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1、M6U1 Vocabulary I. aim (n.)你生活的目标是什么?What is your aim in life? (n.)我的目标是要当警察。 My aim is to become a policeman. (v.)Scientist aimed the experiment to find out how disease developed.(科学家做这个 实验旨在发现疾病是怎样形成的。) (v.)他的目标是成为一个成功的作家。He aims to be a successful writer. (v.)彼得用枪瞄准鸟,但没有开枪。Peter aimed the gun at

2、the bird, but did not fire.II. adopt After much deliberation, the president decided to adopt her suggestion. (总经理再三考虑之后,决定采纳她的建议。) Mr. Kern adopted the orphan as his own son. (克恩先生将那孤儿收养为自己的儿子。 ) adoption (n.) 采纳,采用;收养采纳,采用;收养 adoptive (adj.) 收养关系的,采用的收养关系的,采用的 adopt sb.s methods of teaching 采用某人的教学

3、方法采用某人的教学方法 You did very well. Have you _ his suggestion to improve your work? A. offered B. adopted C. provided D. receivedIII. possess The country possesses rich mineral deposits. (这个国家拥有丰富的矿藏。) One main idea possessed her; she must get away from home. (她只有一个想法;她 一定要离家出走。) Possession (n. esp. pl.)

4、 财产;所有财产;所有 That picture is in my possession. 那张画在我手里。 Her possessions could fit in one suitcase. (她的全部财务可以装在一个手提箱内。) in possession of sth. 占有某物占有某物 in the possession of 为为所拥有所拥有 take/get possession of 拿到;占有;占领拿到;占有;占领 1) 她有一些有趣儿的画儿。She possesses some interesting pictures. 2) 警察问我是否有枪。The police ask

5、ed me if I possessed a gun. 3) 句型转换: My uncle possesses a large farm.My uncle is in possession of a large farm.A large farm is in the possession of my uncle.IV. a great deal 1) He knew a great deal more than I did. (他懂的比我多很多。) 2) 他们很多工作都是没有报酬的。 A great deal of their work is unpaid. 3) 这部车比那部车便宜很多。 T

6、his car is a great deal cheaper than that one. 4) 他花很多钱买参考书。 He spends a great deal of money on references books.A great deal/a large amount of/much 修饰不可数名词修饰不可数名词A large/great number of; a good many; many/many a /quite a few 修饰可数修饰可数 名词名词A lot of/lots of/plenty of/a large quantity of/ large quantit

7、ies of 修饰可数或不修饰可数或不 可数名词可数名词 5) -How do you like the film? -Oh, it is wonderful. People here think _B_ of it. A. a number B. a great deal C. a great many D. a plenty V. attempt 1) 每一次我都试图说服她,但全然不起作用。Every time I attempted to convince her, I fail completely. 2) 我试着走绳索。 I attempted walking along the r

8、ope. 3) 他为破世界纪录做了最后一次努力。He made one last attempt at the world record. 4) The Chinese are looking forward to the first _ to land on the moon after Yang Liweis successful trip to space. A. measure B. attempt C. purpose D. desireVI. appeal vi. 有感染力有感染力;呼吁呼吁;求助求助vt. 将将上诉上诉n. 呼吁;恳求;吸引力呼吁;恳求;吸引力 The idea

9、appealed to Mary. (这主意正合玛丽的心意。) He appealed to his friends for support. 他请求朋友们支持。 She appealed to the high court against her sentence. 她不服判决而向高等法院上诉。She appealed to the kidnappers to release her son. (她哀求绑架者释放她的儿子。) The police are appealing to the public for information about the crime. (警察呼吁公 众提供有关

10、这宗罪案的信息。) He made one last appeal to his father (n.) to forgive him. 他最后一次恳求父亲宽恕 他。 These subjects have lost their appeal for (n.) most students. 对多数学生来说,这些 学科已经失去了吸引力。 appealing (adj.) 令人行动的, 吸引人的,迷人的, The idea of a holiday abroad is certainly appealing. (到国外度假的主意肯定大受欢 迎。) 1) Teaching as a career _

11、 to many people owing to the long holidays. A. attracts B. calls C. appeals D. pulls 2)Recently more and more farmers have _ the government rather than nature for help.A. appealed to B. centered on C. attended on D. lived up toPractice: aim, adopt, possess, a great deal, attempt, predict, appeal1. M

12、any of us would like to adopt (收养)one of the children who lost their parents in the earthquake.2. They still need a great deal more money to build the new villages. 3. A man is being questioned in relation to the attempted (企图) robbery last night. 4. Kindness is possessed (拥有) by every one of us, wh

13、ich is clearly shown at emergency times. 5. The police are appealing to (呼吁) the public for any information about the missing girl. 6. No one can predict (预测) when the disease will strike again. 7. Were aiming (向某方向努力) to build a more harmonious society.Module6 Unit 2 Vocabulary I. convey (vt.) 传达;运

14、送传达;运送 1. Words cant convey how delighted I was! (话语表达不出我是多么高兴!convey: 表达,转达to communicate or express something, with or without using words) 2. A carriage was waiting to convey him home. (一辆马车正等着送他回家。convey: 运载,运送to take or carry something from one place to another=transport) Exercises: 1. He was s

15、ent to convey a message (传达一条信息) to the U.N. Secretary General. 2. I want to convey to children (告诉孩子们) that reading is one of lifes greatest treats. 3. convey sb./sth. convey sth. to sb. 请代我向她表示良好的祝愿。Please convey my best wishes to her. II. concrete (adj.) 具体的具体的;有形的有形的 (n.) 具体物具体物;混凝土混凝土 His plan

16、is not yet concrete. (他的计划尚不具体。) definite and specific Shoes and trees are concrete objects. (鞋和树是实物。) A concrete object is a real, physical object. These buildings are made of concrete and steel. (这些房屋使用钢和混凝土建成的。) The workmen are concreting the road. (工人们在用混凝土铺路。) antonym: abstract (adj.) 抽象的 抽象概念 an abstract idea Exercises: 1. 他的计划尚不具体。His plan is not yet


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