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1、Unit 1 Part A 15:DCCAB 610:AACCD 1115: CBCADPart B Passage I I 15:DBBBA II 1:there were probably 10 million people. 2:it is expected to be 10 billion. 3:if the resources could be distributed more equally around the world, there would be enough for everyone. 4:only 10 percent. 5:it is how to limit po

2、pulation growth. Passage II I 15:CDCBA II 1)100002)55003)40004)more than 2800 5)Egypt6)4607)less than 260 Part D 1)award2)glory3)profit4)trust5)dedication 6)significance 7)moment8)anguish9)physical10)spirit 11)conflict12)alone13)worth14)room15)heart 16)honor17)compassion18)curse19)lust20)valueUnit 2

3、Part A Dbddc cbccb ccbca Part B Passage I Acdbd Crime analysis officer Top restaurants An empty chair To take it In pairs Some kind of disturbance Snatching pursesNever be placed On the coat hook In the next stall Enough time to escape Passage II Bcaca TTFTFUnit 3 Part A Bddca bddbc accabPart B Pass

4、age I Abadd Utility Utilize Available The state of art = cutting- edged Deliver information = pass on information Facility Facilitate = help = make sth easier Adapt their methods to incorporate (add) this new media into their teaching Make fundamental impact on Competitive advantage Purchase Justify

5、 its purchase by applying it to routine administrative tasks. Attendance records Grading Keep the students interested and productive Engage sth in distance education Conference conferencing Via = through Desktop / laptop Passage II Adada A means for commerce Popularity Transaction Distribute informa

6、tion Expedite Funds can be diverted into marketing or advertizing Cyber space knows no national boundaries. NeighborhoodTransmission Establish the linkssource Privacy Security Destination Credit card Transferred Feel safe Guarantee Safer than Paying forUnit 5 Part A Abdcc bdabc cacabSketch out Pull

7、everything together Toaster Burn toast Slices Scrape off the burnt part Credit Pretty busy = very busyPart B Cbcba Steering wheel Take turns with you at the wheel Patrotic scotsman Exaggerated On arriving Readily agree Windy hilly mountainous “Loch” in the neighborhood Copious “high tea” take the pl

8、ace of sth Brunch: breakfast and lunch It consists of one substantial course Light (heavy) supper Continential breakfast light meal which consists of bread, juice, mill and jam. Twists and turns (twist and bends) Dips and climbs (ups and downs) Hazard Active and impudent A herd of long-haired cattle

9、 Savage Run paralell with the sea Along the coastline fringed with Which is made ragged with rocky bays and inlets From England to Scotland Changes of scenery Fairly long journey At the Wheel Travelling with Going to see the finest scenery On arriving Indeed magnificent United kingdom which is abbre

10、viated as UK consists of three parts known as Britian, scotland and Wales.Part C Cabca Slope fertile Rich pasture Mineral rescources Coal seams Mining villages grew into towns around iron and steel foundries, chemical work and oil refineries. Seaside resorts Energetic Be Ideal for Choir Eisteddfod =

11、 arts festival National costume Contribute to the gaiety of the festival Bustle with CelticPart D State The will Imagination Freshness Courage over timidity DesertingWrinkle the skin Enthusiasm Soul Heart Spirit Wonders Whats next Game of living Beauty Infinite Down Pessimism Optimism youngUnit 6 Pa

12、rt A A aadb ddbda adabcI had a hard time getting through this novel = find sth difficult Wind up going to the second show = end up doing sth (are you) sorry you decided to take it? Travel agent Its all set. Head for a destination Academic calendar Grade (grade sth: V) Broad claims that were not supp

13、orted enough Has got some sort of conflicts in her schedule convince in the minority hocky finals she would be available as backup make do with what weve gotPart B CACDD Critics Costly Ethnic group African and Hispanic Non-profit institution analogy1.in 1926 2.They can take costly preparation classe

14、s 3.African-Americans and Hispanics 4.About thirty minutes. 5.In March, 2005Passage 2 Bdacb Four years of attendance Learn science intensively Prescribe medicine Resident Length of residency depends on Gain entrance to it = enter it Work under guidance of an experience doctor (internship) Treatment

15、Practice medicine 1.In class 2.the body 3.chemistry and medicines 4. How to recognize Ready to use Helping sick people Under the guidance Examine Advice Enter a medical training programUnit 7 Part A Cabcd ccdda cadddPart B Passage1 Ddcad Aim at doing sth = aim to do sth Divident Revenue Output / imp

16、ut Set the price Imput-mix (optimize / maximize ) Combination Raw-materials Objective = objectAutomatic machinery (assembly line) Ingredient Weight-gaining Weight-losing sourcesManagers make Keep production costs Automatic machinery The same task Instead of buying Its goods or services Without reducing quality Passage 2 Ddacb Make sth known a means of making known Increase awareness and arouse interest (



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