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1、 1997 年同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平全国统一考试年同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平全国统一考试Part Vocabulary(10 minutes,10 points)Section A 16. The recent findings are also applicable to other areas of design engineering. 可适用的,可应用的A) practical B) relevant C) convenient D) comparable 实用的,现实的 有关的,相应的 方便得,便利的 可比较的,比 得上的7.The century-old hosti

2、lities between the two tribes eventually terminated through the persistent efforts of the local government. 停止,结束A) diminished B) shrunk C) vanished D) worsened 减少,变小 收缩,缩短 消失,突然不见 变 得更坏,恶化18. The leaders of the two countries are planning their summit meeting with a pledge to maintain and develop go

3、od ties. 誓言, 承诺A) strategy B) standpoint C) priority D promise 策略,战术 立场,观点 优先,优先权 允诺,答应19. Computers will flourish because they enable us to accomplish tasks that could never before have been undertaken. 实现,完成A) implement B) render C) assign D) complete 贯彻,实行 给予,补偿 分配,指派 完成,使完善20. Hermans success is

4、 due to his hard work and his ability to formulate plans which will get work done efficiently. 规划,设计A) fulfill B) approve C) conceive D) conduct 履行,实现 批准, 通过 设想,构思 传导21. The farm ministers scheduled an emergency meeting in Luxembourg in hopes of easing the worldwide “mad cow“ panic.惊慌,恐慌A) crisis B)

5、 alarm C) hazard D) peril 紧要关头,危机期 警钟;惊恐, 忧虑 危险,冒险 危险22).The young man asked his parents not to worry because he was full of optimism about his career. 乐观主义 A) confidence B) motivation C) imagination D) resolution 自信 动机,动力 想象 决心,坚定23. Ones awareness, both conscious and unconscious, of what happened

6、in the past has a strong influence on ones behavior. 觉悟,意识A) storage B) impression C) memory D) perception 存储,储藏量 印象,感想 记忆,回忆 理解,感知24. On hearing of the case some time later, Conan Doyle was convinced that the man was not guilty, and immediately went to work to ascertain the truth. 确定,探知(重音在后面) A) e

7、xplore B) obtain C) verify D) search 探测,探究 获得,得到 检验,查证 搜查25. All the staff members of the department made zealous efforts to clean up the hall for the Christmas party. 热心的 A) enthusiastic B) concerted C) gigantic D) dedicated 热情的,热心的 商定的,协定的 巨大的 专注的,献 身的Section B 26. I _ a letter to an internet serv

8、ice that distributes journalists questions to more than 750 institutions. A) assigned B) detached C) attached D) dispatched 分配,指派 分开,派遣 贴上,隶属 派遣,发送 27. All experts agree that the most important consideration with diet drugs is carefully_ the risks and benefits. A) weighing B) valuing C) evaluating D

9、) distinguishing 考虑,权衡 估价,评价 评价,估计 区别,辨别28 More international trend for business and pleasure brings greater _to other societies. A) exchange B) exposure C expansion D contribution交换 ,兑换 暴露,常与 to 搭配 膨胀,扩张 贡献,捐献29. Shortage of land and funding are blamed for the citys_ green space. A) inefficient B)

10、inaccurate C) inadequate D) indispensable 效率低的,无能的 错误的,不准确的 不充分的,缺乏的 不可缺少的30 If English is not our first language you can often be puzzled by ways of expression that the native speaker of English does not even have to_. A) think out B)think about C) think over D) think for 熟思,想出 考虑,回想 仔细考虑 ,重新考虑 预料3

11、1.Retail sales volume in local urban and rural areas rose 57,8 per cent and 46.8 per cent, _, over February 1995. A) individually B) accordingly C) correspondingly D)respectively 个别地,单独地 从而,因此;相应地 相对地 各个地, 分别地32.This book is a _ of radio scripts, in which we seek to explain how the words and express

12、ions become part of our language. A) collection B) publication C) volume D)stack 收藏,收集 出版,出版物 卷,册 堆,叠33. A mans _is best when he can forget himself and any reputation he may have required and can concentrate wholly on making the right decisions. A) anticipation B)acknowledgment C) expectation D)judgment 预期,预料 感谢,承认 期待,指望 判断,判断力34.Does brain power _ as we get older? Scientists now have some surprising answers. A)decline B)descend C)deduce D)collapse 下降,衰落



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