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1、“慕司”“慕司” 被认定为通用名称责任编辑向 利耘曾藻糟怎贼蚤增藻 耘凿蚤贼燥则Xiang LiCHINAREPORTINTELLECTUAL PROPERTY社址院北京市海淀区蓟门桥西土城路 远 号邮编院员园园园愿愿电邮院糟蚤责灶藻憎泽岳增蚤责援泽蚤灶葬援糟燥皂记者部院82803956编辑部院82803936办公室院82803009发行部院愿圆园猿源猿愿缘广告部院愿圆园猿源猿缘愿印刷院解放军报印刷厂China can爷t always dwell atthe lower end of the globalindustrialchain,saidSIPOCommissioner Tian Li

2、pu. We maysettle for trading our own resourcesand labor force for a fraction pro-cessing fee. But that is not in thebest interest of the country. In lightof the challenges, how to material-ize our objective in innovation withdetermination is a serious topic forevery Chinese, Tian addressed the2012 N

3、ational IP Publicity Week,responding to a U.S. media reportnamedGaveMercantilistChinaSome Rough Treatment.According to this article, be-fore 2006, China actively encour-agedforeigndirectinvestmentthrough a vast array of incentives,many of which could be labeled asmercantilism and lack of fairness.Wh

4、ile the consequences of Chinasmercantilist policies might not havealways been good for the U.S. e-conomy,andespeciallyformanyproduction workersin traded sec-tors, U.S. multinational corporationsbenefited from access to a low- costproduction platform. And Americansin their role as consumers benefited

5、from lower- cost goods. While Chi-na occasionally engaged in policiesthat brought complaints from U.S.industry, by and large the UnitedStates was satisfied with the rela-tionship.In2006,thatbegantochange.Chinamadethestrategicdecision to shift to a new develop-ment model that focused on help-ing Chin

6、ese firms grow by movingupthevaluechainandgainingglobal marketshare, often at theexpense of foreign firms.There is no sign that Chinawould give up innovative mercan-tilist voluntarily. Although the suc-cessiveU.S.administrationsre-mained open in dialogues,no vi-ablesolutionhaseverbeende-vised,accord

7、ingtothereport.Their quick fix is to smash Creat-ed in China and to rejuvenate thegood old Made in China, weldingChinaatthelowerendoftheglobalindustrialchain.China,inthe process of making cheap goods,suffers real environmental and re-source consequences.We elect tocompete by taking over knowledgevan

8、tage points through self- generat-ed innovations. They say nay ,saidTian.In fact, the core of the U.S.national policy is to protect its owninnovations,seizevantagepointsand gain revenues through knowl-edge creation, knowledge trade andhigh- value- addedknowledgeprod-ucts, which is their edge over th

9、erest of the world. Defending suchedgeisvitalfortheirincessantdwarfing the rest of the world.Knowledge creation and van-tage points are reflected by IPRs.Consequently,theydominateandinfluence the word in patent, trade-mark and copyright industry,ac-cording to Tian.China can爷t engage in OEMsforever a

10、s the industrialized coun-tries wish, becoming their employeeand assuming the consequences oftheir industrial restructuring and re-location. We need to flex our mindmuscles. Of course, this requires asolid cultural and social ambienceand a well- oiled legalsystemontop of the participation of the gen

11、-eral population, said Tian.(by Xiang Li)本报记者向 利日前袁中国国家知识产权局局长田力普针对一篇名为叶对重商主义的中国来硬的曳 美媒文章在 2012 年全国知识产权宣传周发表演讲时表示袁野我们不能永远待在全球产业链的低端遥 把自己的资源尧劳动力拿出去换取一些低廉的加工费用袁 也能发展袁但最后算总账袁 对中国不是最有利的遥 面对这种挑战袁我们如何坚定不移地把创新目标变为现实袁这对每一个中国人来说都是一个严肃的问题遥 冶该文章称袁2006 年前中国通过一系列措施鼓励外国直接投资袁其中许多带有重商主义和不公平色彩袁尽管重商主义政策带来的后果并不总是有利于美国

12、经济袁但是袁美国公司仍因获得低成本制造平台而获益良多袁美国人作为消费者也从低价商品中受惠袁总的说来美国对这种关系是满意的遥 这种局面从 2006 年开始发生改变袁中国做出战略决策袁转向创新的发展模式袁帮助中国企业在价值链的上游攀升并获得全球市场份额袁这些通常是以外国公司为代价遥文章同时也指出袁没有迹象表明中国自动放弃创新重商主义袁尽管美国历届政府都通过对话保持接触袁但是没有利于问题的解决遥田力普对此评议说院野它的解决办法就是中国不去创新袁回到过去美国人认为满意的状态中遥即出口加工贸易站在全球产业链的低端袁生产廉价产品袁付出环境尧资源代价遥 我们要转向通过自主创新去竞争袁 抢占知识生产制高点袁美

