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1、新闻热词新闻热词富裕阶层富裕阶层 affluent class 波士顿咨询公司近日在京发布中国新一代消费推动力报告称,中国新兴富裕消费者将 成为推动中国消费市场未来十年增长的关键力量。到 2020 年,这一消费群体预计达到 2.8 亿人。请看中国日报的报道:280 million people are expected to form the countrys affluent class by 2020, wielding $3.1 trillion a year of purchasing power, an amount equal to 5 percent of global cons

2、umption, according to research by the management-consulting company Boston Consulting Group.波士顿咨询公司研究报告称,到 2020 年中国的富裕阶层将达到 2.8 亿人,年购买力达 3.1 万亿美元,占全球消费总额的 5%。Affluent class 就是指“富裕阶层”,即家庭年均可支配收入(annual average household disposable income)至少为 2 万美元的人群。这个阶层比 middle class(中产阶级) 收入高,但财富能力又比不上 high-net-wo

3、rth individuals(高资产净值富人)。他们倾向于 replace their old belongings quickly(加快个人物品的更新换代)以求 emotional gratification(满足感), status (地位)以及 recognition(认可)。这类 消费者购买奢侈品牌商品的主要原因是 social necessity(社交需要)和 peer pressure(同伴压力)。党要管党党要管党 新形势下,我们党面临着许多严峻挑战,党内存在着许多亟待解决的问题。尤其是一些党 员干部中发生的贪污腐败、脱离群众、形式主义、官僚主义贪污腐败、脱离群众、形式主义、官僚

4、主义等问题,必须下大气力解决。 全党必须警醒起来。In the new environment, our Party faces many challenges and there are many pressing problems within the Party that need to be resolved. The problems among our Party members and cadres of corruption, taking bribes, being out of touch with the people, undue emphasis on formali

5、ties and bureaucratism, must be addressed with great efforts. The whole Party must be vigilant against them.打铁还需自身硬。我们的责任,就是同全党同志一道,坚持党要管党、从严治党党要管党、从严治党,切实解 决自身存在的突出问题,切实改进工作作风,密切联系群众切实改进工作作风,密切联系群众,使我们的党始终成为中国特中国特 色社会主义事业的坚强领导核心色社会主义事业的坚强领导核心。To be turned into iron, the metal itself must be strong.

6、 Our responsibility is to work with all comrades in the Party to make sure that the Party supervises its own conduct and enforces strict discipline, effectively deals with prominent issues facing the Party, earnestly improves the Partys style of work, and maintains close ties with the people. By so

7、doing, we will ensure that our Party will always be the firm leadership core advancing the course of socialism with Chinese characteristics.党章修正案党章修正案 中共十八大一致同意在党章中把科学发展观同马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、 “三个代表”重要思想一道确立为党的行动指南。请看相关报道:An amendment to the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was appr

8、oved Wednesday, making the Scientific Outlook on Development as part of the Partys guide for action, according to a resolution of the 18th CPC National Congress.中共十八大通过党章修正案,同意将科学发展观列入党的行动指南。Amendment to the Constitution of the Communist Party of China 就是中国共产党 章程(修正案),可以简写为 amendment to the CPC Cons

9、titution。和科学发展观 (Scientific Outlook on Development)一样先后被确立为 the Partys guide for action(党的行动指南)的重要思想有:马克思列宁主义(Marxism-Leninism)、毛泽 东思想(Mao Zedong Thought)、邓小平理论(Deng Xiaoping Theory) 以及“三个 代表”重要思想(the important thought of Three Represents)。同时,大会还同意将生态文明建设(the need to promote ecological progress)写入 党

10、章并作出阐述,使中国特色社会主义事业总体布局更加完善。提案制提案制 motion system 中共十八大报告提出实行“党代会代表提案制”,这是中共首次正式作出该项涉及党内民主 机制的重要决定。请看中国日报的报道:Delegates to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China have hailed a proposal in President Hu Jintaos report to introduce a motion system that enables Party delegates to collec

11、tively put forward their opinions and suggestions - like legislators do - to develop democracy within the Party.参加中共十八大的代表对胡锦涛同志在报告中提出的提案制表示认同,提案制可以让党代 会代表像人大代表一样以集体的形式提出意见和建议,以发展党内民主。Motion system 就是“提案制”,党代会代表可以就 the Partys policies and decisions(党的政策和决定)提出书面意见和建议。提案制(motion system)和任期制(tenure sys

12、tem)是推行 intra-Party- democracy(党内民主)的重要举措。中共十七大提出的党代会代表任期制就是指党代 会的代表和它所选举产生的委员会的资格和权利同时存在,任期与换届同委员会的任期与 换届同期。和平发展和平发展 peaceful development China will unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and firmly pursue an independent foreign policy of peace.中国将始终不渝走和平发展道路,坚定奉行独立自主的和平外交政策。China cal

13、ls for promoting equality, mutual trust, inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutually beneficial cooperation in international relations and making joint efforts to uphold international fairness and justice.我们主张,在国际关系中弘扬平等互信、包容互鉴、合作共赢的精神,共同维护国际公平 正义。China is committed to peaceful settlement of interna

14、tional disputes and hotspot issues, opposes the wanton use of force or threat to use it, opposes any foreign attempt to subvert the legitimate government of any other countries, and opposes terrorism in all its manifestations.中国主张和平解决国际争端和热点问题,反对动辄诉诸武力或以武力相威胁,反对颠覆别 国合法政权,反对一切形式的恐怖主义。文化逆差文化逆差 cultura

15、l deficit 关注十八大热词专题关注十八大热词专题中国文化部副部长赵少华 11 日在十八大记者会上表示,十年来中华文化影响力不断扩大, 全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外文化交流格局正在形成。不过,中国对外交流仍然存在 “文化逆差”,这需要进一步解放思想,扩大文化交流的渠道、规模、形式、内容。请看相关报道:The increase of imported films is part of what Zhao Shaohua, vice-minister of culture, called a “cultural deficit“ facing the country.进口影片增加正是文化部副

16、部长赵少华所说的“文化逆差”的一部分。Cultural deficit 就是“文化逆差”,指中国文化贸易(cultural trade)出口少于进口,中 国的对外文化交流和传播(international cultural exchange and popularization)严重 “入超”。这种“文化逆差”主要表现在电影、电视剧、图书、文艺演出等文化产品(cultural products)的进口多出口少。在国际贸易中,出口多于进口的情况叫做 trade surplus(贸 易顺差),反之则叫做 trade deficit(贸易逆差)。今年一季度,中国取代日本成为 the second-largest film market(第二大电影市场)。 前十个月,domestic box office receipts(国内票房收入)比上年同期增加了 40%,但 是其中近 60%的收入来自 imported films(进口影片)。奥巴马奥巴马“连任连任” 美国主要电视网络报导称,现任总统奥巴马于当地时间周


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