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1、2 20 01 12 2年年1 12 2月月英英语语四四级级真真题题参参考考答答案案解解析析Part WritingDirection:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Education PaysYou should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.【参考答案及解析参考答案及解析】 标准版:The above bar chart clearly shows us education pays in 2010.

2、 We see that one with higher education background earns more money weekly than those with lower ones. For instance, the college students with no degree get paid$712 per week whereas those with a Bachelors degree can earn $1038.Several reasons, in my opinion, can be identified to account for this phe

3、nomenon. To begin with, compared with those with comparatively lower education degree, people who have received higher education possess considerably wider knowledge, more remarkable learning and research ability, greater innovation and most of all, resourceful social network, all of which are essen

4、tial to a high-income work. Also, the higher ones education degree is, the bigger platform he will have to show his ability. For example, his college, university, or research institute will organize various job fairs for them to communicate face to face with employers.This phenomenon tells us that e

5、ducation is a worthy investment. Therefore, substantial education investment should be strengthened while we, as college students, should study harder to build our country and strive for a better life for ourselves.高分版:Education PaysJudging from the table, we can see that peoples income increases al

6、ong with their education levels. Above all,the average college graduates earn much more than the typical high-school graduates.The fact revealed by these data is obvious: a degree does bring distinctive financial benefits to its holders. But is it true that a degree alone can ensure a bright future?

7、 I dont think so because, on the one hand, the financial value of high education depends heavily on what skills graduates can gain from it instead of the degree itself. After all, an employer only pays for your ability and performance, not for your certificate. On the other hand, the most valuable b

8、less high education brings to graduates is the ability to learn quickly and efficiently. People received more education tend to keep lifelong learning habits after their graduation, which would help them gain more opportunities in their career path.In conclusion, what accounts for education pays is

9、not the degree alone, but the graduates ability and leaning habit.【标准版点评】:这次四级作文出了图表题,可能让大家有些意外,但是四六级考察图表作文已经并不是第一次,早 在 2002 年的时候就已经出现过,是图表+提纲的形式,图表反应的是大学生使用计算机的情况。由于备考时大家只是关注近几年 的题型,可能没有关注到以往考察过图表作文。我们在备考作文的时候,一般会从以下几个方面着手准备,如何描述现象、如何分析原因、如何分析影响、如何给出解决 措施、如何进行观点论战等。其实,图表作文也是从这几个方面展开,只是将第一段的描述现象改为描述

10、图表即可。可见,无 论是考察哪种作文题,我们都可以将它转化为我们熟悉的提纲式。这次作文题目有两个版本。题目都是 Educational Pays(教育回报),一个版本的图表显示的是教育水平越高,收入越高,另 一个版本的图表显示的是教育水平越高,失业率越低。虽然图表描述的具体内容不同,但主题是一致的:教育是值得投资的。写作思路也是一致的。两篇范文都是采取三段式的描述方法。第一段:描述图表。先一句话引出图表总体内容 The above bar chart clearly shows us 然后具体描述现象 We see that。 最后用 for instance 引出一些具体数据来例证现象。第二

11、段:分析原因。先写一个引出原因的句子,然后具体列举一到两个原因即可。由于字数限制,原因不必列太多。第三段:给出建议。先是总结这个现象 This phenomenon tells us that education is a worthy investment.(教育值得投资)。然后 是建议国家增大教育投资,以及个人要努力学习。这种三段式的写作模式容易掌握,在考场中比较实用,建议大家仿写。【高分版点评】:本次四级作文围绕着同一个话题,education pay(教育回报),出现了两个版本,一个是教育和失业率的关系, 另一个是教育和收入的关系。就话题而言,命题难度并不高,选用的是贴近考生实际生活的

12、熟悉话题。形式上则采取图表作文 的形式,图表作文在四级考试中较少出现,很多考生可能刚拿到题目会束手无策,但是只要考生仔细阅读题目,就不难发现, 除了需要简单描述图表之外,其写作思路和话题作文非常类似。写好这篇作文,主要抓住三点:首先,描述图表内容。对于柱状图,抓住横抽和纵轴之间的关系,对数字的变化趋势进行总体描述即可。用词不宜超过总 字数的 1/3。其次,要一句话揭示图表背后的隐含意思,引入文章的立意。最后,文章的立意可以采取两种思路,保守的写法是直接阐释产生现象的原因,如写失业率那篇范文;另一个则是,根据图 表上的结果,借题发挥,发表自己的观点,如写收入的那篇范文。Part II Readi

13、ng Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)Why Integrity MattersWhat is Integrity?“Integrity“ is defined as “adherence to moral and ethical principles; honesty.“ The key to integrity is consistency-not only setting high personal standards for oneself (honesty, responsibility, respect for others, fairne

14、ss) but also living up to those standards each day. One who has integrity is bound by and follows moral and ethical standards even when making lifes hard choices, choices which may be clouded by stress, pressure to succeed, or temptation.What happens if we lie, cheat, steal, or violate other ethical

15、 standards? We feel disappointed in ourselves and ashamed. But a lapse of integrity also affects our relationships with others. Trust is essential in any important relationship, whether personal or professional. Who can trust someone who is dishonest or unfair? Thus, integrity must be one of our mos

16、t important goals.Risky BusinessWe are each responsible for our own decisions, even if the decision-making process has been undermined by stress or peer pressure. The real test of character is whether we can learn from our mistake, by understanding why we acted as we did, and then exploring ways to avoid similar problems in the future.Making ethical decisions is a critical part of avoiding future problems. We must learn to recognize risks, because if we can



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