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1、本科毕业设计题 目秸秆粉碎机的设计秸秆粉碎机的设计姓 名学 号专 业机械设计制造及其自动化机械设计制造及其自动化指导教师职 称中国武汉二一五年 六月分类号 密级 本本科科毕毕业业论论文文秸秸秆秆粉粉碎碎机机的的设设计计The design of the straw pulverizer 学生姓名:学生姓名: 学生学号:学生学号: 学生专业:学生专业: 机械设计制造及其自动化机械设计制造及其自动化指导教师:指导教师:工学院 二一五年 六月 摘要摘要2014 年,我国的农村秸秆产量已达到 7.26 亿吨,位居世界前列。众所周知,秸秆中蕴藏着巨大的能源,作为农业大国,我们有必要将这些秸秆中的能量进行

2、加工利用。目前普遍采用的技术是秸秆还田,这就对秸秆粉碎机提出了更高要求。本文通过对现有秸秆粉碎机的优缺点进行阐述总结,针对目前仍存在的问题,在分析研究已有秸秆粉碎机的工作原理及结构特点的基础上,结合实际情况,设计出一种锤片式秸秆粉碎机。本设计主要由传动机构、粉碎机构和进出料口三部分组成。研究中,对带传动、粉碎室转子、进出料口及机架等所需零部件利用机械设计、机械原理等相关专业知识进行受力分析从而设计计算其各尺寸并进行校核,最后利用 Auto-CAD 画出各个零部件图及整机装配图。关键词关键词:锤片粉碎机;传动机构;粉碎机构;Auto-CADAbstractIn 2014, the straw y

3、ield of countryside in China has reached 7.26 tons, among the highest in the world. As is known to all, straw contains a huge amount of energy, as an agricultural country, it is necessary for us to carry out these straw energy utilization. The current widespread use of the technology of straw is str

4、aw returning, the straw pulverizer has put forward higher requirements.This paper summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the existing straw crusher, aiming at the current problems, based on the working principle and structure characteristics of researches on the straw pulverizer, combined wi

5、th the actual situation, design a straw crusher hammer.This design is mainly composed of a transmission mechanism, a crushing mechanism and a discharging port of three parts. Study on the belt drive, the crushing chamber, rotor, inlet and outlet and the frame components by mechanical design, mechani

6、cal principle and other related professional knowledge carries on the stress analysis and design calculation of the size and checking, finally using Auto-CAD to draw the parts diagram and the whole machine assembly.Keywords:Hammer mill; Transmission mechanism; Crushing mechanism; Auto-CADI目录目录摘要.I关键

7、词.IABSTRACT.IKEYWORDS.I1 绪论.11.1 课题背景.11.2 文献综述.11.2.1 秸秆粉碎机的分类.11.2.2 锤片式粉碎机的现状分析.21.2.3 秸秆粉碎机的应用前景.32 锤片式秸秆粉碎机的工作原理.42.1 粉碎机的工作原理分析.42.1.1 粉碎机理分析.42.1.2 粉碎机工作原理.52.2 锤片式秸秆粉碎机的研究内容.53 锤片式秸秆粉碎机的总体结构及设计计算.63.1 秸秆粉碎机的总体结构.63.2 秸秆粉碎机整机的设计计算.63.2.1 电机选型及扭矩计算. 电机选型. 扭矩计算.73.2.2 带传动的设计计算及选型.73.2.3 粉碎室主轴的设计计算.103.2.4 锤片的设计、选材及排列.133.2.5 锤架板的设计选材.153.2.6 销轴的设计计算.163.2.7 套筒的设计.



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