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1、第第 3 3 次作业次作业 一、翻译题(本大题共一、翻译题(本大题共 3030 分,共分,共 6 6 小题,每小题小题,每小题 5 5 分)分) 1. 在我 21 岁生日那天,我收到一束鲜花,附有一张漂亮卡片。我的最初反应是它 是一个朋友送的。对过生日的人来说,这是常见的现象,所以我一点也不吃惊。 然而,它原来是一个我一直暗恋的男孩子送的,我觉得有点紧张和兴奋。那晚 我在一个酒吧里喝醉了,找不到回家的路。最后警察来了,帮我回到了家。 2. be involved in deterioratefundamental conflictatmosphere proposalconsequence m

2、ediacurrent come through在过去二周里,A 和 B 两个邻国卷入武装冲突。结果,目前的外交关系进 一步恶化。联合国秘书长提出了停火协议,他相信两国之间关系的改善是地区 稳定的关键。同时,媒体担心如果和平谈判失败,将有严重的后果。可喜的是, 谈判的气氛很友好。人们预测,如果两国度过战争危机,世界的未来将是美好 的。 3. 要想同时成为一名成功的职业妇女和一个称职的母亲,对 Mary 而言,不是件容 易的事。她每天似乎在和时间赛跑。早上吃点面包和牛奶,她就冲到办公室上 班,一天的工作从检查网上客户的邮件开始。回到家,她要照顾儿子,教他分 辨是非,帮他培养良好的习惯。一天工作下

3、来,她想看电视放松一下,但她太 累了,好几次看电视的时候都睡着了。 4. 昨晚,一个烟头(cigarette end) 引发了某个办公大楼的一场大火。第二辆消 防车到达时,火势已不可控制。一些大的水泥(concrete)房梁开始倒塌。幸运 的是没有人员伤亡的报告。地方政府早就禁止在办公室里抽烟,所以警察怀疑 这不仅仅是一场意外。他们正在寻找证据来证实他们的猜测。查明起火原因大 概需要一年的时间,毕竟这不是一件容易的事。 5. 我是老师,我教中文。6. 一个退休的推销员在一个边远的山村开了一家杂货店,并给当地人提供特价商 品。他的行为跟其他人一样,和周围的环境也融合得很好,看起来他似乎没什 么不

4、正常。直到有一天,他被逮捕了,原因是他已经逃税很多年了。 二、填空题(本大题共二、填空题(本大题共 4040 分,共分,共 1010 小题,每小题小题,每小题 4 4 分)分) 1. 用 am, is, are 填空Those _oranges. 2. 用 a,an 填空:My teacher give me _useful book. 3. 用 am, is, are 填空Here _ some sweaters for you. 4. 用 a,an 填空:I have _ hour to do my homework.5. 用 a,an 填空:Do you have _QQ number?

5、 6. 用 am, is, are 填空That _ my red skirt. 7. 用 a,an 填空:Do you have _ umbrella. 8. 用 am, is, are 填空These _ buses. 9. 用 am, is, are 填空I _ a boy. _ you a boy? No, I _ not.10. 用 am, is, are 填空Where _ your mother? She _ at home. 三、写作题(本大题共三、写作题(本大题共 3030 分,共分,共 3 3 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1010 分)分) 1. Directions: Fo

6、r this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the given topic. Your composition should meet the word limit set by the test syllabus at this level. You should base your composition on the outlines provided and then type your composition in the box below. 1随着经济发展和人民生活水平提高,许多人不再节

7、俭。 2节俭和朴素的社会方式过时了吗?给出你的观点,并说明原因。 2. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic WHO ARE TEACHERS PET? Your composition should be no less than 120 words. Remember to write neatly. 3. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on

8、the topic What Makes a Good Teacher from the angle of a student. You should write at least 130 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below. 1. 一名教师必须精通他(她)所教的课目2. 但是更重要的是工作态度和对学生的关心 答案:答案:一、翻译题(一、翻译题(3030 分,共分,共 6 6 题,每小题题,每小题 5 5 分)分)1. 参考答案:参考答案:On the day of my 21st bir

9、thday, I received a bunch of flowers, attached to which was a beautiful card. My initial reaction was that it was just from one of my friends. Since it was a common phenomenon to a birthday person, I was not the least surprised. However, the gift turned out to be from the boy who I had been in love

10、with secretly. I felt somewhat nervous and excited. That night I got drunk in a bar and could not find my way home. In the end, a policeman appeared and assisted me in going back home. 解题方案:解题方案:评分标准:评分标准:2. 参考答案:参考答案:In the last two weeks, two neighboring countries A and B have been involved in arm

11、ed conflicts. As a result, the current diplomatic relationship is further deteriorating. The UN general secretary, who believes that better relationship between the two countries is fundamental to the well-being of the area, has put forward a cease- fire proposal. At the same time, mass media worrie

12、s that there will be a serious consequence if the peace talk fails. Fortunately, the atmosphere over the talk is friendly. It is predicted that the world will have a bright future if both countries can come through war crisis. 解题方案:解题方案:评分标准:评分标准:3. 参考答案:参考答案:Being a successful woman and a qualified

13、 mother as well is not a piece of cake for Mary. Every day she seems to race the clock. After having a snack of milk and biscuits in the morning, she rushes to office, beginning her office routine work by checking E-mail from clients. At home, she has to take care of her son, teaching him to disting

14、uish the right from the wrong and helping him to cultivate good habits. After a days work, she would like to relax herself by watching TV. But she is so exhausted that on several occasions she falls asleep with the TV on. 解题方案:解题方案:评分标准:评分标准:4. 参考答案:参考答案:Last night a cigarette end caused a big fire

15、in an office building. The fire had already been out of control by the time the second fire engine arrived. Some massive concrete beams began to collapse. Fortunately, no casualty was reported. Since local government has long banned smoking in all offices, the police are skeptical of a mere accident

16、. They are now seeking evidences to bear out their suspect. It will probably take the police a year to find out the cause of the fire. Anyway, it is not a piece of cake. 解题方案:解题方案:评分标准:评分标准:5. 参考答案:参考答案:I am a teacher. I teach Chinese.解题方案:解题方案:评分标准:评分标准:6. 参考答案:参考答案:A retired salesman, who opened a small grocery in a remote mountain village, offered special discount to the loc



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