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1、第第 3 3 次作业次作业 一、英语应用文(本大题共一、英语应用文(本大题共 3030 分,共分,共 3 3 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1010 分)分) 1. You are required to write a letter of enquiry according to the information given in Chinese below.你叫方兵,是南京师范大学应用数学系 02 级 4 班的学生,你想为班级订购自 然与数学。这是美国自然科学协会出版的一本比较受欢迎的学术刊物。由芝 加哥一家邮局代办邮订,地址:Fifth Avenue Post, 231 Fifth Avenu

2、e, Chicago。你去信询问有关情况。在信中你:1) 对这本杂志感兴趣,想订购2) 想先订半年,希望告知如何办理,能否用人民币代替美元3) 订两年以上是否给予优惠4) 国外邮资已包括在订购的价格中还是额外的(应用数学: applied mathematics;订购(阅):subscribe / subscription;国外邮资:oversea postage;给予优惠:to offer a discount)Dear Sir, 2. Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are

3、 allowed twenty-five minutes to finish the writing according to the direction provided herein below .1. 事由:欢迎美国学生来我校参观。2. 时间:2016 年 6 月 22 日上午 9:00 至 13:003. 人数:约 35 人4. 具体安排:Words for reference:接待室 reception room,欢迎会 welcome party,食堂 student canteenAnnouncementWe are glad to have about thirty-five

4、American students who will come to our school for a visit on June 22nd (Sunday)._Students Union 3. You are required to write a letter to your teacher to tell her your English study plan with no less than 80 words.二、句子翻译(英译汉)(本大题共二、句子翻译(英译汉)(本大题共 3030 分,共分,共 6 6 小题,每小题小题,每小题 5 5 分)分) 1. David studied

5、 each photo twice and read the captions carefully.2. The city can improve the traffic condition a lot by offering more options of transportation.3. Here are some of the rules copied from a grammar book to help those students who have difficulty in learning English.4. It is difficult to master a fore

6、ign language, but it pays to make the effort.5. Every year CCTV chooses “Moving China Top Ten” as the true role models from across the whole nation.6. In China, National Day is celebrated on a large scale.三、句子翻译(汉译英)(本大题共三、句子翻译(汉译英)(本大题共 4040 分,共分,共 1010 小题,每小题小题,每小题 4 4 分)分) 1. 体育有益健康。2. 认为只是年轻人才庆祝

7、情人节 (Valentines Day) 就错了。3. 把大衣穿上,不然会感冒的。4. 所有的药店都关门了,所以我没买到处方上的药。5. 老师进教室时,学生们还在大笑。6. 为什么不试试拼车?那样可以降低费用,而且会使出行显得不同。7. 这次徒步大会受到所有参与者的高度赞扬。8. 运动对健康大有好处,因此我从年轻时就开始锻炼了。9. 那位主妇只是不停地诉说她的家事,我就知道我会被拉进这样的谈话。10. 在电影开演前,我们进行了表奖活动,接着是 15 分钟的喝咖啡休息时间。答案:答案:一、英语应用文(一、英语应用文(3030 分,共分,共 3 3 题,每小题题,每小题 1010 分)分)1. 参

8、考答案:参考答案:Class 024Applied Mathematics Dept.Nanjing Normal UniversityNanjing 210093ChinaFifth Avenue Post231 Fifth AvenueChicago USADear Sir,Some of my classmates and me are very much interested in mathematics and hear that “Science and Mathematics“ is an academic magazine that enjoys high reputation

9、. We want to subscribe to it.Wed like to subscribe for half a year now, but we dont know how to do it. We would particularly like to know whether we can pay in RMB instead of US dollars. Could you offer a discount if we subscribe for 2 years? Could you also tell us if the overseas postage is include

10、d in the subscription price, or it is extra?Your early reply will be appreciated.Sincerely yours,Fang Bing 解题方案:解题方案:评分标准:评分标准:2. 参考答案:参考答案:They come from our sister university, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (In order to) give them a friendly welcome, we have made an arrangement (as follows

11、:)8:40 Get together to welcome the guests at the school gate9:00-10:30 Have a welcome party, presenting gifts to each other in the reception room10:30-11:30 Visit the campus, library, laboratories, and language labs11:30 Lunch at the student canteen13:00 See the guests to the school gateAll the stud

12、ents concerned (are requested to) make timely preparation and to be at their post on time.(June 19,2016) 解题方案:解题方案:文中黑体字是文章的关键词语:它们体现了通知的格式,是通知中的惯用语并 在文章中起着连接作用,它们使整篇文章层次分明,符合通知的格式要求。第 一部分告知美国学生将要来访事宜;第二部分是具体活动时间安排;第三部分 对参加本次接待活动的学生提出要求。这篇文章既是一则通知又包含一个活动 安排,除要注意通知的格式之外,还要注意安排内容无需用完整的句子,可以 用不带 to 的不定

13、式、现在分词、过去分词以及名词开头的短语,而且几种形式 也可交叉使用。时间与活动内容分开,给人以清晰、明了的感觉。 评分标准:评分标准:3. 参考答案:参考答案:Date Dear Mr. Thank you for sparing your precious time to read my letter, which Ive been planning to write for a long time. The importance of English is well recognized by us and Id like to talk about my study plan as f

14、ollows. Reading is the foundation of English learning; I plan to read more in future. Writing is the way to candidate what Ive leant, my plan for writing is . We all know the importance of oral ability, . Your suggestions are sincerely appreciate Your student XXX解题方案:解题方案:评分标准:评分标准:二、句子翻译(英译汉)(二、句子翻

15、译(英译汉)(3030 分,共分,共 6 6 题,每小题题,每小题 5 5 分)分)1. 参考答案:参考答案:大卫把每幅图片都研究了两遍,又仔细地阅读了图片说明。解题方案:解题方案:评分标准:评分标准:2. 参考答案:参考答案:通过提供更多的交通选择, 这个城市可以大大改善交通拥堵状况。解题方案:解题方案:评分标准:评分标准:3. 参考答案:参考答案:这里介绍一些从语法书上复制的规则,以帮助英语学习困难的学生解题方案:解题方案:评分标准:评分标准:4. 参考答案:参考答案:掌握一门外语很难,但值得付出努力。解题方案:解题方案:评分标准:评分标准:5. 参考答案:参考答案:每年中央电视台都在全国

16、范围内挑选“感动中国十大人物”作为真正的楷模。解题方案:解题方案:评分标准:评分标准:6. 参考答案:参考答案:在中国,国庆节的庆典规模很大。解题方案:解题方案:评分标准:评分标准:三、句子翻译(汉译英)(三、句子翻译(汉译英)(4040 分,共分,共 1010 题,每小题题,每小题 4 4 分)分)1. 参考答案:参考答案:Sports are good for health.解题方案:解题方案:评分标准:评分标准:2. 参考答案:参考答案:It would be wrong to assume that Valentines Day is only celebrated by young people.解题方案:解题方案:评分标准:评分标准:3. 参考答案:参考答案:Put on your overcoat, or youll catch a cold.解题方案:解题方案:评分标准:评分标准:4. 参考



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