介绍电容式触摸屏光阻特性及应用实例photoresist’s characteristic and its application in touch sensor

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介绍电容式触摸屏光阻特性及应用实例photoresist’s characteristic and its application in touch sensor_第1页
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《介绍电容式触摸屏光阻特性及应用实例photoresist’s characteristic and its application in touch sensor》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《介绍电容式触摸屏光阻特性及应用实例photoresist’s characteristic and its application in touch sensor(207页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Introduction to Photoresists Characteristic and an Example of Application in Capacitive Touch Sensors Prepared by : Dr Saludin PI characteristic and its application Content : Introduction Polyimide / PI Microlithography and Theory Photoresist Critical Parameters Characteristic of PR Its Application

2、in Touch Sensor/ an example 主要从以下六个方面来介绍 前两项是简单介绍PI的种类,特性。合成方法及发展历史等 第三项介绍PI 曝光显影理论 第四项介绍影响光阻的关键参数 第五项是光阻本身的一些特性 第六项介绍一些应用实例 Introduction Photosensitive Polyimide (PSPI) is a kind of organic polymer materials with thiamine group, the molecules main chain is rigidity and high intermolecular forces. M

3、ostly in the market provide photoresist such as Positive type : DNQ Negatif type : KTFR 感光性聚亚酰胺(PSPI)是一种含有亚酰胺基的有机高分子材料,其分子主链具有很高的刚硬度以及很强的分子作用力。 目前生产中有两种类型的光阻: 一 正性光阻: DNQ型(重氮萘醌重氮萘醌) 二 负性光阻:(KTFR)型 It has excellent properties such as : -Low dielectric constant -Low Youngs modulus -High chemical resis

4、tance -Good thermal stability -Flat surface 聚亚酰胺具备许多优异的性质,如: 低介电常数 低杨氏模量 高化学阻抗 优异的热稳定性 表面平坦化 Main process between traditional polyimide and positive sensitive polyimide Traditional polyimide Positive sensitive polyimide 而感光性聚亚酰胺(PSPI)就是现在 我们厂内应用的它可直接通过曝光显 影就得到图形,省略了其中的光阻涂 布,聚亚酰胺蚀刻与光阻除去三个步 骤,因此减少制程的复

5、杂性,提高产 品良率降低产品成本,得到更多厂家 的青睐。所以近年来人们一直致力于 感光性聚亚酰胺的研发。 其实早期的传统的聚 亚酰胺也像现在我们 厂内的ITO Metal等制 程,需要先涂布一层 PR通过光罩将图形转 移到PR上 然后再把底 层的聚亚酰胺吃掉才 能得到线路图; Polyimide/PI Generally, there is 3 kinds of polyimide : 1. Addition type (traditional) 2. Condensed Polyimide (traditional) 3. Positive sensitive polyimide/PSPI

6、Polyimide both for traditional and non traditional type will be a good introduction for our background theory 下面我们来简单介绍下聚亚酰胺也就是PI的种类及发展历史 聚亚酰胺分为三种,加成型、缩合型与感光型,前两种属于刚才我们讲过的 传统型PI 需要配合PR才能得到图形,第三种感光型是我们厂内目前使用的 也是我们今天要着重讲解的类型。 1 Addition type traditional? 下面先来看下加成型 3 kinds simple compounds dianhydride

7、monomer, diamine monomer and diamine with double bond or triple bond, polymerizes into polyamic acid with low molecular weight , Then make it imidization by heating or chemical method. after addition reaction the bond line will be longer and high polymer formed. 加成型聚亚酰胺通常是由二酸酐、二胺单体及有双键或三键的胺基或酸酐化合物三种

8、物质先共聚成分子量较低的聚酰胺酸,再经由加热或化学法将其亚酰胺化。因为其末端具有不饱和基,可经由加成反应以扩展分子链,而形成高分子聚合物。目前的发展大致分为三种: 1. Soluble Nadic end capped imide pre polymer - using heat-melt addition reaction form cross linked structure 1.可溶性尾罩酰亚胺预聚物 在1970年由美国的一家公司首先开发,利用热熔法进行加成反应,形成交联结构,如下所示: And. 可溶性尾罩酰亚胺预聚物 2. Male Bismaleimide BMI Maleimid

