隐名股东论文:隐名股东 名义股东 股东地位

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《隐名股东论文:隐名股东 名义股东 股东地位》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《隐名股东论文:隐名股东 名义股东 股东地位(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 隐名股东论文:隐名股东论文:隐名股东 名义股东 股东地位【中文摘要】隐名股东,作为一种现实经济生活中颇为常见的投资方式,在我国市场经济发展和商事法律兴旺的今天,此种现象有增无减,由其引发的纠纷亦愈来愈多,传统的合同法、物权法和公司法已不足以对此进行规范和保护。隐名股东的概念及其地位问题,是解决隐名股东问题的基础和关键,而迄今为止,立法未对此问题作出明确的规定,学界亦无成型理论及学说,以至于实务界在面临此类法律纠纷时处于无法可据、无理可依的境地。 最高人民法院关于适用(中华人民共和国公司法)若干问题的规定(三)(法释 3 号,以下简称解释(三)于 2011 年 2 月 16 日公布施行,其中有



4、有反效率性;在企业维持原则下,具有不稳定因素;在交易安全原则下,不利于对第三人的保护;而在私法自治原则下,为从商自由理念所允许和支持。本文第四部分:本部分首先对学界颇具影响的隐名股东立法理论股权信托制度进行评论,指出我国引入该制度,并以此来规范隐名股东模式,保护有关当事人权益的可行性;其后对解释三相关法条进行评述,指出解释三在处理隐名股东问题上的进展与不足。【英文摘要】Dormant shareholders, as a fairly common way to invest in real economic life, this phenomenon increases in our mar

5、ket economy and thriving commercial law today, and it is also an increasing number of disputes arising. Traditional contract law, property law and company law have been insufficient to regulate and protect these acts. The concept and the status of dormant shareholders is the basis and key of solutio

6、n to dormant shareholder issues. Until now, legislation does not explicitly provide for this issue, and scholars have not developed the theory and doctrine, resulting in the face of practitioners at the time of this dispute can be no legal basis, no theory can be based on the situation.” Supreme Peo

7、ples Court on the application Provisions on Several Issues (c) “(Supreme (2011) 3, hereinafter referred to as interpretation (c) promulgated on February 16,2011.One on “the actual investor” provisions should also apply to dormant shareholders, and they can be as an implicit shareholder basis for dis

8、pute resolution. However, we also realize that, the emergence of interpretation” can not fundamentally solve the problem of dormant shareholders. The social effects as well as the legal effect require further observation. At the same time, “ interpretation”itself has many loopholes, which to some ex

9、tent, affected the play of its effect. Therefore, theoretical study of dormant shareholders not because the “interpretation of the three” comes towards the end, just went to a new starting point. Based on this view, in the “interpretation” issued soon, this article Summarizes the prevailing theory n

10、owadays more and enactment of legislation, to “The concept and the status of dormant shareholders analysis” as the title of this thesis.Paper is divided into four parts to systematically analyzed and studied the issue of dormant shareholders.The first part:This section first from the perspective of

11、comparative law, analyzed the existence of Dormant shareholders in different national jurisdictions, and pointed out the investment model that does not comply with the trend of national legislation, and few other countries have such legislation cases; analysis of the legislative situation in China,

12、pointed out that the lack of legislation and theory brings practitioners of the troubled sector. Finally, on the basis of the enumeration and analysis of relevant theories, this article defines the definition, the characteristics and the classification of dormant shareholders.The second part:This se

13、ction first lists the investment patterns of dormant shareholders disputes in economic life, and pointed out that the interests of this model complex, transaction costs and higher risk. Subsequent in-depth analysis of the dormant shareholders and other persons of the legal relationship, define their

14、 respective rights and obligations and dispute resolution.The third part:This part mainly on the level of principle in commercial law, value the existence of this model of dormant shareholder. The principle of commercial law is the command and guidance of commercial legislation. From the perspective

15、 of the principle of trading quick, dormant shareholder model is not efficient. From the perspective of the principle of enterprises to maintain, dormant shareholder model is unstable form. From the perspective of the principles of transaction security, dormant shareholder model is not conducive to

16、the protection of third party. Under the principle of autonomy in private law, this mode is allowed from the business idea of freedom and support.The fourth part:This section first reviews the equity trust system, which has great influence in academic circles. Need to introduce this system in our country, and thus to regulate the dormant shareholders mode and protect the interests of the parties concerned. Subs



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