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1、英汉翻译教程英汉翻译教程( (张培基张培基) )英汉翻译教程(张培基)Translate from English to Chinese.1. Dont cross the bridge till you get to it.2. At this stage there is only soft intelligence about the enemy intention. We should not shoot him from the hip.3. Cheerful, efficient and warm-hearted, they will do everything to make y

2、our journey smooth and comfortable.4. The Chinese are justifiably proud of their economic achievements in recent years.5. He talked with understandable pride of his daughters achievements.6. The sight and sound of the army jeeps filled the little boy with special longing.7. Stubbornness has always c

3、haracterized her way of negotiating.8. They signed two agreements that served to warm up the relationship between their two countries.9. His very appearance at any affair proclaims it a triumph.10. He was snuffed by the top-ranking officials there.11. On many occasions top executives devote more tim

4、e to screening potential partners in financial terms than in human terms.12. It is the university, with its 15,000 students, dozens of colleges, and its large numbers of museums, churches, libraries, gardens, and offices, that dominates the look and temperament of the city of Oxford.13. As we discus

5、s our differences, neither of us will compromise our principles. But while we cannot close the gulf between us, we can try to bridge it so that we may be able to talk across it.14. All she had to do was sweeping, dusting and cleaning and could get 2 pounds for one hour.15. Everything was a on a larg

6、er scale for him, the highs were higher, the lows lower.16. Thus he grew in body and soul.17. My grandfather used to tell me that one got more enjoyment out of one hours fruitful work than out of ten hours meaningless recreation.18. She opened her eyes. They were filled with tears.19. The university

7、 is full of people having four-star abilities with five-star ambitions.20. Instead we continued to embellish (v.修饰)the cover story, walking blindly into his trap.21. After years of working as an accountant in a small company, she now decided to quit the job and immigrate to Australia, where she hope

8、d she could start again.22. The decision to veto against the proposal was not taken lightly.23. He was regarded as a strong candidate in the coming general election, even though he had not made up his mind yet whether to take part in the election or not. 24. Modern skyscrapers began to appear in the

9、 city, / taking away much of its ancient charm and mystery, / which was considered as a great pity by many people.25. Everybody took it for granted that after what had happened, he would surely take the blame and resign.26. Such a chance was denied her simply because she was a married woman.27. Such

10、 things couldnt long escape notice.28. He thinks hes the bees knees.29. He made the sound of sympathy which deeply hurt her because it was the kind of sound that came too readily from those who never knew what hardship meant.30. Occasionally there would be days when both of them were free and would

11、together spend a day in their cottage on the edge of the moors.31. After dinner, the four key negotiators resumed their talks, which continued well into the night.32. She had talked to the Head of the Department about her worries, who assured her that nothing could possibly go wrong. 33. He took the

12、 idea to the manager, who liked it and ordered an investigation to see if it could be applied to their auto production.34. Because we are both prepared to proceed on the basis of equality and mutual respect, we meet at a moment when we can make peaceful cooperation a reality.35. So while I have symp

13、athy for these fellows who reacted against the formality of their predecessors, I think they went too far.36. British newspapers-all of them some of the time, and some of them almost all the time-behave badly in two ways. They intrude unnecessarily into peoples privacy; and they publish inaccurate,

14、sometimes made-up stories.Answers:32. 不必担心太早。 (不必自寻烦恼。 )33. 在目前,关于敌人的意图还只有不太充分的情报,我们不能卤莽行事。34. 他们愉快、能干、热情,会想方设法使你一路上顺利舒适。35. 中国人为他们近几年来在经济上取得的成就而自豪,这是理所应当的。36. 他骄傲地谈起女儿的成就,这是可以理解的。37. 看到那些军用吉普车,听到它们隆隆的轰鸣,这个小男孩的心里充满了向往。38. 固执是她的谈判方式的一贯特点。39. 他们签定了两个协定,目的是使两国之间的关系升温。40. 无论什么事情,只要他一露面,就算是成功了。41. 他受到那边高

15、级官员的冷遇。42. 在很多时候,一些高层经理人员花费大量时间以财礼大小而不是人员素质为标准来取舍合作伙伴。43. 拥有 15,000 名学生,数十个学院以及众多的博物馆、教堂、图书馆、花园和办公楼的牛津大学,在牛津城里最引人瞩目,同时也最体现该城的风貌。44. 在我们讨论我们的分歧的时候,我们哪一方都不会在我们的原则上妥协。但是,虽然我们不能弥合我们之间的鸿沟,我们却能够设法搭一座桥,以便越过它进行会谈。45. 她要做的是扫地、除尘、收拾房间,报酬是一小时两个英镑。46. 他总是喜欢夸大事实,高的说得更高,低的说得更低。47. 这样,他在身心两方面都成长起来了。48. 我的祖父曾跟我说过,一

16、个人从一个小时的有成效的工作中得到的快乐比从十个小时 的无聊的娱乐中所得到的快乐还多 。49. 她睁开眼晴,眼里充满了泪水。50. 大学里充斥着眼高手低之辈。51. 而事实不然,我们却仍然对那个掩盖真相的假情况添油加醋,大肆渲染,从而盲人骑瞎马地陷入了他布置的圈套。52. 她在一家小公司里干了很多年会计,现在决定辞职,移民到澳洲,希望在那儿重新开始。53. 否决提案的决定不是轻易做出的。54. 所有的人都把他看作下届大选的强有力竞争者,尽管他还未拿定主意是否参加竞选。55. 富有现代化气息的摩天大楼开始出现在这座城市,使得这座古城失去了不少古老的风韵和神秘,许多人叹为可惜。56. 大家都想当然地认为发生了这样的事,他一定会引咎辞职的。57. 这一机会没有给她只因为她是一个已婚女人。58. 这种事情迟早会被人发觉的。59. 他以为自己高人一等。60. 他发出了同情之声,这深深地刺伤了她,因为这是一种那些从不知苦难为何物的人最容易脱口而出的同情声。61. 偶尔也有这样的日子,他们俩都有闲暇,就一起往荒园边上他们的小屋呆上一天。62. 晚餐后,四个主要谈判人物继续进行会


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