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1、必修三必修三 Unit 1 Festival around the world Period 1 Part 1 词汇一、自主学习。Task 1 : 朗读全单元的课文,注意与节日及庆祝节日相关的词汇与句型,找出并划上记号。 Task 2 : 与同学交流并补充。 二、展示成果。 Task 1 : 描述节日的词汇:beauty; harvest; celebration; origin; religious; seasonal; ancestor; incense; feast; belief; agriculture; award; rooster; admire; lunar; Christia

2、n; cherry; blossom; custom; rosebud; fool; fashion; sadness; obvious; wipe; weep; 本单元中的节日词汇:Obon; Halloween; Columbus Day; carnival; Easter; Christmas Day; Valentines Day; the Spring Festival; the Mid-autumn Day; 与节日相关的短语:take place; in memory of; dress up; play a trick on; look forward to; day and

3、night; as though; have a fun with; turn up; keep ones word; hold ones breath; set off; remind of; have in common; 可用于作文的句型:Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held/ taken place everywhere since ancient times. Todays festivals have many origins, some religious, some seasonal, and some f

4、or special people or events. Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might People go to clean graves and light incense in memory of They also light lamps and play music because they think that this will lead back to earth/ life. The western holiday Halloween also

5、had its origin in old beliefs about They can dress up and go to their neighbors to ask for The children might play a trick on Festivals can also be held to honour Columbus Day is in memory of People are grateful because They will decorate the churches and halls with People admire These carnivals mig

6、ht include It/ The festival celebrates Festivals let us enjoy Part 2 作文作文Task 1 : 复习并归纳课本 P8 作文写法。按照课本上的要求,看下面的作文要求,先将要点写在下面的空白处。_Task 2 : 完成下面作文,尽可能用上以上总结的内容。 我国政府决定从 2008 年起增设清明、端午、中秋为国家法定节假日,这有利于弘扬和传承民族传统文化。请你为校报“英语园地”栏目写一篇短文介绍端午节。 写作内容: 名称:端午节(the Dragon Boat Festival) ,中国传统节日。 时间:农历五月初五;追溯到两千多年

7、前;今年 6 月 8 日是端午节。 庆祝方式:赛龙舟,特别是在南方河流、湖泊多的地方;包粽子,用竹叶包裹的粘黏的米饭饺子。 意义:纪念中国古代的伟大诗人屈原。 写作要求: 100 词左右。参考词汇: calendar(日历);date from(追溯到) ; glutinous(粘黏的)A possible version: The Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional Chinese festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month on the lunar calendar. It da

8、tes from over 2000 years ago, which falls on June 8th this year. On this day, Chinese people prepare Zongzi, glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves. As the festival name shows, people have dragon boat races to celebrate it, especially in the southern places where there are many rivers and

9、 lakes. The Dragon Boat Festival is in memory of Qu Yuan, a great poet of ancient China.Period 2 2. dont need to/neednt dress up.; 3to turn off; 4. are meant for ; 5. was drowned in the book / drowned himself in the book; 6. are supposed to know ; 7. admired the hero for his bravery ; 8. It was not

10、until he turned up ; 9. had kept his words ; 10. Apologizing for being late ; Task 2 : 与老师核对答案,明确自己知识上的不足,写在空白处。 Task 3 : 自我复习导与练相关语言点的讲解,尤其注意自己失误的地方,标出记号,理解其用法。 Task 4 : 总结与归纳。 易错点、考点归纳如下: _Task 5 : 巩固与强化。 完成下面完成句子,并自我核对答案。 1. Then came the hour _ for a long time. (look)我们期盼了很久的时刻来临了。 2. As we know

11、, this is a childrens festival, _ and go out in the neighborhood to enjoy themselves. (dress )大家都知道,这是孩子们的节日,此时他们可以盛装打扮,去街坊家玩。 3. This morning, as I was working, a man _ stepped into my shop and begged me for some money.(dress)今天早晨,当我正在工作的时候,一个衣衫褴褛的人走进我的商店,向我讨钱。4. He looks _for quite a few days. (sl

12、eep)他看上去好像好几天没睡觉。 5. His parents _ the time, for he was late for the meeting again. (remind)他父母不可能提醒了他时间,因为他开会又迟到了。 6. Although _ , the driver still did not take it seriously. (remind)尽管有人提醒他要小心驾驶,可那司机仍没有认真对待。 7. _ the conference is a great honor for me. (able)能参加这次会议是我的荣幸。 8. Bob is already 20 minu

13、tes late. What _ to him? (happen)Bob 迟到了二十分钟,他可能发生了什么事呢?9Giving children whatever they want . (harmful)给孩子们想要的任何东西是对他们有害的。 10. He told me that it was the boy _ me yesterday. (trick)他告诉我,昨天跟我搞恶作剧的是那个男孩子。 keys: 1. (that / which) we had been looking forward to ; 2. when they can dress up ; 3. (who was) dressed in rags.(写出 dressed,给 1 分); 4. as if / as though he hasnt slept ; 5. cant/couldnt have reminded him of; 6. (he was) reminded to drive


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