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1、大庆实验大庆实验中学中学高三仿真模拟高三仿真模拟英语答案英语答案听力理解:1-5 BCBBA6-10 CCBCA11-15 CCABB16-20 AABCA阅读理解: 21-23 CAD24-27 BDBC28-31 BDAD32-35 BCAA 36-40 FAEBD 完形填空: 41-45 CADAB46-50 BDDCB51-55 ABCDA56-60 CBDAC 语法填空: 61. has been drinking62. shorter63. an64. spent65. to 66. be made67. to be68. that69. performance70. It 短文改

2、错: I had workedhad 去掉 It was a extremelya-an I applied the jobapplied 后加 for I was luck enoughluck-lucky the vacation beginsbegins- began informative but entertaining but-and type of worksworks-work the followed two weeksfollowed-following what gavewhat-which to be praisingpraising-praised 书面表达: Goo

3、d afternoon, everyone! It is my honor to be here to share my opinions about dreams with you. As James Allen put it, “Dreams are the seedlings of realities.” Dreams inspire us to go after what we really want in life and push us to reach new heights. A life without dreams is like a garden without flow

4、ers. So all of us should first set great goals and then make careful plans to turn our dreams into realities. Though there will be a number of challenges in front of us, we should never lost heart and give up. If we try really hard, I believe we are sure to make our dreams come true. Thats all. Thank you.



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