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1、1情情态态动动词词和和虚虚拟拟语语气气讲讲义义考点一:情态动词的基本用法考点一:情态动词的基本用法 1. can, could, may, might 的用法的用法 1) can 表示能力,意为“能够;懂得;会” 。could 表示过去的能力;其将来时用 be able to 代替。 This machine can perform two million calculations per second. I can speak five languages. 注意:be able to 表示“能够做某事而且做成功了” 。 He was able to do that without any

2、help. 他不需要任何帮助就完成了这项工作。 2) can, could, may, might 表示请求 (permission)、允许或许可。常用在口语中,其中的 could 语气较 委婉,不用于肯定句,答语要用 can;could 都还表示委婉客气的提出问题或陈述看法;might 表示 委婉的请求。 The goalkeeper cant handle the ball outside the penalty area (禁区). Could I use your bike? 我可以用你的自行车吗? Yes, you can./Im afraid not. 可以,用吧。 No, you

3、 cant/mustnt. 不行。 May/Can take the book out? 我可以把这本书带走吗? Yes, you may/can. 可以。No, you may not. 不可以。 (委婉) No, you cant/mustnt. 不行。 (强烈) 3) can 与表示感官和思维的动词连用。 You can really taste the garlic in that soup. You can imagine how annoyed she was! 2. must 的用法。的用法。 must 既表示义务或强制,意为“必须;一定要” ;还可表示肯定性,意为“必然会;肯定

4、 会” ;作“偏要;硬要”解时,用于第二人称时,表示不耐烦或令人不愉快的事情;用于其他人称, 表示主语“固执”的意味。 If you cant finish the book by then, you must come and renew it. Im afraid I must go now; I promised to be home at ten. Dont bet on the horse race; you must lose in the long run. If you must know, Im going to help him look for an apartment.

5、 Jane was never a pleasant young girl. After you gave her your advice, she must go and do the opposite. must 的否定形式有两种:当 must 表示“强制或义务”时,其否定意义为“一定不要” ,表示不许 或禁止,将 must do 改为 must not do;当 must 表示“必须”时,其否定含义为“不必” ,将 must do 改为 need not do 或 dont have to。 We mustnt waste our time. 我们不应该浪费时间。 You need no

6、t/dont have to get up at six tomorrow morning. 明天早上你不必六点起床。 注意:1) must 可以用作名词,意为“必须有的东西(做的事) 。 Dont miss latest play; its a must. /Warm clothes are a must in the mountains. 2) 词组 be sure to, be certain to, be bound to, be due to 都有“一定;肯定;务必”等意义。2He informed us that the boat was due to leave at 4. /T

7、he plan is bound to succeed. 3. shall 的用法。的用法。 在疑问句中,用于第一、三人称,表示征求对方的意见;用于第二、三人称时表允诺,警告,命 令,威胁等;在法律、条约、规章等文件中,表示义务、规定。 What shall I wear on the journey? /Shall he start at once or wait for a while?She shall get her share. /You shall fail if you dont work harder. House owners shall keep their gardens

8、 in a neat and ordinary state. Each citizen shall carry his identification card when traveling. 4. should 和和 ought to 的用法。的用法。 should 表示“劝告、建议、命令” ,其同义词是 ought to (否定式 ought not to do);should 还可表示 义务,意为“应该” ;也可表示惊讶,忧虑,惋惜等情绪,意为“竟会;竟然” ,常用在 Im surprised; It worries me; Its a pity; You cant imagine 等结构

9、中。 You should/ought to go to class right away. He should do some work, but he doesnt want to. I find it quite astonishing that he should be so rude to you./You cant imagine that a well-behaved gentleman should be rude to a lady. 5. will 和和 would 的用法。的用法。 will 可以表示意志,决心或愿望;也可表示经常性、习惯性、倾向性,表示某事总是发生或一般

10、如 此;也可表请求;还可表示“老是” ,用于描述某人奇异或令人烦的习性,用在第三人称。would 也可表示愿望,还表示过去的习惯行为,用于第二人称作主语的疑问句中,表示对对方的请求。 Surely we will support all the people in the world in their struggle for peace. I will come up and help you clean the room in a moment. Oil will float on water./ Accidents will happen. He will sit there hour

11、after hour looking at the traffic go by./Trish will keep asking silly questions. During the vacation he would visit me every week. 注意:wont 或 wouldnt 表示“坚决地拒绝”. I wont listen to your nonsense./We urged him to take a rest, but he wouldnt hear of it. 考点二、考点二、情态动词表情态动词表“可能性可能性”的用法:的用法: 1. can 表可能性,含有惊讶、

12、怀疑、不相信的语气,常用在否定句、疑问句、感叹句中,意为“可 能” ;can be 用于推测某人或某物一时的情况,意为“有时候会” ;could 表轻微的怀疑或委婉的看 法。 Can what he said be true? /What can he possibly mean? It can be very cold here at night. /The boy can be very annoying. His story could be true, but I hardly think it is. 注意:can 表示“可能性” ,有时也可用在肯定句中,但表示的是理论上的可能性,不

13、涉及是否真 的会发生。 The invention can be improved./The word “bank” can have several meanings. 2. may 表可能性,用于推测,暗指不确定,不用于疑问句,在疑问句中表示“可能”时,通常用 be likely to 或 do you think 结构;当句中出现 I am afraid, I am not sure 等表示不确定含义时,常选 用 may 或 might;may 表示的可能性比 might 大一些。3It is feared that many workers may lose their jobs th

14、is winter. /I am afraid he may be waiting for you. Is she likely to come this afternoon?3. must 可以表示推测,只能用在肯定句中,表示“一定”或“必定”之意,其否定形式是 cant/couldnt,意为“不可能” 。Must be doing 表示“现在肯定正在做” 。Whose new bike can it be? - It must be Liu Dongs. I know his father has just bought him a new one. You look happy. You

15、 must be having a good time. He cant be in Beijing now because I have seen him just now. 4. should 表示期待,用于表达合理的推断(“应该)或明显的结果(可能) ,所期待的事是事实。 It is three oclock, the football game should begin now. Mary took dancing lessons for years; she should be an excellent dancer. 注意:词组 be supposed to, be meant t

16、o 均有“应该;必须”等情态含义。 Everybody is supposed to wear a seat belt in the car. 考点三、情态动词考点三、情态动词+不定式的完成式不定式的完成式 “情态动词+不定式的完成式”在高考中出现的频率也相当高,其中尤以 must have done 出现次数 最多。下表是“情态动词+不定式的完成式”的结构和含义。结构含义could have done过去可以做而实际上没做。 “本来可以做” 。 表推测,过去可能做了某事cant /couldnt have done过去不可能发生的事情,是 must have done 的否定式。may/might have done对过去发生的行为的推测。 “可能会做” 。must have done对过去已发生的行为的推断。 “一定已做” 。need have done本来需要做而实际上已做了。 “本有必要做” 。neednt have done本来不需要做而实际上没做。 “本不



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