13、国人不答应遥 冶事实上袁美国的国家政策是保护本国创新袁在全球占据制高点袁靠知识生产袁知识贸易袁高附加值的知识产品获取收入袁这是其竞争优势遥 未来一段时间袁美国要继续处在领先位置袁必须保持这个优势地位袁这是美国成为全世界最强大国家的原因遥野知识产权创造尧 运用这个制高点实际是通过知识产权来体现出来的袁所以可以看到美国的专利尧商标袁或者说著作权相关产业发展都是全球最发达的袁而且影响着世界各国遥冶田力普指出遥田力普同时表示袁中国不能永远像发达国家希望的那样只搞出口加工袁为他们打工袁承接他们的产业结构调整和产业转移袁而是要发挥自己的民族创造力袁这就需要一个良好的文化氛围和社会环境袁需要一个良好的法律体

14、制袁更需要全社会民众的参与遥In its recently- issued notice onnational patent attorney exami-nation, SIPO makes an over-haul in the upcoming 2012 exami-nation.Key changesincludeeaseof qualification for registration, reg-istration time, verification of diplo-mas and streamlined formalities forresidents from Hong Ko

15、ng, Macaoand Taiwan.I. RegistrationFrom2012onwards,currentmastercandidateswithasci- techmajorafter two school years andcurrentdoctorcandidateswithasci- tech major are deemed havingtwo- year actual working experienceinsci- tech.a Thischangeopensdoor for graduate master or doctorcandidatesnearinggradu

16、ationorgraduated masters and doctors hav-ing worked for less than two years.II. Verification of DiplomasUnder the notice, diploma canbeusedaseducationalqualifica-tions. The candidates who apply forapplication with diplomas issued bya Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan orforeign university shall be verifiedby

17、the designated center under theMinistry of Education.III. Registration periodThe notice bring the registra-tion period ahead from late June toJune 4 and June 19. Meanwhile,screeningofregistrationmaterialswas also advanced to June 11- June29 (July 6 for Beijing site).IV. Facilitate for Hong Kong,Maca

18、o and Taiwan candidatesInabidtofacilitateHongKong,MacaoandTaiwancandi-dates爷application,relevantcandi-datesmaychooseBeijing,Guangzhou and Fuzhou as their ex-amination site through online regis-tration and shall comply with rele-vant protocols. Candidates residinginHongKongorMacaomaychoose IPR office

19、s in their regionsand gothroughcheckthere.Inparallel, the notice explicitly allowsHongHong,MacaoandTaiwancandidatestousetraditionalfull- formChinesecharacterswhenanswering.(by Zhao Jianguo)本报记者赵建国日前袁 中国国家知识产权局发布了叶关于 2012 年全国专利代理人资格 考 试 的 有 关 事 项 公告 曳袁 对2012 年全国专利代理人资格考试有关事项作出较大调整袁 调整内容包括报名条件放宽尧报名时间提

20、前尧学历认证有新规定尧 港澳台居民报考更方便等遥调整一院报名条件放宽从 2012 年起袁 全国专利代理人资格考试的报名条件新调整的重要内容为院高等院校理工科专业在读硕士研究生学习期满 2 年的以及高等院校理工科专业在读博士研究生袁视为从事过 2 年以上科学技术工作遥 在读硕士或博士研究生需提供就读院校的学籍证明遥 这标志着更多即将毕业的硕士或博士研究生以及理工科专业硕士或博士研究生毕业未满 2 年且有志于从事专利代理工作的袁均可报名参加考试遥调整二院学历认证有新规定关于学历认证方面袁新增了学位证书可以单独作为学历证明遥 持香港尧澳门特区及台湾地区或者国外高等学校学历渊学位冤证书报名的袁其学历渊

21、学位冤证书须经教育部留学服务中心认证遥调整三院报名时间提前报名时间由原来的 6 月下旬提前到 6 月 4 日至 6 月 18 日袁 报名材料查验时间也相应由原来的 6 月底提前到 6 月 11 日至 6 月 29 日渊北京考点至 7 月 6 日冤遥调整四院港澳台居民报考更方便为了进一步方便香港尧澳门特区及台湾地区居民报考袁考生均可以通过网报选择北京尧上海尧广州或者福州考点报名并遵守相应的程序参加查验和考试袁居住在香港或澳门的考生可以选择就近到香港或澳门的相应知识产权管理机构接受查验遥 同时袁还明确香港尧澳门特区及台湾地区考生可以在考试中采用繁体汉字作答遥The word Mousse爷s me

