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1、2121 世纪大学英语第一册世纪大学英语第一册教学大纲教学大纲本门课程的教学目标和要求:本门课程的教学目标和要求:培养学生具有较强的阅读能力,一定的听和译的能力,初步的写和说的能力,使他们能以英语为工具,获取专业所需要的信息。大学英语教学应帮助学生掌握良好的语言学习方法,打下扎实的语言基础,提高文化修养,培养学生语言运用能力、交流信息能力,以适应社会发展和经济建设的需要。教学重点和难点:教学重点和难点:本册应掌握的词汇量约 1000 个左右,四级词汇量约 650 个左右,常用的固定搭配、短语、习语、成语等约 200 个左右。课文内容的剖析及理解,掌握作者写作目的及行文的结构方式。听力特色教学,

2、学生上机自主学习,教师辅导。教学对象:教学对象:一年级非英语专业本科生教学方式教学方式:课堂讲授,课后练习教学时数教学时数:周学时 6,总学时 108 (精读 4 学时,听力 2 学时)教学的具体内容及学时分配:教学的具体内容及学时分配:UnitUnit 1 1 SecretsSecrets ofof A A StudentsStudents (4(4 学时学时) )教学目标和要求:教学目标和要求:通过了解英国 A 级学生的学习秘诀,使学生们充分认识到学习成绩的好坏不完全取决于天赋,还要依靠科学的学习方法。教学重点和难点:教学重点和难点:重点单词:perform, high-achieving

3、, lower-scoring,concentrate, focus, interrupt, ignore, assign, athlete,recall, memorize, drawer, essential, essay, draft, due,deadline, schedule, overtired, relevant, content, retain,revise, participate, intellect, curiosity, graduate重点词组: make the most of, count for much/little, not the whole story

4、, put in, get there, get/lay ones hands on,hand in, keeptogether, cut down on, a couple of, write up,stick to, work wonders, go through, lead to, time after time难点句型:once,mean doing sth./ to do sth.,to waste/spend(time, money) (in) doing sth/on sth, aim to do/at doing sth, used to do, be used to doi

5、ng, keep doing sth., rather than教学方式:教学方式:课堂讲授(2 学时) ,讨论和习题课(2 学时)复习与思考题:复习与思考题:1. Comprehension of the Text2. Vocabulary3. Word building4. Structure5. Cloze6. Translation7.Reading AnalysisUnitUnit 2 2 ConversationalConversational BallgamesBallgames教学目标和要求:教学目标和要求:理解作者将谈话比作一场球赛的喻意,引导学生思考如何在谈话中把握技巧与分

6、寸,从而使谈话顺利进行下去。教学重点和难点:教学重点和难点:重点单词:conversation, gradual, startle, halt, handle, challenge, disagree, responsible, bounce, object, forth, bowling, alley, relative, previous, junior, suitable, apart, parellel重点词组:back and forth, and so on , step up, fall apart, call on/upon难点句型:to the point where, (j

7、ust) asso, whetheror, now that教学方式:教学方式:课堂讲授(2 学时) ,讨论和习题课(2 学时)复习与思考题:复习与思考题:1. Comprehension of the Text2. Vocabulary3. Word building4. Structure5. Cloze6. Translation7. Reading AnalysisUnitUnit 3 3 StevieStevie Wonder:Wonder: SunshineSunshine inin thethe ShadowShadow (4 4 学时)学时)教学目标和要求:教学目标和要求:通过

8、了解 Stevie 的生命传奇,使学生们理性地看待职业的选择和人生的成败。无论将来从事什么职业,成功取决于自我的努力。教学重点和难点:教学重点和难点:重点单词:pray, resemble, drum, tire, harmony, amaze, apartment, clap, miracle, audition, congratulate, youngster, genius, decade, ease, fingertip, smash, adulthood, aspect, career, formula, gospel, jazz, mature, independent, trag

9、edy, involve, coma, conquer, reevaluate, urge, race, racial, apartheid重点词组:be up to sb., break into, bring up, as far as, wear out, congratulate oneself on, with ease grow into, be involved in, out of danger, fight back from难点句型:involve sb./sth. incongratulate oneself on教学方式:教学方式:课堂讲授(2 学时) ,讨论和习题课(

10、2 学时)复习与思考题:复习与思考题:1. Comprehension of the Text2. Vocabulary3. Word building4. Structure5. Cloze6. Translation7. Reading AnalysisUnitUnit 4 4 TheThe WashwomanWashwoman (4 4 学时)学时)教学目标和要求:教学目标和要求:了解洗衣妇的辛勤工作和她因此而得到的人们的尊敬与爱戴,培养学生们正确的人生观和价值观,理解作者所阐述的主题:奉献、牺牲及责任感可以赋予最卑微的工作以尊严。教学重点和难点:教学重点和难点:重点单词:wrinkle

11、, sickly, possess, generation, forebear, bundle, accumulate, endure, bless, altar, wedding, bride, stubborn, totter, catastrophe, collapse, premonition, mourn, puff, linen, utter, corpse, load, unload, mumble, sunken, inform, somewhat, contribute, resume, fulfill, property重点词组:lean on, count out, be

12、 ashamed of, take place, speak of, stand on ones feet难点句型:God know!, what good is, whats the good of教学方式:教学方式:课堂讲授(2 学时) ,讨论和习题课(2 学时)复习与思考题:复习与思考题:1. Comprehension of the Text2. Vocabulary3. Word building4. Structure5. Cloze6. Translation7Reading AnalysisUnitUnit 5 5 TheThe LanguageLanguage ofof Co

13、mpromiseCompromise (4 4 学时)学时)教学目标和要求:教学目标和要求:通过了解“妥协的语言” ,让学生们学会如何在充满竞争与挑战的环境中与周围的人和谐地相处。在婚姻中避免冲突的最佳方式就是多站在对方的意愿和角度上去思考问题。教学重点和难点:教学重点和难点:重点单词:energetic, arise, unique, individual, gamble, snobbish, spin, blond, refine重点词组:give way, take the middle course, go off, compromise over/on, havein mind, c

14、all at, name after, soot out难点句型:be in harmony with, be content with教学方式:教学方式:课堂讲授(2 学时) ,讨论和习题课(2 学时)复习与思考题:复习与思考题:1. Comprehension of the Text2. Vocabulary3. Word building4. Structure5. Cloze6. Translation7Reading AnalysisUnitUnit 6 6 NerdsNerds andand GeeksGeeks (4 4 学时)学时)教学目标和要求:教学目标和要求:理解作者描绘的

15、书呆子形象,领悟作者的真正观点:一个人倘若不能锻炼他的大脑并且充分按照自己的能力去追求知识的话,要想过上美好的生活是不可能的。教学重点和难点:教学重点和难点:重点单词:term, date, shock, bite, reveal, dedicate, pursue, admit, prestigious, educate, elementary, prefer, idle, outcast, intelligent, conform, deprive, adequate, acquire, rival, reward, average, compete, academy, afloat, i

16、mport, abroad, major, portion, cultivate, adapt, innovate, extend, extension 重点词组: bite off, be dedicated to, compare to, keep up, look down upon, idle away, conform to, be deprived of, be held up as, lie with, adapt to, do away with, to the full extent难点句型: prefer torather than, Enough is enough., be ashamed of or of , put sth. over教学方式:教学方式:课堂讲授(2 学时) ,讨论和习题课(2 学时)复习与思考题:复习与思考题:1. C



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