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1、孟晓驷在联合国国际妇女节纪念仪式上的演讲时间:2010-03-05 08:36 来源:口译网 作者:口 译网 点击:671 次 国务院妇女儿童工作委员会副主任、全国妇联副主席孟晓驷在联合国国际妇女节纪念仪式 上的演讲Remarks by Mme. MENG Xiaosi,Head of Chinese Delegation to 54th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women at the UN Meeting to Commemorate the International Womens Day2010/03/03尊敬的潘基文秘书长

2、, 尊敬的挪威性别平等与儿童事务部长利斯巴肯先生, 尊敬的各位部长,各位代表, 亲爱的朋友们、姐妹们:Your Excellency, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Your Excellency, Mr. Audun Lysbakken, Minister for Gender Equality and Childrens Affairs of Norway, Excellencies, Distinguished delegates, Dear friends and sisters,今天我们汇聚一堂,隆重庆祝三八国际妇女节。十分荣幸能够在这里表达中国妇女对

3、世界 妇女事业发展的心声,转达中国妇女对世界各国妇女节日的问候和美好祝愿。Today we gather here to grandly celebrate the International Womens Day. I am greatly honored to be here to express the aspirations of Chinese women for the development of the world womens cause, and forward greetings and best wishes from Chinese women to women of

4、 the world!三月八日已经成为许多国家妇女的共同节日,无论种族、肤色、阶级、民族、宗教、残疾 与否,我们有着共同的名字女性。没有任何一个时刻更能让我们清楚地意识到,我们 彼此血脉相连,我们的命运休戚与共。March 8th has become a day of celebration for women in many countries. For women of all races, colors, classes, ethnicities or religions, whether disabled or not, we share the same name “women“.

5、 No other moment enables us to better understand our connections and our shared destiny.今年的妇女节尤为值得纪念。2010 年不仅是国际妇女节诞生 100 周年,也是消除对妇女 一切形式歧视公约通过 30 周年, 公约任择议定书通过 10 周年,第四次世界妇女大会 召开 15 周年,同时也是联合国通过千年发展目标 10 周年。一座座丰碑记录了世界妇女运 动的光辉历程,铭刻了世界妇女平等与发展事业的伟大成就。但是,正如英国妇女运动思 想家朱丽叶米切尔所说,妇女解放运动也许将是一场最漫长的革命。新的现实不仅呼唤

6、 世界各国尽快全面履行承诺,而且要求我们采取新的更加有力、更加有效的行动,把世界 妇女平等与发展事业推向新的高度。或许,这才是对三八国际妇女节诞生一百周年最好的 纪念,才是对世界各国妇女最为切实的节日祝愿!The International Womens Day this year is worth particular commemoration. 2010 marks not only the centenary of International Womens Day, but also the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Elimi

7、nation of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the 10th anniversary of the Optional Protocol to CEDAW, as well as the 15th anniversary of the 4th World Conference on Women (FWCW) and the 10th anniversary of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). These milestones recorded the glori

8、ous course of world womens movement, and witnessed marvelous achievements of world womens cause for equality and development. However, as Juliet Mitchell, the British feminist, pointed out, womens liberation may be the longest ever revolution. New realities not only calls on all states to fully deli

9、ver their commitments, but also requires us to adopt more vigorous and more effective actions to bring gender equality and womens advancement to a new height. This, perhaps, is the best commemoration of the centenary of the International Womens Day, and warmest greetings to women of the world!在中国,今年

10、的妇女节具有格外重要的意义。当国际妇女节百年华诞到来之际,中国的妇 女运动已经站在中华人民共和国建国 60 周年的新起点上。60 年来,中国妇女的地位发生 了“翻天覆地”的变化。亿万中国妇女从过去倍受压抑和桎梏的群体变成了国家、社会和 自己命运的主人。中国的改革开放和快速发展为妇女进步带来了前所未有的机遇,中国女 性以自尊、自信、自立、自强的精神踊跃参与竞争、主动迎接挑战,在经济、政治和科教 文卫等各项事业中发挥了积极的作用,撑起了新中国经济发展和社会进步的“半边天” 。几 十年来,中国妇女事业进步的经验告诉我们,平等与发展互为依存,密不可分;妇女事业 的发展离不开国家的全面发展,离不开政府强

11、有力的政治意愿,离不开全体公民的积极参 与和奉献;妇女既要争取解放和平等,也要积极参与发展。只有平等与发展并行,我们的 路才能越走越宽、越走越远。In China, the Womens Day this year is of particular importance. At the arrival of the centenary of the International Womens Day, the Chinese womens movement stands on a new starting point of the 60th anniversary of the founding

12、 of the Peoples Republic of China. Over the 60 years, the status of Chinese women has undergone “earth-shaking“ changes. Hundreds of millions of Chinese women are no longer the oppressed and fettered group of the past, but masters of the country, the society and their own destiny. The reform and ope

13、ning up and rapid development of China has brought along unprecedented opportunities for progress of women. Through active participation in competition and by meeting challenges in the spirits of self respect, self confidence, self reliance and self development, Chinese women have played positive ro

14、les in economic, political, scientific, educational and health affairs, and hold up “half of the sky“ of economic and social progress of New China. Decades experience of advancing womens cause in China shows that equality and development are interdependent and inseparable from each other, and that w

15、omens advancement is inseparable from national development, strong political will of the government, as well as active participation and contribution of all citizens. Only when equality and development go hand in hand can we blaze a longer and broader path forward.尊敬的各位代表,朋友们,Distinguished delegates

16、, dear friends,15 年前,联合国第四次世界妇女大会在中国北京召开,它不仅为亿万中国人民和妇女打开 了一双通过性别视角看世界的眼睛,极大地推动了中国男女平等的进程,也为世界妇女事 业增添了永不磨灭的光辉。 北京行动纲领指引着我们行动的方向,12 个重大关切领域 得到确认, “妇女权利是人权”和“性别意识主流化”的观念得到认可,妇女的多样性和对 处于不利境地群体的关注日益提上日程。在执行北京行动纲领 ,推进妇女人权的过程中, 我们深刻地意识到,人权与平等实现的道路千差万别,必须根据各国的国情自主地选择。 15 年的实践告诉我们,性别意识主流化和性别数据指标是重要的工具,但是不能取代实质 性的推进性别平等的活动。15 年来的实践告诉我们,妇女问题包括发展的问题,也包括社 会性别的问题,不能孤立解决。15 年来的实践还告诉我们,不同妇女群体的诉求有所不同, 需要平等的倾听和同样的尊重,包括来自弱小、贫困、不发达和发展中国家妇女以及被边 缘化的妇女群体的诉求。15


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