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1、5552012 江苏职称英语 卫生 类 考 试 真 题 试 卷【五】 说明:本试卷共七大题,申报高级职称者全做,满分为 120 分;申报中级职称 者做第一、二、三、四、五、七大题,满分为 100 分。第六大题申报中级职称 者不做,做了也不判分【注:高级单独列出】 一、词汇与语法选择(20 小题,每小题 0.5 分。共 10 分,建议完成时间 10 分 钟) 81. Although Alice is happy with her success, she wonders _ will happen to her private life. 尽管爱丽丝很满意她的成功,她想知道在她的私人生活将会发

2、生 什么。 A. thatB. whatC. itD. This82. Johns aunt insists _ in this hotel. 约翰的阿姨坚称她不要住在旅馆里。 A. staying not C. that she would not stayB. not to stay D. that she not stay 她不会留在83. Between1980 and 2000, the number of overseas visitors expanded _27%. 1980 和 2000 年期间,海外游客的数量扩大了 27。 A. byB, forC. toD. In84.

3、He is _ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Winter Olympics next year. 他乐观看待自己在明年的冬季奥运会赢得一枚金牌机会。 A. optimistic 乐观的 C. outstanding 突出的B. optional 可选的 D. obvious 明显的85. It is essential that these application forms _ back as early as possible., 这些申请表尽早被送回是非常重要的。 A. must be sent C. are sent

4、B. will be sent D. be sent 送回86. A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen. They are a thorough _很多蚂 蚁总是入侵我的厨房。他们是一件十分麻烦事 A. nuisance 麻烦事 C. worry 折磨B trouble 麻烦 D. anxiety 焦虑87. Some women _a good salary in a job instead of staying home, but they decided not to work for the sake of the family. 一

5、些女性在工作中本来可以有良 好的工资而不必呆在家里,但她们决定为了家庭不工作。 A. must make 必须做 C. would make 将做. B. should have done 应该做 D. could have made 本来可以88. The computer revolution may well change society as _ as did the Industrial Revolution 计算机革命就像当年的工业革命一样,可能会改从根本上 变社会。1555A. certainly 当然B. insignificantly 没有意义的 C. fundamental

6、ly 根本的D. comparatively 相对89. Beer is the most popular drink among male drinkers, _consumption is significantly higher than that of women. 啤酒在男性饮酒者是最受欢迎的饮料 , 他们的消费是明显高于女性。 A. whoseB. whichC, thisD. that90. The clothes a person wears may express his _ or social position 一个人穿的衣服可以表现他的身份或整体社会地位。overallA

7、. curiosity 好奇B. status 身份 C. determination 决心D. significance 意义91.The party, _I was the guest of honor, was extremely enjoyable 聚会时, 我作为嘉宾非常愉快 A. by whichB. for which ;C. to whichD. at which92. _ people depend to such a great extent on forests, every effort must be made to preserve trees and wildli

8、fe. 由于人们这森林的依赖程度很大,必须尽一 切努力对树木和野生动物予以保护。 A. HowB. Since 由于C. ThatD. Which93. Many housewives have a hard time _qualified repairmen to fix their household appliances. 许多家庭主妇们很难找到合格的修理工来修理他们的家 用电器。 A. finding 找到B. to findC. foundD. having found94. If they hadnt been interrupted yesterday, they _ the t

9、ask。如果他们没有昨 天被打断,他们会完成了任务。 A. would do C. would have done 本来会B. had done D. had been doing95.The windows are _ small as not to admit much light at all 窗户是如此之 小,不会进入所有的光线 A. veryB. asC. tooD. so96. She paid _ for the camera because she really liked its size and color 她花了 两倍的钱买照相机,因为她真的很喜欢它的大小和颜色 A. m

10、uch as 虽然 twiceB. two times(两次)more C. twice as much(同样多)两倍D. as much twice97. Recently there has been a great _ for small cars that use little petrol. 最近 对低耗的小型车的需求量很大。 A. claim 要求B. demand 需求2555C. application 应用D. request 请求98. _as he is to cyber -games, he is devoted to his studies; 沉他致力于他的研 究就像

11、沉迷网络游戏一样。 A. Addicting C. AddictiveB. Addicted 沉迷 D. Addictting99. The _of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can succeed in understanding the universe. 科学态度的本质是,人类的头脑可以成功地理解宇宙。 A. texture 材质 C. content 内容B. essence 本质 D. threshold 极限100. They had such a heavy schedule at the meeting tha

12、t the chairmans speech _to half its original length 他们将这样一个繁重的会议主席的讲话,浓缩到其原始长度 的一半 A. condensed C. had condensed. B. were condensed D. was condensed 浓缩二 、改错【在 A/B/C/D 四个选项中,选出一个含有语言错误的选项】(10 小题, 每小题 1 分,共 10 分,建议完成时间 10 分钟)41. Edgar Allen Poe, an American author and literary critic, was perhaps the

13、first AB important writer analysing short stories as a distinct literary form. CD 答案:C 本题解析: 应该用 analyzing 翻译:埃德加艾伦坡,一位美国作家和文学评论家,可能是第一位重要作家把 分析短篇故事作为一种独特的文学形式。42. While the farmer in Ohio have too many trees, the farmer on the plains usually ABCD had no wood at all. 答案:B 本题分析:前后语态不一致,整句应该是一个过去的事态。前

14、面应该用 had; 翻译:虽然俄亥俄州农民有很多的树木,然而草原上的农民通常没有木材。43. Arabic poets produced poems for great beauty as well as poetic works expressing ABC deep philosophical or religious thought. D 答案:B 本题解析: 翻译:阿拉伯人创作诗歌是为了诗歌本身的美丽以及诗歌所表达的政治和宗教思3555想。44When a national flag is raised or lowered as part of a ceremony, or when

15、 it AB passes by in a parade or in review, everyone at present should face it and stand at CD attention. 答案:D 本题解析:去掉 at ,意思是 目前的 翻译:当国旗作为仪式的一部分升起或降下,或者当经过在游行或在审查的时候 每个人都应该面对它,立正。45、If the work completed by the end of the month is delayed, the construction A company will be fined.BCD 答案:A 本题解析:应该用 t

16、o be completed,动词不定式表将来及未完成动作。 翻译:如果在本月底应完成的工作被延迟,这个建筑公司将被处以罚款。46、Neither the maths department nor the biology department at that university A requires that students must write a thesis in order to graduate with a masters degree. BCD 答案:C 本题解析:require + that sb (should) do sth 就是说,后接 should +动词原形的形 式,虚拟语气。should 可以省略。 在那所大学,数学系和生物学系的学生,毕业不是必须写一篇论文来获得硕士学 位。47、That visual artists like painters want to t


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