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1、GossipGirlGossipGirl 第三季学英语第三季学英语 3.113.11 感恩节不和谐感恩节不和谐I stand corrected.= I admit that I was wrong 【口语口语】好吧,我错了。好吧,我错了。这句话经常听到,原来是这个意思吼。Keep it small, hassle-free. hassle 麻烦,争论麻烦,争论hassle free 就是省事儿,少找麻烦。想到麦兜里面的“你不要啊?哈哈哈哈,省啦。”Could our self-imposed exile start after tomorrow? self-imposed exile 自愿承

2、担的流放自愿承担的流放youre making me work at the soup kitchen all day. soup kitchen 施粥所施粥所 a place where food is offered to the hungry for free or at a reasonably low price.能表示同样意思的词儿还有 a bread line 和 a meal center。一般竞选之类的活动吧,那些候选人都会做一些亲民的慈善义举,形象工程嘛。She has some bomb. She wants to drop on me in a controlled e

3、nvironment surrounded by air marshals and French people.drop bomb on 宣布坏消息宣布坏消息Amazing. Your holiday paranoia truly knows no bounds. paranoia 偏执狂偏执狂 (唱:我亲爱的偏执狂)know no bounds 没分寸,没边界没分寸,没边界 not limitedknow no bounds 也是个习语I didnt know the empire had hourly rates.hourly rate 钟点工钟点工这里应该是句很恶毒的话吧?thanks

4、to last years the longest yard, my knee can now predict the weather. longest yard 指橄榄球,感恩节有橄榄球赛的传统。I not talking with Vanya, and now he not stop calling and texting and tweeting and writing on wall. I have the most amazing Lapsang Souchong from Mariage Fu area. Lapsang Souchong 正山小种,一个红茶的品种正山小种,一个红茶

5、的品种老美好像超爱这种茶啊,以前超人新冒险里头都有说过这个,这都是十多年前的了。看来如果你有老外的朋友,送这个应该不错。This is probably an overstep, overstep 越界越界Lily ran into Maureen and invited us for Thanksgiving, run into 偶遇,碰上偶遇,碰上看字面就是跑着撞上了I bring Babka and make decaf. Babka 兰姆糕兰姆糕兰姆糕是一种加有桔皮、兰姆酒、杏仁和葡萄干的咖啡蛋糕,所以最后又说 make decaf,还是低咖啡因的。有点像年轮蛋糕啦。she offer

6、 me time and a half, so. time and a half 付付 1.5 倍工资倍工资How often does the other woman get a “happily ever after“? happily ever after 过着幸福快乐的生活过着幸福快乐的生活标准童话里面的最后一句话,Chuck 这句话蛮绝的。Is it me or is my daughter just getting crazier and crazier? Is it me or . 是我的错觉还是是我的错觉还是这个句式在口语里面很常用的,比方 Is it me or is it

7、snowing outside? 是我看花了眼,还是外面真的下雪了啊?Why does my mom have to stick her nose into everyones business? poke/stick your nose into something 管闲事管闲事 to show too much interest in a situation that does not involve you很形象的一个说法,把鼻子钻到什么东西里头去。呵呵。Ceces heart pumps secrets and gin. gin 琴酒琴酒(难得柒也认得个酒名儿,柯南造化啊)这句话也真是

8、非常形象,说 Cece 的心脏里搏动的不是血液而是秘密和烈酒。当然这只是比喻的说法,其实心脏里就只有血液嘛。(咳咳一本正经地。)Ask Eric. Hes mastered 2.be mastered 2 两面派两面派Hell be a political joke, and youll be a punch line. punch line 妙语妙语政治人物要是出了什么绯闻的话呢,绝对是会被那些脱口秀主持人拿来开刷的,而绯闻女主角自然就成为了那些政治笑话中作为噱头的连珠妙语,旁人听了哄堂,对当事人来说可真不是滋味的。how it feels to be the one getting egg

