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1、 思必锐翻译公司1思必锐思必锐“译之道译之道”高级翻译班讲义高级翻译班讲义主讲人:萧兆华主讲人:萧兆华 教授教授/翻译专家翻译专家第一课第一课 总论总论一、翻译理论1.英文是形式逻辑,强调定量分析,验证。要么是规范的主谓宾结构,要么是主系表结构。汉语是强调内心醒悟,融会贯通的辩证逻辑。是世界上唯一容许语言支离破碎的语言,因 为任何分支都带有整个句子的全部信息。 例如:全部由名词组成的句子 古道西风瘦马 小桥 流水 人家由动词组成的句子 寻寻觅觅 2、英语切记要多用名词,少用动词 3、用祈时句都是命令的口气。不好。应多用问句 4、在英语口译中,要特别注意同位语、插入语与定语从句的灵活使用二、锦句

2、1、 Follow me; we can translate our tears into happy smile. 逢凶化吉 2、 Life means translation.生命在于折腾 3、 We should make our medication affordable and accessible for common people. 要解决老百 姓看病难,看病贵问题。Medicare 医疗保险4、 We should make our higher education accessible for those from poor families.我们要让低收 入家庭的孩子上得起

3、学5、 Just as the moon has its waxes and wanes, people have their sorrows and enjoyment, departure and reunion.月有阴睛圆缺,人有悲欢离合6、 She is a pretty girl and her house sales are also pretty good. 靓妹售楼,成绩菲然 7、 This house has a good location with sufficient sunshine and nice ocean view. 阳光充沛,可 观海景,地点上佳8、 Yest

4、erday is always in the past, today will be in the past, and we are always facing the future. 9、 No regret for the past, no depression for the present ,No worry for the future 10、Sanitize sinisaiz,sai- vt. 使中国化 Sinian 11、Favorable situation 天时,good location 地利 Peoples support 人和。11 12、You must first

5、know how to live before you know how to love 13、Any new face to you? 在做的你全都认识么? 14、Shall I give you my cell phone number? 15、Good often visit us, but most of the time, we are not at home. 机会总在身边,看是否有人准备好16、Wait for your chance with the patient of cat, catch the chance with the force of the tiger思必锐翻

6、译公司217、知识经济 Knowledge based economyKnow what 实事知识 Know how 技能知识 Know why 原理知识 Know who 人文知识Know when 时间概念 Know where 地理概念 Know how much 数量概念18、Do you like the game between four? 你喜欢打麻将么? 19、I no longer serve in IBM 我不在 IBM 上班了 20、Good teachers tell the way to success.师傅领进门,修行在个人 21、With the good mas

7、tery of mathematics, physics and chemistry, you will have nothing to worry about wherever you go.22、I am the ABC learner(初学者) in math 23、You do the math. 你说了算 24、Your mathematics is not on the right. 你算得不对 25、Every month ,I must keep at least 900RMB for my daily necessity.生活费 26、You should believe t

8、hat sometimes down, sometimes up. 三十年河东,三十年河西 27、He survived the earthquake/booming/9.11 28、The black widow is a teenage girl who is always ready to carry out BEN Ladens instructions for suicide booming.29、Suicide letter 遗书 30、These days, girls cut their hair shorter and shorter, boys keep their hai

9、r longer and longer31、Gossip chatting is a fearful thing. 人言可畏 32、the younger generation will surpass the older 后生可畏sp:s, -ps 33、the distance between two walls is three meters , and the drop between ceiling and floor is 2.7 meters34、Yesterday the stock market suffered a sharp drop.昨天股市狂跌 35、In these

10、 days the stock market kept declining,最近股市看跌 36、This is to certificate that Li Ming was together with us from 3 to 8 pm yesterday.兹证明 37、Shortly after conversation ,he showed me the door 还没聊两句,他就下了逐客令 38、Laugh you way forward.笑傲江湖 39、What is done can never be undone.世上没有后悔药吃 40、It is better for the

11、man to undo what he did himself.解钤还需系钤人 41、They did not give sb a ghost of chance. 他们不对.包任何希望 42、You can unsay what you said ,you can undone what you have done.你不能抵赖你所说 的和做过的事。43、Mr.wang dead of the traffic accident.王先生死于车祸。 44、I saw the spirit(熟悉的人的) of Mr. Wang on my way home from reading room las

12、t night.45、bamboozle bmbu:zl vt. 欺骗;使迷惑, 忽悠46、China has a population of 1.3 billion, each problem no matter how small it is times 1.3 billion, become a very serious problem. Each economic achievement no matter how great it is divided by 1.3 billion will be a very small CDP per capita.47、She is of to

13、o liberty 她太散漫48、I know from an advertisement in today Beijing Daily that you are in need of a confidential secretary, I now take the liberty of(冒昧的) writing this letter to offer myself for (毛遂自荐)this job.49、In next term, the history of CPC will be given by Professor Wang. 50、In next term, Professor

14、 Wang will offer the history of CPC.(开课程)思必锐翻译公司351、Because I have a big family to support, I have to earn extra money in my spare time. 52、USA and China are exactly like a couple who quarrel all day long without mentioning divorce, because they have had already part of each other, none of them will

15、 feel comfortable without the other.53、CPI -consumer price index 居民消费指数 54、The hero knows when to eat the humble pie and when to hold his head high.大丈夫能屈能伸。55、Stories might be yes ,might be no. might be false, might be true.故事里的事说是也是,不是也是,56、With all due respect.恕我冒昧 No offense 没有冒犯你的意思。 三、实战练习 1、We

16、 are faced(被迫地) with challenges from all aspects and also a life-time opportunity(千载 难逢的) 2、Knowledge-based economy (知识经济)is approaching us ,the method of economic growth is radically.(急剧变化)3、Science and technology, especially information technology is playing more and more important role in (起到越来越重要的作用)economic growth and attacking(冲击着) in a all-round way(全面地) the rules of game and


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