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1、1、The use of deferential language is sadly lacking in China. Its a shame! Take time to reflect on yourself.2、My utmost respect goes to the most dedicated teachers in rural and remote China. 3、Far too many students will learn the hard way the crucial importance of reading intensively. 4、#外刊点睛# Apple

2、is under fire for approving a controversial iPhone app created by a religious organization that seeks to help gay individuals become heterosexual. #2011 年英语二 Part A 阅读理解第 一篇直接考查。原文是 be under fire for 题干用 be criticized for 替换#5、 Contrary to the new results, federal data show a decline in child abuse

3、in 2008. #contrary to 与.相反; child abuse 虐待儿童#6、#外刊点睛# Free Wi-Fi service is becoming an important tool for operators in maintaining quality mobile service during a time of skyrocketing data traffic. # skyrocketing data traffic 飙升的数据流量; skyrocketing 是英语二图表作文加分亮点;traffic 熟词僻义,为考研词汇重要考查方向#7、 COSCO, as

4、the State-owned shipping line formed in 1961 is known, officially landed in the U.S. by registering COSCO Americas in California in 1982. #As. is known 正如人们所知; State-owned 国 有;land 登陆,入驻。# 8、 #外刊点睛# Some analysts say Mario Draghi, the European Central Banks president, might #have a difficult time 很难

5、# convincing investors that the bank will #take decisive action against 对 .采取决定 性行动# the euro debt crisis. Currently, college graduates might have a difficult time landing a decent job.9、#外刊点睛# The proportions of undergraduates and homeless young adults #accessing social networking sites 访问社交网站# are

6、 similar. #形近易混词 assess#10、#写作闪光词积累# Mr Yang joins a multitude of Chinese tourists venturing abroad. #a multitude of 替换 many 大量的,许多# 11、Amazon is planning an advertising-supported tablet computer that will be priced lower than similar models. #tablet computer 平板电脑; price v. 定价#12、Japans Sharp hasnt

7、started #mass producing 量产# screens for Apples next iPhone, #signaling 显示, 标志# potential supply problems for the U.S. company as it #gears up to 准备好# #unveil 推出# its next- generation smartphone next month.13、Naocan, a term coined by Chinese netizens, refers to someone who has a “handicapped“ brain f

8、ull of unanswerable questions and ridiculous ideas. #一个句子包含几个语法重点:插入语,过去分词、形容 词做后置定语,定语从句。# 14、#外刊点睛# Mitt Romney accepted the Republican nomination for president and took aim at Barack Obama as a failed steward of the nations economy. #accept the nomination 接受提名;take aim at 瞄准,以.为目标;failed steward

9、失败的管家,管理人。知道 steward 在哪年的真题出现过 吗?#There #sits# a cultural hot pot in the picture.#10 年大作文#15、 #造句# I am writing to recommend a hit film to you - The Love of the Hawthorn Tree, which is opening across the country to rave reviews now. #2011 年英语一小作文# #open to rave reviews 获得热烈 好评,a hit film 热门、卖座的电影# 1

10、6、If you want to be #outstanding#, you will need to find a way to #stand out#!#Tips# Guys, you would be well advised to strengthen your English muscle to the maximum extent prior to the exam for the sake of increasing the odds of your success. 17、#外刊点睛# Recent brain-imaging studies suggest that area

11、s of the brain involved in mood, concentration and conscious thought are hyperconnected, which scientists believe could lead to the problems with focus, anxiety and memory frequently seen in depression 近期的脑成像研究表明,大脑中 涉及到情绪、注意力和有意识思考的区域是超度(过度)连接的,科学家们相信这会导致抑郁症中 常见的与注意力、焦虑和记忆力相关的问题。18、#Breaking News#

12、#造句# According to reliable sources, the preliminary examination of Chinas annual National Entrance Examination for Postgraduates 2013 will be unexpectedly given in Jan. 5th and 6th, 2013. Time is running out. Seize every second!19、 Qihoo 360 has dropped Google as its default search engine and starte

13、d using its own instead, a move some analysts argue aimed at taking a bite out of the monopolistic market share of baidu, Chinas search champion. #包含多个必背搭配#20、The mountain of evidence presented during the trial showed that Samsungs copying went far deeper than even we knew. #mountain 的用法形象、地道#When t

14、hinking of giving up, xray your wallet21、#造句# Zuoyeben, an intensely popular microblogger, has made a comeback to Sina Weibo after being banned from the site in June, which is in some degree indicative of Chinas progress. Grave pollution is suffocating urban China.22、 #造句# Exceptional mental toughne

15、ss has been one of the conditions for Chamberlains stunning success. 非凡的坚韧不拔的精神是张伯伦获得惊人成功的条件之一。#exceptional, stunning 是加分亮 点# 23、#外刊点睛# Emerging East Asias exceptional economic openness has been one of the conditions for its great economic success. (新兴的东亚国家异乎寻常的经济开放度是其取得巨大经济成功的条件 之一。 ) 24、Happy Qixi

16、, the Chinese version of St. Valentines Day! #version 可以用 equivalent 替换# 25、Way back in the 1980s, this little Zen Buddhist monk won the hearts of a whole generation of Chinese. #体会 way 表强调,加强语气;little Zen Buddhist monk 禅宗小和尚;win the heart of sb. 赢得某人 的心;a whole generation 整整一代(whole 也表强调)#26、Its absurd to expect children who grew up in poverty, with parents who, for example, dropped out of school, to appreciate the value of education without givin


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