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1、file:/F|/OPW/pp/download/bihec_pdf_bycat/2010年仪器设备-硫化分析仪、硫化仪目录.htm2010-4-12 22:05:45Rheoline MD Prescott Instruments Rheo-Line has been developed to meet the needs of a modern testing laboratory, providing fast and accurate data making it ideally suited to both the production environment and for use

2、 in the development of elastomeric compounds. Samples can be tested prior to the curing process and their properties measured allowing accurate prediction of product or material durability. At the heart of the Rheo-Line system is a rotor- less Biconical Die assembly with heat being applied to upper

3、and lower dies producing precise accurate temperature control. The lower die is oscillated at 1.66 Hz at an amplitude of 0.5, 1.0 or 3.0 while the top die remains fixed and accurately measures the reaction torque.主要特点:Rheoline MD Prescott Instruments Rheo-Line has been developed to meet the needs of

4、 a modern testing laboratory, providing fast and accurate data making it ideally suited to both the production environment and for use in the development of elastomeric compounds. Samples can be tested prior to the curing process and their properties measured allowing accurate prediction of product

5、or material durability. At the heart of the Rheo-Line system is a rotor- less Biconical Die assembly with heat being applied to upper and lower dies producing precise accurate temperature control. The lower die is oscillated at 1.66 Hz at an amplitude of 0.5, 1.0 or 3.0 while the top die remains fix

6、ed and accurately measures the reaction torque.技术参数:Rheoline MD Technical Specifications: Standard: Conforms to ISO No. 6502 / ASTM D5289 Electrical: Single Phase, 220 / 240v 50Hz, or 110v 60Hz Pneumatics: Filtered Air 4.2 Kg/cm ( 6OPSI ) Cavity Configuration: Sealed or non sealed die system Oscilla

7、tion Frequency: 1.67 Hz Oscillation Amplitude: 0.5, 1.0, 3.0. (0.5 fitted as standard) Temperature Control: Digital PID Temperature Range: 30 to 250C Torque Units: In/Lbs or dNm Temperature Units: Celsius or Fahrenheit Pressure Units: Lb/In or Kg/cm (optional) Time Units: Min/Seconds or Minutes/Deci

8、mal Real Time Graphical Output: Elastic Modulus, Viscous Modulus, Tan Delta,Cure Rate,Pressure in Die cavity (optional) PC Specification: Pentium processor, Fully Networkable Data Format: All data stored in accessible format allowing easy export to all other packages. Optional Extras Available: Prog

9、rammable temperature zones Additional oscillation eccentric Pressure transducer Auto loading module (see Automated Rheo-Line Moving Dir Rheometer) MDR Sample Cutter 2005-2009 必和国际贸易(香港)有限公司 版权所有,并保留所有权利。上海市长乐路989号2006室,邮编:200031,电话:021-60896520,13661956095,http:/, 密闭式无转子橡胶硫化仪是晔中科技的一个专利性产品,拥有多国专利,改善

10、了传统硫变仪的加温效率,可快速达到平衡,更精确评估温度的影响,装置于上模的扭力传感器,可以排除传统硫化仪闭封圈的摩擦力、传动机构的摩擦力及振动对量测结果造成的影响,使测试结果更精确,并且可以正确的分析橡胶材料的粘弹特性及损失角等,加装压力传感器的话还可以量测发泡材料的发泡时间、发泡倍率及发泡过程。主要特点:机组特性: 1.精确的扭矩量测 转矩传感器直接安装在上模,排除摩擦力、机 械传动阻力对扭矩量测精度之影响。 2.真实的量测发泡压力 由于采用密闭式模腔,胶料发泡所产生之气体 不会外泄,所以,能够真实且完整地量测出发泡压力变化过程。 3.强化模具抓持力 因为是密闭式,所以对刚性较大之胶料在测试

11、中能够百分之百的将测试胶料抓持住,而中实地反映出胶料之特性。 4.长期保证模具表清洁面 采用塑料模纸以隔开胶料直接接触上下模具,几乎是永久性地保持模具表面之清洁状态,所以在长期使用后,可免除因模具表面清洁状况及尺寸之变异而影响测值。 5.Windows窗口操作系统软件 全新的窗口操作系统程序,除了提供友善的人机接口操作特性外,更包含有以下几项特点: 1)可预先设定暨储存大量的测试条件,以节省测试前之设定作业。 2)使用者自由选定、搭配之坐标类别,让您轻易地即可得知各类曲线之间相对变化情形。 3)测试后之曲线及相关数据均可被储存,以作为统计之资料来源或日后调阅之需。 4)储存中之曲线可自由点选出

12、来,以作为相互比对其变化特性。 5)可自由编排之报表编辑程序,提供使用者编写出具有特色或加入其它外来数据之报表格式。 6.可测得曲线类别: 1)弹性扭矩(硫化)曲线(Elastic torque curve) 2)黏性扭矩曲线(Viscous torque curve) 3)黏/弹复合性扭矩曲线(Viscous-Elastic complex curve) 4)动的损失角曲线(Loss angle curve) 5)黏/弹性比值曲线(Tangent delta curve) 6)上/下模温度曲线(Upper H: 1240 mm; D: 600 mm 重量大约180 kg 2005-2009

13、必和国际贸易(香港)有限公司 版权所有,并保留所有权利。上海市长乐路989号2006室,邮编:200031,电话:021-60896520,13661956095,http:/, 本机符合GB/T16584 橡胶用无转子硫化仪测定硫化特性要求、ISO6502要求及意大利标准要求的T10、T30、T50、T60、T90数据。主要特点:该机用于测定未硫化橡胶的特性,找出胶料的最适合硫化时间。该机采用进口智能数字式温控仪表,调整设定简便,控温范围宽,控制精度高,其稳定性、重现性及准确性均优于一般有转子硫化仪。采用计算机控制和接口板进行数据的采集、保存、处理和打印试验结果,使功能更加强大。充分显示了

14、其高度自动化的特点。还具有曲线比较、放大等功能。应用WINDOWS系列操作系统平台,采用图形图像化的软件操作界面,使数字处理更加准确,使用户试验操作简单、快捷、灵活、维护方便。技术参数:1、温度控制范围:室温-200 2、温度波动范围: 0.1 3、温度显示分辨率:0.1 4、升温速度:室温-200时约10min达到平衡 5、力矩范围: 0N.m-5N.m 6、时间设定范围:2min-120min任意选择 7、转子摆动角度:0.5 (总振幅为1) 8、消耗功率: 800W 9、电源:220V10% 50HZ 10、外型尺寸:640mm580mm1300mm 11、净重:210kg 2005-2

15、009 必和国际贸易(香港)有限公司 版权所有,并保留所有权利。上海市长乐路989号2006室,邮编:200031,电话:021-60896520,13661956095,http:/, 株式会社上岛制作所创立于1916年(大正5年),主要是向橡胶、塑料、涂料等产业领域提供符合ISO 、JIS、ASTM 为主的国际先进工业标准的试验机。 本款机型是采用了能适合各种测试场所的紧凑型结构最先进的硫化试验机。具有体积小,质量轻等优点。 FDRR(Flat Die Rheometer) is a testing equipment that measures changes in torque th

16、at vary with rubber by oscillation and determines the vulcanization characteristics based on changes in the maximum torque, the minimum torque, scorch time, cure time, viscoelasticity, and other factors when the rubber component is entered between the upper and lower dies of a flat plate at a specified temperature and is subjected to sinusoidal torsional oscillation. FDR thu



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