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1、南京工业大学硕士学位论文中国汽车营销体系研究以一汽-大众为例姓名:徐凯申请学位级别:硕士专业:企业管理指导教师:来尧静20060508硕士学位论文I摘 要加入 WTO 以来几乎所有跨国汽车集团加快了进入中国市场的步伐都 已进入中国合资生产中国汽车市场呈现出国际企业国内化国内企业国际化 的竞争格局中国在加入 WTO 谈判过程中涉及汽车产品的相关承诺包括关税 的降低非关税壁垒的放开国内汽车服务贸易领域允许外资进入等方面将逐 步兑现中国目前的汽车营销体系与国外还存在巨大差距还不适应市场竞争 形势如何尽快建立和完善中国汽车营销体系已成为中国汽车业面临的巨大 挑战和重要课题笔者认为应该借鉴发达国家汽车营

2、销经验并总结目前国 内汽车营销体系的经验教训建设具有中国特色并与国际接轨的汽车营销体系 将是中国汽车企业在未来竞争激烈的国内外汽车市场中立足和发展的成败所 在 本论文以市场营销服务营销和消费者行为理论为指导从汽车营销理念 分销渠道模式和营销手段角度分析比较了国内外汽车营销体系的发展状况特 点现状差距和营销策略差距论述了国外汽车营销体系的发展新动向分析 了汽车产业价值链的相关环节价值帮助企业认识汽车产业下游活动的获利机 会以一汽-大众营销体系变革实例来阐述获取竞争优势的差异化营销策略营 销手段和提高企业核心竞争力的相关实务分析了中国轿车消费者购买行为及 其影响因素最后提出了关注顾客终生价值以顾客

3、导向的现代营销理念 多元化的分销渠道多种营销方式来构建具有中国特色并与国际接轨的中国汽 车营销新体系 中国消费者的消费行为更趋理性和成熟随着消费者接触汽车产品信息的 途径越来越多消费者对汽车更加了解影响消费者需求和购买决策的因素 从汽车价格质量性能等方面扩展为居民收入消费政策消费环境消费 观念使用费用支付方式产品的可供性汽车服务品牌形象等综合因素 中国汽车企业必须更加重视汽车服务,以客户终生价值为目标树立为客户 终生服务的思想重视产业价值链下游获利机会 汽车营销体系的传承和不断创新是汽车产业发展的永恒动力实践证明 汽车营销理念对汽车企业的兴衰具有决定性的作用建立既与国际接轨又符合 中国国情的多

4、元化的汽车营销渠道模式是支撑汽车营销体系高效运作的关键 拓展多种营销手段和新的销售方式积极参与整合汽车价值链下游活动是中 国汽车企业今后赢得市场竞争的重要途径只有以顾客导向的现代汽车营 销理念多元化的分销渠道和多种营销手段构建起具有中国特色的现代汽车营 销体系才能与国际汽车营销体系接轨才能真正融入全球汽车产业体系和市 场营销体系之中关键词消费者行为 汽车营销体系 营销理念 分销渠道 营销方式硕士学位论文iAbstractSince China joined WTO, by means of joint venture, almost all the transnational automoti

5、ve corporations have speed up their steps into the Chinese market. Chinese automobile market shows a new competitive layout which presents two noticeable trends: globalization of domestic enterprises and localization of international enterprises. The commitment which is involved during the WTO negot

6、iation includes: tariff cut, openness of non-tariff barrier, the permission of the foreign capital into the domestic automobile service sector. There exists presently a huge gap between the Chinese automobile marketing system and the international system. How to establish and improve the automobile

7、marketing system in China has become a tremendous challenge and task. The author thinks that the successful marketing experience should be well appreciated and we should draw upon the experience of developed countries in our own automobile marketing activities. It will attach a great importance to e

8、stablish an automobile marketing system with Chinese characteristics and in line with international practice. Under the guide of marketing theory and services marketing theory and comsumers behavior theory, in terms of automobile marketing philosophy, distribution channel mode and marketing means, t

9、his paper compares and analyzes the state of development, characteristics and actual gap between the domestic and international automobile marketing system, discusses the new development tendency of the international automobile marketing system; and analyze the related link value in the automobile i

10、ndustry value chain, and helps the enterprises recognize the profit opportunities in the downstream activities of the automobile industry. With the marketing system changes of the FAW-VW as example, this paper discusses the differentiation marketing stratagy, marketing means and related practice to

11、promote the core competitiveness; analyzes the main influencing factors of the Chinese consumers demands and purchasing behavior of the Chinese car consumers. Finally this paper introduces main viewpoint, which pays close attention to customer life value, modern customer-oriented marketing philosoph

12、y, diversified distribution channels, and marketing means, with which the new Chinese automobile marketing system with Chinese characteristics and as well as in line with international system should be constructed. Chinese consumer behavior trends to be rational and mature. As the ways to know the c

13、ar product information go rich, and the consumers know much more about cars than before. The factors, which influence the consumers demands and purchasing decision, expand from product price, quality and performance to resident income, consumption policy, consumption circumstance, consumption intent

14、ion, payment mode, automobile sales service and brand image. The Chinese automobile enterprises must pay more attention to car service. With the consumer life cycle theory and auto value chain theory, the Chinese automobile enterprises should foster the life service thought, and focus on the profit

15、opportunitiesiiin the downstream of the automobile industry value chain. The heritage and innovation of the automobile marketing system is the everlasting power for the automobile industry development. Practice has proved that whether automobile marketing philosophy is advanced attaches much importa

16、nce to the rise and fall of the automobile enterprises. It is one of the key factors which support the efficient functions of the automobile marketing system to establish an automobile marketing channel mode which is not only in line with international system but also meets the national conditions. To broaden the marketing means and new sales mode, to participate in the downstream activities of the automobile value chain are the important ways for the Chinese automobile enterprises to w



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