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1、1.1. 校园生活场景校园生活场景1) 借书:book for reading assignment;阅读指定书籍check out;检查,看看volume;体积,大量;书,如 a 125-page volume(一本125页的书)check for sb;为某人查询on the upper shelf;在书架上层a book hard to identify/ is missing;难以识别的书籍/遗失书籍has been misplaced 放错位置2) 教授和学生关系:学生问老师问题;学生寻求老师的帮助;学生询问老师对作业的意见;老师要求学生对论文打印错误等do research for

2、;为做研究semester;学期work as ones teaching assistant;作为助教工作trouble a professor;麻烦教授may I ask you a few questions;我能请教你一些问题吗?I have a class at ten;我十点钟有课come in ones office hours;在某人的办公时间来finish reading ones research report;完成某人的研究报告阅读revise (improve) some parts of it;修正改进某些部分get it published;出版read some

3、papers he recommended;阅读他要求的书籍correct all the typing errors in a paper;更正试卷上的所有打印错误read it through again;再次仔细阅读check the paper for typing errors 检查打印错误3) 同学之间交流:选课;听课感受;对老师讲课的评价;提供老师论文复印件;交流论文写作进展;交流如何读书;考试通过互相祝贺;对生病同学补课;认识新同学;为打印论文而向对方询问如何找纸;谈论学习进展等stay awake;保持清醒sleep through;睡过去unnecessarily long

4、;始终不必要more attentive;更留心,更殷勤on this topic;关于这个主题hard to follow;很难跟上think of;思考speak highly of;高度赞扬consider sth. dull;dull:迟钝的,呆滞的;缓和,减轻。choose a good topic;选择一个好的主题attend;出席;致力于,献身于;侍候,照顾;关注think of sb.s lecture;想起、考虑某人的演讲the topic is interesting;这个主题很有趣difficult to follow;很难跟上say about;发表对的看法a copy

5、 of article;文章复印件get on with ones essay;继续某人的论文have a real hard time;确实过得悲惨two sleepless nights;两晚没睡be through with;洗手不干,已结束finish the assignments;完成任务political science class;政治科学课each present a different theory;每一种代表不同的原理read more than one article;阅读多篇文章get a full mark in math exams;数学考试满分do a good

6、 job;做得好librarian;图书管理员miss classes;错过课堂bring sb. up to date on sth;告诉某人最新消息help sb. to catch up;帮某人赶上show up late;出现晚点on the first day of school;开学第一天get to know;慢慢懂得find quality paper to type essay;找质量好的纸复印论文bookshelf; stock room;书架;储藏室go and check;去检查typewriter;打字机have ones hands full with;忙于,手头满

7、满的工作book report;读书报告how are lessons going;课上得怎么样make progress;取得进步well worth the time and trouble;值得时间和辛劳rewarding;值得的,有报酬的boring; entertaining;厌烦的;有趣的time consuming;耗费时间的take five classes next semester;下个学期五门课too many courses offered to students 给学生提供过多课程2.2. 家庭生活场景家庭生活场景1) 外出活动(看电影、逛街、参加晚会):go to

8、the movies;去看电影go out for dinner;外出吃晚饭see a different type of movie for a change;为改变看一次不同类型的电影be tired of movies about romantic stories;厌烦言情电影love stories;爱情故事detective stories;侦探故事royal theatre;皇家剧场Im starving;我饿坏了what to wear to the party;去聚会穿什么cannot afford something new;买不起新的东西attend a party;参加聚

9、会all of the clothes look so old;所有的衣服看起很旧And with our student discount;有学生折扣the tickets will be a real cheap;票真的很便宜2) 外出旅行the holiday is well soon be here;假期即将来临be on the plane;在飞机上it is exciting to travel by air;飞机旅行很让人兴奋fly somewhere for ones vacation;飞到某处度假well have another fine day;我们将度过愉快的一天let

10、s go to the seaside;我们去海边吧leave very early;每天早上离开set off early;早早离开go sightseeing;观光take a half day tour of the city;城市半日游spend more time on sightseeing;花更多时间进行观光旅游get to the airport in time to catch the flight;及时到达机场赶飞机get ones flight changed;更换飞机switch to a different flight 改不同的航班3) 家居生活、休闲:sit ou

11、t in the backyard to enjoy the beautiful day;在户外欣赏优美的一天there is a lot of laundry to do;有很多衣服要洗wash clothes;洗衣服why did sb. call;某人为什么打电话pick up magazine she learnt;捡起她读过的杂志get some magazines back;找回一些杂志paint the house;粉刷房间have the house painted;粉刷房间climb the ladder;爬楼梯go home for the summer;回家过夏天coun

12、t the days;数日子on ones way home;去某人家的途中pack for the summer vacation;为暑假打包the apple pie taste very good/delicious;这苹果派尝起来很好吃/很美味even my mother cannot match this;甚至我母亲也没法匹敌have a look at the book I bought;看一下我买的书bought out the bookstore;买空书店bought a lot of books;买很多书a large selection of books 很多可供选择的书4

13、) 在家请客:ask sb. to the party;请某人参加聚会know ones address;知道某人的地址invite Tom to the party;邀请汤姆参加聚会get the Johnsons address;得到约翰逊的地址call to tell him about the reception 打电话告诉他这个接待3.3. 顾客与医生顾客与医生/ /服务员服务员/ /秘书场景:秘书场景:1) 买票/机场:I would like two tickets for 9 oclock show;我想买2张九点钟的表演票sell out;卖光attend a show 参加

14、表演;have a ticket for 6 oclock flight to New York;一张六点钟到纽约的飞机票I am afraid I cant make it;我恐怕无法完成is there a seat available for;这有空座位给吗?all the morning flights have been booked up;所有的早班机都已经被预订了fly to someplace;飞到某处return ones ticket;送还某人的票change ones destination;转换目的地here is a 10-dollar bill;这是10美元账单gi

15、ve me two tickets for tonights show please;请给我两张今晚表演的门票you are not supposed to be here;你不应该来这儿this area is for the airport staff only;这片区域只给机场员工fly over to see;飞到另一个地方看keep in touch;保持联系see sb. off;送某人离开complain about the poor airport service;抱怨机场的劣质服务meet sb. at the airport 在机场和某人见面2) 约见:Id like a

16、talk with your director;我想和你们负责人谈谈could you arrange it for me;你能为我安排吗?rather busy these days;这些天相当忙arrange an appointment for sb. with sb.;为某人和某人安排约会youve arranged to meet sb.;你被安排和某人见面going to contact Mr.Johnson;准备联系约翰逊先生I am ringing to confirm my appointment with;我打电话确认和的约会expect sb. at;期待某人在make an appintment;约会would you get me through to sb.;你能将电话转给?be with sb.和某人在一起3) 餐馆/旅馆have a table for four;四人桌a corner table;位于角落的桌子a table near the window;靠近窗户的桌子rese



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