9、edget egged 被扔鸡蛋被扔鸡蛋You told Kira she had to watch her back. watch ones back 小心提防小心提防Just like you being honest when I laid out my entire paycheck to get us tickets to see “Hair“, and you told me youd rather spend the whole show talking to a homeless man? Hair 是百老汇的摇滚音乐剧。OK,怎么会这么巧?上周 Glee 才拿 Hair 的歌

10、做主题的啊Eating leftovers and feeling horrible. leftover 隔夜菜,剩饭剩菜隔夜菜,剩饭剩菜感恩节大餐因为有一超大火鸡,总是吃不掉剩下很多,所以后面几天都要吃那些 leftover解决。咱过春节也经常这样吧?Joey 的最爱啊。My parents start next Polish-Soviet war. Russia once again not victor, believe me.Polish-Soviet war 波苏战争(波苏战争(1919 年年 2 月月1921 年年 3 月)是第一次世界大战结月)是第一次世界大战结束后,在苏俄与波兰

11、第二共和国这束后,在苏俄与波兰第二共和国这 2 个新成立的政权之间进行的一场战争。个新成立的政权之间进行的一场战争。笑喷my daughter and I had our first heart-to-heart talk in. in ever. Heart-to-heart talk 认真而深入的谈话认真而深入的谈话 a serious and intimate discussionGossipGirlGossipGirl 第三季学英语第三季学英语 3.123.12 冬至低迷时节冬至低迷时节Sometimes, reality comes crashing into us. Other t

12、imes, it dawns on us slowly, despite our best efforts to ignore it. crash into 闯入闯入 dawn on 渐渐开始明白渐渐开始明白 绯闻女孩这两句话主要是说明领悟现实的两种状况,一个是猛地一下顿悟,而另一种则是 渐渐地领悟,用的这两个词挺好。dawn on 本意是太阳渐渐升起天越来越亮的意思。I cant be resting on my laurels. resting on my laurels 安于现状,固步自封安于现状,固步自封 relying on previous accolades or success

13、es laurels 就是月桂枝,是荣誉与成就的象征。不知道跟阿波罗达芙妮那个神话故事有没有 关系,反正是罗马时期用来编制皇冠的。resting on my laurels 跟我们说的躺在功劳簿 上差不多。It slipped my mind. slip ones mind 忘记了忘记了 从脑海里滑落了,很形象吧?That shes holed up with some married politician, acting like some sort of teenage Rielle Hunter? hole up 躲藏起来躲藏起来 Rielle Hunter 是个美国女演员,与民主党候选

14、人 John Edwards 有过婚外情。Youve been ducking work all week. duck 一头钻入一头钻入maybe-maybe this will all blow over. blow over 轻松过关轻松过关 pass over with little lasting effectI am a fan of not stepping on them when Im at John Derian. John Derian 是著名的家饰设计店。是著名的家饰设计店。No matter whos looking over our shoulder. look ov

15、er shoulder 回头看回头看Spotted-an “it“ girl with an “it“ bag. “it“ girl 物质女孩物质女孩 a charming, sexy young woman who receives intense media coverage unrelated or disproportional to personal achievements “it“ girl 是指性感迷人的年轻女士,或是经常现身主流媒体及终日参加聚会的女性。她们 的个人成就并不是其受到的媒体关注的主要原因。对某人一个 it girl 的称谓常常是暂时性 的,她们中发展势头良好的会

16、最终成为真正意味上的明星,其他人的将在流行过后淡出公 众视野。这个词来源于 1927 年时英国小说及剧作家 Elinor Glyn,用来形容好莱坞片It中性感、品位及性格的女主角 Clara Bow。1927 年,英国小说家 Elinor Glyn 用“It Girl”形容了一个好莱坞史上首个打性感牌的女星 Clara Bow,其 25 岁时就已拍了 48 部电影,是默片时代的顶梁柱明星之一,在电影It中她以轻巧的 Flapper Look 成为 1920 年代大众的模仿形象。Ive never seen one in the flesh. in the flesh 真容真容 Alive; In person; present. 比方我们去看某明星演唱会,有时候就会很激动的说:“我从来没见过活的刘德华诶!”虽 然会产生很强大的歧义,不过大概意思也能够理解,就是看到真人,而不是通过媒体。O.M.G.! Twin


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