9、e monomers can be react with many compounds and product heat-resistant polymer, because BMI have high reactivity、 low molecular weight 、low hardening temp and no volatiles material was formed in hardening process ,so the machinability and solubility also well . But there are rigid groups in the main

10、 chain , and atherosclerotic is high crosslinking density, so the flexibility of BMI is low 2.末端马来酰亚胺系聚亚酰胺 在1973年,由美国 gernal electric公司研发出末端为马来酰亚胺基的 单体,可与多重化合物反应形成耐热性高分子。由于BMI预聚化合物的 分子量低,且反应性高,硬化温度较低且硬化时不产生挥发性物质所 以其溶解性和加工性均不错。但是由于主链上有硬基团且硬化物的交 联密度高,因此降低了高分子的可挠性,其化学反应如下图所示: 3. Acetylene-terminated po

11、lyimide ATI ATI is good at solvent solubility due there are acid amide bond and acetylene in ATI molecular. but bubble could be generate and holes may formed in ammoniation process to acetyl , also could be effect the propriety of surface 3.末端乙炔基聚亚酰胺简称ATI 是1974年hughes航空公司成功开发的,化学结构如下所示 ATI内未闭环的酰胺酸键及

12、乙炔基使之具有良好的溶剂溶解性,有助于加工性的提升。但在加热使其乙酰胺化的过程中,酰胺酸键结之化合物如水分会产生气泡造成孔洞,影响表面性质。 ATI内未闭环的酰胺酸键及乙炔基 2 Condensed polyimide traditional? 缩合型聚亚酰胺 Condensed polyimide was synthesized by two way : 1. one- pot 2. two-step 缩合型聚亚酰胺 依据不同的合成方法,缩合型聚亚酰胺可分为单批式和两段式。 1. One- pot Dianhydride compounds and Diiso cyanate compoun

13、ds were dissolved in polar aprotic solvents such as 1-Methayl-2-pyrrolinone (NMP),N,N-Dimethyl acetamide (DMAC), N,N-Dimethyl formamide (DMF). In high- temp reaction ,CO2 overflow and Polyimide was formed the solubility of polyimide synthesized by this way is poor and lead it difficult in molding pr

14、ocess , so this way is rarely used in industry 1.单批式合成法 是将二酸酐化合物与二异氰(qing)酸酯化合物溶解在在极性非质子溶剂中,如1 - 甲基-2 - 吡咯烷酮等,以高温反应,可脱去二氧化碳分子而聚集成聚亚酰胺,其反应结构如下所示:这种单批式合成的聚亚酰胺,溶解度不高,加成成形困难,因此工业上很少使用 二酸酐化合物 二异氰酸酯化合物 2. Two steps First step : Dianhydride compounds and Diamine compounds were dissolved in polar aprotic so

15、lvents form polyimide precursor which were polyamic acid (PAA) at room temperature or cold, Second step : polyamic acid (soluble) transferred into polyimide by dewatering and cyclization reaction 2.两段式合成法 该法分为两个阶段 ,第一阶段是利用二酸酐化合物与二胺化合物溶解于极性非质子溶剂中,于室温或低温反应,生成聚亚酰胺前驱物,一般称为聚酰胺酸,第二阶段则可将可溶性的聚酰胺酸经脱水环化处理转化为聚

16、亚酰胺即亚酰胺化,反应方程式如下: 聚酰胺酸 聚亚酰胺 二酸酐化合物 二胺化合物 Dewatering cyclization reaction There is 3 kind of dewatering 第二阶段的脱水环化可分为三种 a. Direct heating method Polyamic acid (PAA) was coated formed film and baking temp up to 300-400 in oven to achieve the propose of dewatering cyclization . a.直接加热法 是将聚酰胺酸溶液涂布成膜后,利用烤箱在300-400的高温及适当烘烤时间下达到脱水环化的目的。 b. Chemical imidization



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