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1、经济学考点词汇行为主体:厂家: maker producer manufacturer 经销商:store shop market 消费者:customer consumer buyer shopper client一些有关系的词price 价格 cost 成本supply 供给 demand 需求capital 资本家 labor 劳动力employer 雇主 employee 雇员 ee 表被动;er 表主动income 收入 expense expenditure 支出注意!outcome 是结果的意思而不是支出retail 零售 wholesale 批发和 “钱“有关money cas

2、hcheck 支票 paycheck 工资条 fund 资金 interest 利息 rate 利率finance 金融 shares 股份 stock 股票 loan 贷款 grant 助学金relief 救济金 benefits 福利 welfare 福利 damages 赔偿金 budget 预算;开支 revenue (国家,公司)收入 income 个人收入asset 资产 pension 养老金 subsidy 补助 allowance 津贴;补贴margin profit 利润 turnover 营业额 foreign exchange 外汇 social security 社会

3、保障 operational cost 运营费用工作job work post 岗位 vocation 工作 profession 职业career 事业 cause 事业 occupation 占领;事业 薪水相关pay salary wage rise raise 加薪reward 报答 ;回报 award prize 经济上奖励居多pay packet 薪水套餐一句题外话:baby boom 婴儿潮 ; baby boomer 1945 1955; 19491959 表经济形势好boom boost bloom While low rates can help boost economi

4、cgrowth, they can also fuel inflation.而低利率可以帮助刺激经济增长,也可以加剧通货膨胀。recover 恢复 revive 复活;苏醒 rebound 经济反弹 A citys bid to revive its fortunes through the local and the global 利物浦努力通过本地特色和全球投资重振其经济 Can Chinas leaders revive the economy and reform it at the same time?中国领导人能在重振经济的同时进行改革吗? It can revive both t

5、he sagging economy and its own political fortunes.这将帮助复苏印度不振的经济及政府的政治命运。 most remain upbeat about the economy rebounding from a slow first quarter. 对经济复苏仍保持乐观,而第一季度经济增长却呈现缓慢态势。 Neither effect seems to reflect broader economic trends and, once they fade, PCE inflation should rebound.这种影响看来不会反映出更大个经济趋

6、势,该通货膨胀率会上涨. US industrial production rebounded in February after falling the month before. 美国工业生产在经历了前月的下跌以后,二月份有所回升。 2013 auto sales in US marks a strong rebound from pre-recession levels.美国 2013 年汽车销售量强势反弹,恢复至经济衰退前的水平。 注意 auto 也表thrive v.兴盛,兴隆 flourish v.繁荣 prosper v.繁荣,昌盛 prosperous a.成功的,繁荣的 In

7、dias firms mostly thrive in spite of the weak state; they need to make sure they do not thrive because of it.大多数印度企业面临衰弱的国情依然兴旺发达,需要确认的是,后者不能成为前者的缘由。 As Asian nations continue to prosper, it is likely that they will contribute more to U.S. immigration, especially from Southeast Asia and India.由于亚洲国家

8、持续繁荣,很可能会有更多亚洲人移民到美国,尤其是来自东南亚和印度。 it holds that poor economies can prosper by following a short recipe of tried and tested policies.他认为贫穷经济体可以对某些经过尝试和考验的政策进行些许模仿,以实现自身的繁荣。 an increasingly prosperous China will provide the world with more “Chinese opportunities“ in development, 一个深化改革、日益繁荣的中国将为世界发展提供

9、更多“中国机遇“,appreciate v.升值 / upside n.上部 Gold has recently appreciated and will continue to appreciate in the months ahead.黄金最近涨价了, 在今后几个月里价格还要继续上涨。 Urbanization does have an upside with greater access to education and healthcare, for example. 城市化也有积极的一面,比如更广范围的教育和医疗。be in the black 经济中,黑色代表好的一方面表经济形势

10、差的词语 以 s 开头的单词1 slow2 softserious3 severe4 shock5 slack 6 slump7 swing8 standstill9 stagnation 以 d 开头的单词1 decrease decline2 depression3 devalue4 deficit 经济赤字5 depreciation6 diminish1 downturn downside downsize2 downscale undervalue 1 crisis 危机 2008 年经济危机 次贷危机2 adverse 3 collapse 4 crisis 二者对比5 toxic

11、 有毒的;不良的6 recede 7 meltdown 低迷8 curtail 缩减9 turbulent 混乱的10 messy mess 11 ebb wine 衰退12 take a big hit 重创网络相关词汇internet networks website web site cyber 计算机的;信息技术的cyberspace 网络空间 cyber speak 网络用语net purist 网络净化者 obscene indecent 不健康的junk ads 垃圾广告online 上线 offline 下线digital 数字的网络的功能track 追踪Technology

12、can play a big role in tracking criminal or terrorism suspects. 技术可以在跟踪犯罪或恐怖主义嫌犯发挥更大的作用。targeted ads 有针对性的广告flesh search 人肉搜索browse 浏览器shopping 购物 virtual store 网店 physical store 实体店hunting 求职leaking 泄漏because he believed he wouldnt get a fair trial in his home country for leaking classified informa

13、tion. 他认为由于泄密,他在自己的国家不会受到公正的审判。publication 出版blog twitterdownload 下载update 更新monitor 监控key in 键入其他相关hacker 黑客 virus 病毒default setting 默认设置mouse one-click 单击 double click 双击netizens net citizens 网民科技terminals 终端artificial intelligence 人工智能it information technology 信息技术chip 芯片desktop computer 台式机lapto

14、p computer 笔记本palmtop computer 掌上电脑smart computer 智能电脑社会文化考点词汇相似性:assimilation n.吸收homogenize v.同化cultural exchange差异:cultural shock 冲突conflict gap 形式代表:Tea or coffee?/ Opera 歌剧 / Band 乐队 / music composer 作曲家 / Rap music / Rock music / recordings 录音带 / types / play(tragedy;comedy)/ movie=film /其他:cu

15、ltural dissemination 文化传播belief / idea / thought / norms 标准 / values 价值观 / virtues 美德 (a sense of trust ; responsibility ) / tradition 传统 / convention 习俗医学考点词汇doctorphysician 内科医生surgeon 外科医生dentist 牙医clinic-ian 临床医生psychiatrist 精神病医生 (insanity 精神病 / insane 精神病的;疯狂的/abnormal 反常的)patient 病:illness = disease = sickness = ailment 广范围的病AIDS ;cancer incurable 不能治愈的(艾滋;癌症)swine flu 猪流感flu 流感痛:ache- ; pain ; suffering ; hurt ;sore complication 并发症infection 传染病epidemic 流行病anxiety 焦虑depress 抑郁症一个衍生:表易受影响的词:sensitive = weak = fragile = susceptible =vul



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