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1、关于技术创新联盟的研究评述知识正在逐渐取代传统的生产要素成为企业获得持续竞争优势的根本来源。与此同时,技术创新活动呈现出规模大、建制大以及社会化协作等复杂巨系统特征,技术创新费用越来越高,单一企业的有限资源难以满足企业重大技术创新的需要。技术创新联盟通过对组织优势资源的有效利用和重新整合,可以实现联盟成员技术创新所需要的资金、技术、人才和信息等,获取更多的新知识和互补性资源,成为知识经济时代企业获取竞争优势的重要组织形式。 不完全信息下基于投资收益预测的技术创新联盟稳定性分析这篇文章,就技术创新联盟中的内在属性多决策中心共同施压、相互妥协、经常性谈判、利益冲突等以及对联盟成员缺乏强有力的控制手


3、、利益共享、风险共担的技术创新合作组织。文章指出,联盟的运作效率很大程度上取决于其本身的稳定性。在分析影响联盟稳定性因素的基础上,构建了联盟的 Lorka-Volterra 方程,并运用分析轨线走向的方法来分析联盟的稳定性。最终得出,要使联盟稳定发展,就必须使联盟各成员处于互惠共生状态。这篇文章从联盟本身的稳定性出发来研究联盟稳定性,这对促进联盟的持续发展,提高其竞争力开拓了新的思路。王珊珊、王宏起的面向产业技术创新联盟的科技计划项目管理研究一文,在对我国产业技术创新联盟发展的背景和特征分析基础上,运用耗散结构理论揭示科技计划项目支持产业技术创新联盟创新的机理,进而提出产业技术创新联盟对科技计



6、不同) ,达到了研究的目的,使我对贝叶斯博弈模型有了基础的认识,加深了我对文章的了解。随着知识经济时代的到来,建立技术创新联盟在促进经济发展中的作用越来越得到体现。我认为,结合相关专家学者的研究成果,深入探讨技术创新联盟对于知识经济时代企业的作用,将会非常有助于企业在竞争中获得优势,从而实现企业目标。参考文献1 蒋樟生.不完全信息下基于投资收益预测的技术创新联盟稳定性分析.决策与统计, 2012:41-45 2 刘林舟.产业技术创新战略联盟稳定性发展模型研究.科技进步与对策,2012:61-64 3 王珊珊,王宏起.面向产业技术创新联盟的科技计划项目管理研究.科研管理,2012:11- 174

7、 刘晓,韩立民.渔业技术创新联盟的困境与对策.中国渔业经济,2012:145-150 5 郑耿忠,刘秋梅.一种基于贝叶斯博弈的传感器网络分簇算法.微电子学与计算机, 2012:115-119 6 胡少华.面向产业技术创新联盟的知识服务体系研究.科技管理研究,2012:114-117 7 蒋樟生,胡珑瑛.技术创新联盟知识转移决策的主从博弈分析.科研管理,2012:41-47 8 Zhang-sheng Jiang, Long-ying Hu, Ke-ke Chen.Decisions of knowledge transfer in technology innovation alliance:

8、 a stackelberg leader-followers model. Oper Res Int J, 2010:231-242 9 Zhang-sheng Jiang, Yun-hong Hao.Game analysis of technology innovation alliance stability based on knowledge transfer. Comput Math Organ Theory, 2011 10 Elizabeth A. Alexander. The Effects of Legal, Normative, and Cultural-Cogniti

9、ve Institutions on Innovation in Technology Alliances. Manag Int Rev, 2012附录附录Decisions of knowledge transfer in technology innovation alliance: a stackelberg leader-followers modelZhang-sheng Jiang, Long-ying Hu, Ke-ke Chen Abstract The decision-making processes of knowledge transfer are regarded a

10、s the Stackelberg leader-followers games between the core firm and partners in the technology innovation alliance. Basically, a decision-making model of knowledge transfer is established to analyze the influences of knowledge transfer decisions of the core and partners. The analysis results point ou

11、t that the precondition of the existence and development of alliances is that the core firms knowledge marginal revenues are large enough. Partners transfer their knowledge capital according to the proportion structure of their own marginal revenues. There is a positive corre-lation between the know

12、ledge transfer decisions of core firm and its own marginal revenues, and a negative correlation between the knowledge transfer decisions of core firm and the sum of partners marginal revenues.Keywords Innovation alliance, Knowledge transfer, Knowledge output Leader- followers gamesGame analysis of t

13、echnology innovation alliance stability based on knowledge transferZhang-sheng Jiang Yun-hong Hao Abstract Under incomplete information, a game model is used to investigate the influence of ownership level and learning ability on the stability of technology in-novation alliance from the perspective

14、of knowledge transfer. The decision- making processes of involved parties are divided into two stages in the model. In the first stage, the firm possessing advanced technology decides on the level of knowledge it transfers to its alliance partner. In the second stage, the decision of the parties on

15、whether to maintain or terminate the alliance is based on two factors: the level of knowledge learned and profits gained. The outcomes of the CournotNash equilib-rium in the model can reveal when the parties decide to maintain or terminate the alliance. The model explores the status of alliance stab

16、ility under different ownership levels and learning abilities to provide theoretical support for the selection of optimal dynamic competitive-cooperative relationship and managerial flexibility.Keywords Technology innovation alliance,Knowledge transfer,Ownership allocation,Alliance stability,Game theoryThe Effects of Legal, Normative, and Cultural-Cognitive Institutions on Innovation in Technology AlliancesElizabeth A. Alexander Abs


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