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1、2009 海淀区高三英语查漏补缺试题说明:查漏补缺题是在海淀英语四次统练的基础上的补充,绝非猜题押宝。每道题的 选择都有其选题意图。单项填空侧重知识,完形填空注重词汇和综合语言运用,阅读理解 侧重阅读能力,书面表达是对各种题型的总结。最后阶段的复习,应该在梳理知识和解题 方法的基础上查漏补缺。 单项填空: (A)1 Excuse me, where can I get _ application form? Go to _ Window 10 , please. Aan; 不填Ban; the C不填;不填Dthe; the2What the scientist said sounded st

2、range, _ ,they made sense. Atherefore Bhowever Csince Dotherwise 3To all the famous artists surprise, the unknown womans two paintings are also on show in the art exhibition. Alittle blue oil Bblue little oil Coil blue littleDlittle oil blue 4 Lets discuss the question raised last night, shall we? T

3、here is no hurry for that. I for a conference. Aheaded Bwas headingCam heading Dhave headed 5John didnt choose of the ties and went away without looking at a third one. Amany Beither Call Dany 6We hope the measures to control prices, are taken by the government, will succeed.Aas Bwhen Csince Dafter

4、7His family members gave some examples of _ his drinking and smoking had affected the family. Athat Bwhat Chow Dwhether 8It is known to us all E-mail is_ efficient than sending a fax. Amuch Bmany Cmore much Dmuch more 9It rained for two weeks, completely _ our holiday. AruinedBruinCto ruinDruining 1

5、0Tom, turn down the music. Why you make such a big noise while your baby sister is sleeping? AmustBwouldCshouldDmay 11_ the Hope Project was carried out in this poor area, students here had no access to education. AOnceBAsCBeforeDAfter 12 I dont think we have met before. Yes, once at a party, but we

6、 _. Adidnt introduceBwerent introduced Chavent introducedDwerent introducing 13We rushed to the football court, only to see a sign _ into the ground reading PERIODIC MAINTENANCE (定期维修 ).AknockedBknocking Cto be knocked Dbeing knocked14Did you see who the driver was? No, so quickly_ that I couldnt ge

7、t a good look at his face. Adoes the car speed by Bthe car sped by Cdid the car speed by Dthe car speeds by 15Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it _ yesterday.Awas happeningBhappens Chas happenedDhappened (B) 1We keep in touch _ writing often. Awith Bof Con Dby 2 Which of the two computer gam

8、es did you prefer? Actually I didnt like of them. Aboth BeitherCnone Dneither 3He wanted to read more, so he asked his friend if there was _ to read. Asomething easy enough Bsomething enough easy Cenough easy something Deasy enough something 4Old as the car is, _ it works quite well. Abut Byet Cso D

9、however 5 They are quiet, arent they?Yes. They are used _ at meals. Ato talkBto not talk Cto talkingDto not talking 6We first met on a train in 2000We both felt immediately that we _ each other for years. AknewBhave knownChad knownDknow 7How did you do in the test? Not so well. I _ much better but I

10、 misread the directions for Part D Acould do Bcould have done Cmust have done Dshould do 8We must do something to stop factories _waste water into the river before it is cleaned. Apouring Bto pour Cpoured Dbeing poured 9May I go and play with Dick this afternoon, Mum?No, you cant go out _ your work

11、is being done. AbeforeBuntilCasDthe moment 10The telephone _, but by the time I got indoors, it stopped.Ahad rung Bwas ringing Crings Dhas rung 11Mother told Jim to watch the milk until it boiled and then _ off the gas. Aturn Bturning Cturned Dhaving turned 12The flowers were so lovely that they _ i

12、n no time. Asold Bhad been sold Cwere sold Dwould sell 13No one knows when _ that boy, but if she does, her parents will be disappointed. Ashe will marry Bshe marries Cwill she marry Ddoes she marry 14When he was working there he caught a serious illness from _ effect he still suffers. Awhich Bthat

13、Cwhose Dwhat 15A survey of the opinions of experts _ that three hours of outdoor exercise a week is good for ones health. Ashow Bshows Cshowed Dshowing (C) 1.Have you got any job offers? No. I _. AwaitedBhad been waiting Chave waitedDam waiting 2If a shop has chairs _ women can park their men, women

14、 will spend more time in the shop. AwhenBwhichCthatDwhere 3_ was most important to her, she told me, was her family. AIt BThis CWhat DAs 4In many places in China, _ bicycle is still _ popular means of transportation.Aa; the B/; aCthe; a Dthe; the 5Dont have your children _ for hours reading books in so dark a room. AsittingBsitCto be sitting Dto sit 6He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situa



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