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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料如何让托福写作句子多样性-智课教育旗下智课教育托福写作提高分数的方式很多,但是,本文智课教育小编主要和大 家分享托福写作满分技巧中挖掘句子多样性的重要性。希望大家可以以 此提高托福作文分数。 在托福写作的备考中,相信很多人都知道,想要冲刺高分,仅仅凭 借文章中的一些简单句型是很难达到要求的。阅卷人除了在托福写作中 了解考生的思维能力之外,也会从大家的用词用句中了解到考生对于语 言的掌握能力。那么,对于备考学生来说,我们应该怎样关注托福写作 词句的多样化呢? 一、英语写作的特点. The characteristics of formal writing 1.名

2、词化趋势 I do not eat much.I am a light eater. The clock on the desk reminds me of time.I put a clock on the desk as a reminder of time. We once cried, laughed and disappointed.There were moments of tears, moments of laughter, and moments of disappointment.注意:名词化趋势的句子当然还有动词, 目的是尽量把表达句子中心 意思的那个词汇用名词表达.符合

3、英文的习惯. 2.无主语(区别于被动语态) 我们中文写作中,习惯以人做主语,而英文则相反,习惯以物做主格. More and more young students studied further in the past two decades. The past two decades witnessed a growing number of young students for further study. Looking out of the window, you will have a nice view. A glance out of the window offers you

4、 a nice view. 注意: 名词化趋势和无灵主语常常是相结合的. 3.被动语态 这一点大家比较熟悉,不详细讲.比如:Great efforts should be made to. What cannot be denied is that. 二、句式的写作: Main features of English sentences: 1.长短句结合 Love is patient and kind. It is never jealous, boastful, proud or rude. It keeps no record of wrong that others do. It al

5、ways protects, always fruits, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails. 一般来讲,总结性的句子应当使用短句,而说理的句子应用长句. 2.并列复合句 这种句子属于十分难写的句子,也举一个例子: He who wants to save his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for me will save it. 以上就是智课教育小编和大家分享的托福写作句子的一些用法,多 掌握一些句型,就能够更好地备考托福写作,从而能够丰富文章的内容 ,取得高分。



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