北京邮电大学 专业英语 3-translation

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1、11Translation TechniquesJust some techniques based on some experts experience. If you want do better, just remember “practice makes perfect”2Translation Requirements?Exact voice; ?infinitive; gerund, gerund phrases;?participle, participle phrases, participle independent structure?Noun; Adjective; Ad

2、verb;?Pronoun; Preposition; Conjunctive;?Article (indefinite, definite); Exclamation313Verb - 1?英语中的某些动词不宜直译成汉语动词, 而应转译成汉语名词,才符合汉语的习惯?A. An electric current varies directly as the electromotive force and inversely as the resistance.?电流的变化与电动势成正比,与电阻成反比?B. Tests showed that the cooling air must flow

3、at a rate of at least 17m/s?试验表明,冷却空气的流速至少应为17米/ 秒14Verb - 2?汉语中动词用得较多,除大量的动宾结构 外,还有连动式、兼语式等两个以上动词 连用的情况。而英语的一句话中往往只有 一个谓语动词,且名词比汉语中名词用得 多。因此,汉译英时往往把汉语动词转换 成英语名词。?A. 这一时期产生了符号语言?It was during this period that there was the development of symbolic languages.15Verb - 3?汉语中一些表示知觉、感情、欲望等心理 状态的动词,英译时往往可转

4、换成形容词?A. 你熟悉印刷电路板的性能吗??Are you familiar with the performance of printed circuit board?汉语中的有些动词可译成英语中的副词用 作表语或宾语的补语。?A. 程序的运行结束了?The operation of the program has been over.16Verb - 4?与汉语相比,英语用介词较多,而且有一些英语介词是 由动词演变来的,具有动词的特征。?A. 计算机是一种具有复杂电路的机器?A computer is a machine with an intricate network of elec

5、tronic circuits.?B. 这台计算机具有很高的灵敏度?This computer is of high sensibility.?C. 他们缺乏这种新型计算机?They are short of the new type computers.?D. 算术部分能进行加减乘除及其他数学运算?The arithmetic section is capable of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, plus other mathematical functions17Tense of Verb?英汉语言在阐述定律、定义和公式时

6、,描写构造和工作原 理时,或叙述过程和程序时,一般用一般现在时。章节标 题、图表说明和文摘提要,也往往采用一般现在时。?A. All central processing units or microprocessor units contain the following basic elements.?所有中央处理器都包括下列基本部件。?一般过去时,现在完成时,过去完成时,一般不用增添词 语表示时间概念,句中的时间状语或上下文,可以暗示动 作或状态发生的时间。?B. It was during this period that there was the development of sy

7、mbolic languages. ?这一时期产生了符号语言。18Voice of Verb - 1?英语的被动语态,除了直译外?不改主语,改变谓语,如谓语?汉语动宾结构?不改谓语,原句主语?汉语宾语?主语为by, from, for 引出的主动方?主语为上下文推定的主动方?主语为指一切人的“大家”,“人们”,“我们”?无主语,用“把”“将”“使”“对”等?The memory and register should be checked to see if the results are correct at that point?应该对存储器和寄存器的内容进行检查 后,看看该点的运行结构是

8、否正确。419Voice of Verb - 2?需要翻译为英语被动语态的汉语句式有:?无主语;有主语但无主动者;主语为泛指的人?强调接受动作的人和事?通知、告示、说明中的句子?A. 这种结构已经派生出了另外三四种结构?Three or four more structures have been derived from this structure.?B. 用户需要好好维护这些程序?Users are requested to maintain these programs carefully.20Infinitive as Subject?英语动词不定式或汉语动宾结构作主语时,多数直译?

9、A. To add, subtract, multiply and divide is the main function of arithmetic unit.?加、减、乘、除是算术单元的主要功能。?B. 听到计算机的存储量为上百万位是不足为奇的。?Its not surprising to hear about computers with a memory capacity of millions of bits.?有时则需要转译?C. Its necessary to study and have a good mastery of these programs?必须研究和很好地掌握这

10、些程序21Infinitive as Predicative?英语句中做表语的动词不定式与汉语中做表语的 动词或动宾结构,在表示将来、可能或必然发生 的事情时,一般可直译。?A. Inputting is to involve the use of a device to encode or transform data into digital codes that the computer can process.?输入包括使用设备将数据编码或转换成计算机能 够处理的数字码。?B. 虚存的作用是一次运行多个8088/86 应用程序?The function of virtual mode

11、is to run multiple 8088/86 applications at a time.22Infinitive as Complement?在英语使役动词和一些表示主观意志的动词后 面,可用不定式作为宾语的补语。这种“宾语+ 动词不定式补语”的结构和汉语的兼语式可以 直译。?A. The rectifier-diode allows current to flow in one direction only. ?整流二极管只允许电流在一个方向上流动。?B. 这个新程序的使用使问题解决得更快了。?The using of this new program makes the pro

12、blem to be solved quickly.23Infinitive as Adverbial Modifier?英语动词不定式和汉语动宾结构用作表示目的、 结果、补充说明和伴随情况状语,修饰谓语行为 动词时,一般可直译?A. We test a program to demonstrate the existence of an error. ?我们为了证实错误的存在而测试程序?B. 最后的安装测试通常是用来确保系统具有应有 的功能。?A final installation test is usually performed to make sure that the system

13、 still functions as it should.24Gerund?英汉语中表示技术概念的动名词,可直译?A. The computer has the functions of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.?计算机具有加、减、乘、除的功能?B. 用晶体管代替电子管称为晶体管化?The use of transistors in place of vacuum tubes is called transistorizing.525Gerund Phrases?有时可将带有主语的动名词短语转译为汉 语中的分句。?A. I

14、nformation is usually entered into a computer by typing characters on a keyboard with standard typewriter layout and a few extra keys denoting special operations.?信息通常是通过在键盘上敲打字符输入计 算机的;计算机键盘有标准的打字机布 局,而一些特别的键代表一些特殊的操作26Participle Phrase as Attribute?英语分词短语作定语时,若分词短语较长 或与所说明词的关系不紧密,可转译为汉 语并列关系的分句。?A

15、. Checking of the assembly is recorded in a certificate containing the values measured according to Part 5.1 to 5.4?安装情况检验记录于证明书中,其中包括 按5.1到5.4节所测出的数值。27Participle Phrase as Adverbial Modifier?某些用作时间、条件或原因状语的分词短 语可转译为相应的汉语分句。?某些表示行为方式、或伴随状况的分词短 语可转译为相应的并列谓语,个别的可转 译为汉语分句。?A. Completing the assembling

16、 of the computer completed, we started operating it.?计算机装配完毕,我们就开始使用它了。28Participle Independent Structure?分词独立结构在英语中作时间状语、条件状语或 原因状语时,通常位于句首;而作表示结果、方 式、补充说明和伴随情况状语时,往往位于句 未。?一般可按照它们在句中的位置,将位于句首的分 词独立结构转译为汉语状语分句,将位于句末的 转译为汉语并列分句?A. The operand registers of a processor being 16 bits wide, the processor is said to be a 16-bit processor?因为处理器的操作数是16位的,所以就称该处理 器为16位处理器。29Noun - 1?大多数名词都可以按照词的本义和原词性直接直 译。?名词性的专业术语、专有名词和缩写词除了使用 照意意译法外,还可以运用照音音译法,或照形形译法?A. Hz(赫兹), Eth


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