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1、SHANDONG 毕 业 论 文道路车辙处理的方法决策系统设计学 院:交通与车辆工程学院专 业: 交通工程 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 2013 年 6 月摘要I摘摘 要要车辆超载超限现象非常普遍,这种交通条件对路面的破坏作用是非常严重 的。在行车荷载和环境因素的作用下,以及车辆荷载越来越集中地分布于道路 轮迹带处,而引起的渠化交通,使得我国公路沥青路面的车辙问题越来越突出。 在交通发达的国家,沥青路面车辙的有关参数值或计算已成为路面设计中的一 项非常重要的控制指标。然而在我国当前基本上没有相关标准对车辙进行分类, 也没有规定达到什么尺寸的车辙必须进行维修处理,高速公路管理部门对一般 的

2、车辙只做记录,没有当作进行路面维修的重要决策依据。目前我们国家对路 面车辙养护技术的研究大多停留在养护措施的技术层面上,对于防护决策的研 究也未取得实质性进展。本文是通过决策支持系统对车辙处理不同技术的资金、 工程时间、寿命等对比分析确定经济性、实用性最优的治理方案。信息化被视 作现代化行业的生命线,最近10年来国内各行业信息化一直处于加速状态。与 此同时,各大公司在信息方面的投入也都是不遗余力。从业务的数据化再到业 务的信息化,在以数据的分析研究为基础的数据库决策支持系统建设,在未来 的公司发展进程中将会受到重视。本文重点设计与实现决策支持系统,然后研 究决策支持系统和它的相关技术。在分析了

3、我国交通信息化发展现状的基础上, 本文提出了道路车辙处理的方法决策支持系统的整体的设计思路。车辙的处理 应该在道路建设的各个环节给与重视,才能减少车辙的出现。关键词关键词:高速公路、沥青路面、信息化、车辙、决策支持系统AbstractIIAbstractAs road traffic growth far exceeded the growth of the design expectations ,highway heavy car proportion is rising at the same time, vehicle overloading transfinite phenomeno

4、n is very common,Such traffic is a very serious role in the destruction of the conditions on the road .Under the action of vehicle load and environment factors, and the vehicle load is more and more concentrated distribution in road wheel track ,to caused the channelized traffic, makes our country h

5、ighway asphalt roadbed rut problem increasingly prominent.In the traffic developed country, computing or related parameters of rutting of asphalt pavement has become an important control index in pavement design.However, there is basically no the relevant standards rut classification , there is no p

6、rovision to achieve and what size rut must be repaired in our country,highway management department to keep a record of general rut, do not as a important decision basis for pavement maintenance.The current research on pavement rutting disease curing technology in China mainly stay on application te

7、chnology of concrete curing measures level, for protective decision-making research is also not made substantive progress.In this paper, by decision support system for dealing with different technologies rut funds, engineering time, life and other comparative analysis to determine the economical,pra

8、ctical optimal governance programs. Information is the lifeblood of the modernization as the past 10 years, the domestic information technology industry has been in a state of acceleration.Meanwhile, the major companies in the information aspects of the investment are also spared no effort. From the

9、 business data into business knowledge based, data-mining-based data warehouse decision support system construction, information technology companies in the future construction being sought.This paper focuses on decision support systems design and implementation, and decision support systems and rel

10、ated technology research and exploration. In the analysis of the status AbstractIIIand trends of development of information technology, based on the proposed rut process decision support systems overall design concept and its design .Rutting processing should be in each link gives importance to road

11、 construction, to reduce the occurrence of rutting.Keywords: highway, asphalt pavement, information technology ,rutting ,decision support systemIV目录目录摘 要 .I Abstract .II 目录 .IV 第一章 绪论.1 1.1 概述.1 1.2 课题研究的目的及意义.2 1.2.1 课题研究的目的.2 1.2.2 课题研究的意义.2 1.3 车辙形成原因.3 1.4 车辙形成过程.4 1.5 决策支持系统的形成和国内外发展现状.5 1.6 我国道路交通行业信息化发展现状以及趋势分析.6 1.7 本章小结.7 第二章 决策支持系统及相关技术.



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