, HKUSU. “Committee” shall mean the Executive Committee of the Club. “Sports Association” shall mean the Hong Kong University Stud

2、ents Union Sports Association “Team” shall mean the Team of the Club. “Union” shall mean the Hong Kong University Students Union. “University” shall mean the University of Hong KongSECTION I: GENERALArticle 1: Name The name of the club shall be “Archery Club, HKUSU”, and the Chinese name shall be “香

3、港大學學生會射箭會”Article 2: Purpose The purpose of the Club shall be: promote the interest of archery within and without the Club; b. to improve the skills of students in the sports of archery; and foster the sportsmanship of the Universitys students in the sports of archery.Article 3: Affiliatio

4、n The Club shall be affiliated to the Union.Article 4: Official Languages a.Chinese and English shall be the official languages of the Club, enjoying equal status; b. Either or both languages may be used in official meetings and official documents. Chinese, in its oral form, shall mean Cantonese dia

5、lect and Mandarin.Article 5: Club Session The Club session shall begin with the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting and shall terminate with the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting of the following year.SECTION II: MEMBERSHIP & PRIVILEGESArticle 1: Membership There shall be 3 main membersh

6、ip categories:a.Full members AnyoneThey are present students of the University, who have been duly enrolled as full members of the Union, registered with the Club and paid the membership fees, also approved by the Committee at a Committee Meeting. b. Associate members AnyoneThey are University membe

7、rs who have been duly enrolled as associate members of the Union, registered with the Club and paid the membership fees, also approved by the Committee at a Committee Meeting. c. Honorary Life Members They are the Universitys students of graduates who have made significant contributions to the Club

8、and deserve special recognition. Their memberships are subject to the approval of the Committee. The Honorary life members shall fall into any of the following classes: 1. past Committee Members 2. candidates for the “Player of the Year” and “University Sports Trophies” as elected at an AGM 3. any m

9、embers as considered appropriate by the CommitteeArticle 2: Privileges of degree of membership a.Full members shall have the right to i.enjoy all facilities of the Club, provided that they can use them properly. ii.take part in the Club activities. in General meetings. iv.nominate candidate

10、s and be nominated for candidature to the Committee, Player of the Year and the University Sports Trophy awards.b. Associate Members shall be entitled to enjoy all the privileges of Full members except (iii) & (iv) mentioned above.c.Honorary Life Members shall have the right to take part in the Club

11、 activities.Article 3: Membership Termination a.The membership of all Full Members shall be terminated on the date stated in their university student registration card. The membership of Full Members may also be terminated as stated in item (d) below. b. All Associate Members shall have their member

12、ship terminated after the membership period of the Union had been expired unless the members of classes may also be terminated as stated in item (d) below. c.All Honorary life members shall have their membership extend indefinitely long unless the conditions stated in item (d) below applies. d. Memb

13、ership of any category and/or class may be terminated by the written consent of the member, by the resolved motion that membership be terminated at an Extraordinary General Meeting or Annual General Meeting, or by the agreement of the majority of the CommitteeSECTION III: GENERAL MEETINGArticle 1: A

14、uthority The General Meeting shall possess the highest authority in all matters affecting the Club.Article 2: Annual General Meeting a.The Annual General Meetings of the Club shall be held between 15th February and 15th March. b. The meetings shall comprise the members of the Club. c. Business: i.To

15、 receive and adopt the minutes of the previous Annual General meeting, and all Extraordinary General Meetings, if any. ii.To receive and adopt the Annual Report of the outgoing session prepared by General Secretary. iii.To receive and adopt the Financial Report of the outgoing session. iv.Constituti

16、on Amendments, if any. v.To elect the Executive Committee Members of the Club for the coming session. vi.To receive and adopt the proposal for the coming session. vii.To receive and adopt the financial budget for the coming session. viii.To elect candidates for the “Player of the Year” and the “University Sports Trophies”. d. A notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Club, the agenda and a list of club members thereof shall be posted five days beforehand.


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