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1、中文/类别英文双解备注/其他中文/类别英文双解备注/其他产前护理antenatal care 助产师midwife 产科顾问obstetric consult 妇产科maternity unit 专家specialist 宫缩contraction止痛泵pain relief optionssuch as an anaesthetist on call to provide an epidural 镇痛气(安桃乐)Entonoxgas and air 止痛药Pethidinepain killers 产区labour ward 产前课Antenatal class 阴道流血Vaginal bl

2、eeding 破水Water broken 孕妇基础信息孕妇基础信息Information about your pregnancy 预产期EDDthe estimated date of delivery也叫Due Date 血项及尿液结果1. Result of blood and urine tests 血压2. Bpblood pressure 腹围3. Size of your abdomen. 胎位4. Position in which your baby is lying. 胎心5. Your babys heart rate. B超详细情况6. Details of ultr

3、asound scans. 产检记录产检记录Maternity record 词汇词汇 产检诊所ANCAntenatal Clinic 人工破膜ARMArtificial rupture of membranes自然破水SROMSpontaneousruptureof membranes胎儿坐位Br BreechBaby is lying bottom nearest cervix胎儿头位Cephalic,ceph orVx-baby s head os nearest the cervix胎儿横位Transverselie thebabyislying horizontally.胎心监护CT

4、G CardiotocographMethod of monitoring babys hearbeat 子宫颈Cxcervix DAUDay assessment unit EPAU Early pregnancy assessment unit入盆Eng/E Engaged the baby s head drops into the pelvis. 宫高Fundal height 引产IOLInduction of labour 末次月经LMPlast menstrual period子宫下段剖腹产术LSCS lowersegmentCaesarean section 无畸形NADNo

5、abnormality detected 葡萄糖耐量实验Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)尿液检查 (蛋白,葡萄糖,其他) Urine P G Op:protein,g:glucose o:otherB超USS-Ultrasound scan 尿路感染UTI-urine infection 脐带Cord 胎盘Placenta生产方式选择生产方式选择-需要和助产士商谈需要和助产士商谈Birth choises:-(you need to discuss with your midwife) 主动分娩Active birth:like squatting or kneeli

6、ng. 自然分娩Natural birth 水中分娩Water birth 剖腹产caesarean又称 C-Section 生产过程-正常分娩生产过程-正常分娩Labour 早产Early labour / premature delivery足月产term delivery 过期产postterm delivery 第一产程First stage labour 第二产程second stage 第三产程(胎盘娩出)third stage 骨盆入口pelvic inlet 骨盆出口pelvic outlet 宫颈管消失effacement of cervix 宫口扩张dilatation o

7、f cervix 双顶径biparietal diameter (BPD) 分娩机制mechanism of labor 见 红show 产程图partogram 胎头着冠crowning of head 向下屏气push 会阴自然撕裂/侧切术Tearnaturally /have an episiotomy 正常产褥正常产褥 产褥期puerperium 子宫复旧involution of uterus 初 乳colostrums 产后宫缩痛after pains 恶 露lochia 人工喂养bottle feeding 母乳喂养breast feeding 早吸吮early suckling

8、 妊娠高血压综合症妊娠高血压综合症 水肿Oedema / edemaswelling of hands and feet 蛋白尿proteinuria 高血压hypertension综合征hemolysis,elevated liver enzyme , low platelets syndrome HELLP 抗高血压药物antihypertensive 抗抽搐药物anti convulsant利尿药diuretics 镇静药物sedative妊娠高血压综合征pregnancyinducedhypentension syndrome,PIH 先兆子痫preeclampsia 惊厥, 子痫ec

9、lampsia 平均动脉压mean arterial blood pressure,(mABP) 异常分娩异常分娩 异常分娩dystocia 初产妇primipara 经产妇multipara 低张性子宫收缩hypotonic uterine contraction 高张性子宫收缩hypertonic uterine contraction 催产素oxytocin 前列腺素prostaglandin 单纯扁平骨盆simple flat pelvis 漏斗骨盆funnel shaped pelvis 均小骨盆generally contracted pelvis 持续性枕后位persistent

10、 occipitoposterior position 持续性忧横位persistent occipitotransverse position 高直位sincipital presentation 前不均倾位anterior asynclitism 面先露face presentation 臀先露breech presentation 肩先露shoulder presentation 肩难产shoulder dystocia 脑积水hydrocephalus 脊柱裂spina bifida 联体双胎conjoined twins 产后出血产后出血 产后出血postpartum hemorrh

11、age PPH 宫缩乏力uterine atony 生殖道创伤trauma of genital tract 胎盘植入placental implantation 子宫破裂子宫破裂 子宫破裂rupture of uterus 病理缩复环pathologic retraction ring 过期妊娠过期妊娠 过期妊娠postterm pregnancy 胎 粪meconium 引 产induction of labor 胎盘功能placental function 胎儿窘迫胎儿窘迫 胎儿窘迫fetal distress 围产医学perinatal medicine 产褥感染产褥感染 产褥感染puerperal infection 产褥病率puerperal morbidity 晚期产后出血late postpartum hemorrhage 外阴炎、阴道炎、宫颈炎外阴炎、阴道炎、宫颈炎 外阴炎vulvitis 前庭大腺脓肿bartholins gland abscess 前庭大腺囊肿bartholins gland cyst 滴虫性阴道炎trichomonas vaginitis 念珠菌性阴道炎monilial vagi



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