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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福写作之未来汽车是否会减少大家都知道托福写作需要考生们在复习的时候多看一些托福独立写 作范文,这对于大家积累托福写作素材是很有帮助的,那么针对未来的 汽车是否会比现在少这个话题下面为各位准备了一个不错的材料,希望 各位能从中有收获。 托福写作素材分享: 托福写作题目 Question: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In twenty years there will be fewer cars in use than there are today. Use specific

2、reasons and examples to support your answer. 托福独立写作范文: With the development of science and technology as well as the implementation of the policy about vehicle, some people believe that in the 20 years, fewer cars will be in use than they are today. As far as I am concerned, I cannot agree with this

3、 statement for the following reasons.First of all, the population in the 20 years will still increase, which means that car market still has huge potential. Since the cost of cars becomes more and more cheap and people live further from their work places than before, people who would like to buy car

4、s gradually rise. Take China as an example, China has the largest market of car and with the progress of society, more people can afford cars so there is an increasing trend of car running in the roads. Unlessthe population in the world is going to decrease in the next 20 years, more cars will be pr

5、oduced in the future. However, under the drive of environmental protection from government and the rise of the price of oil, it is possible that we can see fewer cars driven in the roads. The car is not the only choice for travelling. In fact, many people would like to usepublict traffic rather than

6、 private cars. They think that in this way, they can not only do some good to environment but also save money. But this kind of people cannot stop the growing trend of population, the world still see more cars produced. To sum up, I think that there will be more cars in the future, but the growing s

7、peed will be slow down. The publlic transportation will be convenient for people and more people will choose to use it. The deterioration of environment will also drive human being to use less vehicle. 上面为大家准备的托福写作素材是一篇关于未来的汽车是否会比现 在少的托福独立写作范文,大家如果能好好进行准备多积累一些相关题 材相信对于以后的托福写作一定会有好处。 智课培训新托福口语强化班: 【课程特色】 资深外教老师上课,深入讲解托福口语话题;熟练使用地道口语用此 及常用句型;掌握口语应对技巧。对托福口语考题进行梳理,对独立口语 及综合口语部分进行有针对性的训练和讲解,帮助学生在考场避免常见 错误。训练听写能力,加强笔记记录训练。 【授课教材】 新托福考试官方指南新托福全真试题(TPO) 内部讲义 【课程简介】 学生能够有效完成口语考试题目,并能很好的完成综合口语考试题 目。托福考试口语单项得分在25分及以上。 【适合人群】 短期内需参加托福考试,口语基础薄弱,需强化培训,在考试中取 得25分及以上的学员



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