2014高考英语【牛津·江苏专用】全程复习方略配套课件: 写作点拨系列(十)短文写作之图画作文

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2014高考英语【牛津·江苏专用】全程复习方略配套课件: 写作点拨系列(十)短文写作之图画作文_第1页
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2014高考英语【牛津·江苏专用】全程复习方略配套课件: 写作点拨系列(十)短文写作之图画作文_第2页
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2014高考英语【牛津·江苏专用】全程复习方略配套课件: 写作点拨系列(十)短文写作之图画作文_第3页
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2014高考英语【牛津·江苏专用】全程复习方略配套课件: 写作点拨系列(十)短文写作之图画作文_第4页
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2014高考英语【牛津·江苏专用】全程复习方略配套课件: 写作点拨系列(十)短文写作之图画作文_第5页
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《2014高考英语【牛津·江苏专用】全程复习方略配套课件: 写作点拨系列(十)短文写作之图画作文》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2014高考英语【牛津·江苏专用】全程复习方略配套课件: 写作点拨系列(十)短文写作之图画作文(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、写作点拨系列(十) 短文写作之图画作文(2012陕陕西高考)假定你是李华华。下面的图图画描述了教师节师节 那天你们们班组组织织的一次活动动,请请根据写作要点并参考图图画内容,为为校刊“英语语角”版面写一篇短文。写作要点:1. 活动动的策划;2. 教室的布置;3. 活动动的内容;4. 你的感想。Ms. Li, our English teacher, did not receive a single greeting card from us students early on Teachers Day. She would have never thought a complete surpr

2、ise was waiting for her. _【审题抓准信息快速推断】项项 目结结 论论体 裁_话话 题题_时时 态态_人 称_图图画作文描述教师节师节 的一次活动动一般过过去时为时为 主第一人称为为主【定点把握要点,遣词造句】第1段:点明话题话题 令人吃惊的教师节师节 (已给给出)第2段:教师节师节 准备备【信息】图图画描述了教师节师节 那天你们们班组织组织 的一次活动动【点拨拨】转转化人称,分析图图画,结结合提示确定活动动内容【运用】(1)随着教师节师节 的来临临,作为为今年的一次改变变, 我们们班决定举办举办 一场场晚会来庆庆祝这这个重要的日子。一般表达:Teachers Day

3、was approaching. Our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day for a change this year. 高级级表达:(用连词连词 合并句子)_, our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day for a change this year. As Teachers Day was approaching(2)9月10号的那天下午,我们们中的一些同学用纸纸花和气球来装饰饰教室,其他同学去买买蛋糕、饮饮料和水果

4、。On the afternoon of September 10,_, and others went to buy cakes, drinks and fruits. (3)黑板上装饰饰有漂亮的字,上面写着“教师节师节 快乐乐”。The blackboard was decorated with beautiful words, _. some of us decorated ourclassroom with paper flowers and balloonswhich read“Happy Teachers Day! ”第3段:活动动的内容【信息】分析图图画中的内容:女教师师、学生站

5、队队、鲜鲜花等【点拨拨】适度发挥发挥 ,切合图图画内容即可【运用】(4)走进进教室,李老师师吃惊地发现发现 我们们正列队队等候,拍着手大声地说说“教师节师节 快乐乐”。_, Ms. Li was surprised to find we were standing in line, _ and saying loudly “Happy Teachers Day! ”Entering the classroomclapping hands(5)我们们班的班长长王华华把准备备好的花送给给了她。Wang Hua, our monitor, _. (6)一些女生为为李老师师唱起了歌,三位男生表演了功夫

6、。Some of the girls sang songs for Ms. Li, _. presented her with the preparedflowersand three boys showedtheir kung fu talent第4段:你的感想【信息】紧紧扣教师节师节 ,表达对对老师师的感谢谢【点拨拨】感想符合教师节话题师节话题 内容即可【运用】(7)李老师师与我们们一起愉快地度过过了教师节师节 ,但我们们知道她的辛勤劳动劳动 和对对我们们的指导导我们们再怎么表达感谢谢也不为过为过 。Ms. Li spent a wonderful time with us, _. but

7、 we know that wecannot thank her enough for all her hard work and guidance【注意事项项】这这是一篇图图画作文。在写作中要注意:1. 图图画作文所提供的材料是一幅或几幅图图,所写内容有日记记、故事、简简介等,有的还还提供一定的参考词汇词汇 ,因此有一定的发挥发挥 空间间,但它并不是允许许考生随意发挥发挥 ,这这是图图画作文的特点;2. 该类该类 作文的写作一般分四步:一审审,二列,三连连,四改。即看清图图画表达的含义义,再根据要点逐一翻译译,加以串连连,最后修改,检查检查 即可。【成篇衔接过渡,连句成篇】Ms. Li, o

8、ur English teacher, did not receive a single greeting card from us students early on Teachers Day. She would have never thought a complete surprise was waiting for her.As Teachers Day was approaching, our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day for a change this year. On the aft

9、ernoon of September 10,some of us decorated our classroom with paper flowers and balloons, and others went to buy cakes, drinks and fruits. The blackboard was decorated with beautiful words, which read “Happy Teachers Day! ”Entering the classroom, Ms. Li was surprised to find we were standing in lin

10、e, clapping hands and saying loudly “Happy Teachers Day! ” Wang Hua, our monitor, presented her with the prepared flowers. Some of the girls sang songs for Ms. Li, and three boys showed their kung fu talent. Before we left, we enjoyed a new English song by Ms. Li. Ms. Li spent a wonderful time with us, but we know that we cannot thank her enough for all her hard work and guidance.


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