22、aninginChineseiscustardandwhatisthetranslationofMousse in Chinese? Beijing HigherPeople爷sCourtrendereditsfinaldecisionontrademarkregistrationof Mousse.Fujian Jinjiang Weili food Co.,Ltd(Weili) applied for 慕司 asa registered trademark,during thepublicationperiod,DongguanXujifood Co., Ltd (Xuji) took t

23、he viewthe 慕 司 wastheEnglishtransliterationofthemousseandthe generic name of milk products,fruitsaladandjelly.TheTradeMark Office underthe State Ad-ministration for Industry and Com-merce then then denied the disput-ed trademark registration.Weili then sought legal remedyforreversalbefore the Tradem

24、arkReviewandAdjudicationBoard(TRAB), also under the State Ad-ministration for Industry and Com-merce(SAIC). TRAB held the evi-dence of submitted by Xuji failed toprove the trademark of 慕司 en-joyed high reputation and was wide-ly used on the jelly and other prod-ucts. TRAB then approved registra-tion

25、 of 慕司 after deliberation.Xuji brought the case to Bei-jing No.1IntermediateCourt Pre-sented new evidences. The new ev-idence was admitted by the courtfortheirvalueinofferingcon-sumers爷 understanding of the mean-ing of 慕司 the trademark, andthe court identified 慕 司 asgeneric name. So the trademark in

26、was revoked. The disgruntled WeiliandTRABthenappealedtotheBeijingHigherPeople爷sCourt,which would later make the deci-sion above.(by Yang Qiang)本报讯英文野mousse冶的中文含义系指奶油冻袁但其中文音译名称是野慕斯冶还是野慕司冶袁抑或两者均可钥 近日袁北京市高级人民法院的一份终审判决书给出了答案遥据了解袁 该案源于福建省晋江市味力食品有限公司渊下称味力公司冤申请的一件野慕司冶商标遥在该商标公示期内袁东莞徐记食品有限公司渊下称徐记公司冤对该商标提出异议袁

27、称该商标是英文野mousse冶的音译袁直接表示了其申请指定使用商品牛奶制品尧水果色拉尧果冻等的特点袁系商品的通用名称遥 国家工商行政管理总局商标局依此裁定不予核准该商标注册遥味力公司随后向国家工商行政管理总局商标评审委员会渊下称商评委冤申请复审遥商评委则裁定认为袁涉案证据无法证明野慕司冶一词已为行业内生产者在果冻等商品上广泛使用袁难以认定野慕司冶为行业内使用的通用名称袁并裁定核准该商标注册遥徐记公司据此向北京市第一中级人民法院起诉商评委并提交了新的证据遥 据悉袁一审法院审理后对这些证据予以了采信袁 并认为这些证据虽然未在评审阶段提交袁 但其均涉及相关消费者对野慕司冶商标含义的理解袁法院对此可以

28、依职权进行判断遥 据此袁一审法院认定野慕司冶系通用名称袁判决撤销商评委裁定遥 随后袁商评委和味力公司均提出上诉遥 日前袁该案已经北京市高级人民法院终审并判决野驳回上诉袁维持原判冶遥 渊杨 强冤Major changesin national patent attorney examination中国专利代理人资格考试作出较大调整GermanChancellorAngelaMerkelsaidChinawouldincreasingly come to shareWesternconcernsoverintellectualproperty as its own firms engagedmor

29、e in research and developmentand became more innovative.HeinzZimmer,headoftheAssociationfor Electrical, Electronic and Infor-mationTechnologies,saidChinawas catching up in the area of in-dustrial innovation and would takethe leading position in some sectorsby the end of the decade. (Oppor鄄tunity and

30、 challenge in China-Ger鄄many trade push, by Reuters)德国总理默克尔说袁随着中国公司越来越多地投身于科研开发并更具创新性袁中国社会将越来越关注知识产权遥 电气尧电子和信息技术协会的负责人海因茨 窑 齐默说袁 中国正在工业创新领域赶超袁 有望于 10 年后处于领先地位遥 (叶中德贸易推进中的机遇与挑战曳袁路透社冤Comment:Although the German have af-firmedthetechnologicaldevelop-ment and the progress of intellectualproperty protect

31、ion in China, com-pared to Made in Germany thatwhich is associated with high quali-ty and highly technological products,MadeinChinagenerallystillstandsforlower- qualitygoodsinthe internationalmarket.ForChi-nese companies, there is a lot tolearn from their German competitorsin terms of sophisticated

32、technologyand managerial expertise.点评院尽管德国人对中国科技发展和知识产权进步予以肯定袁 但与 野德国制造冶 象征着高品质和高科技相比较袁野中国制造冶总体而言在国际市场上仍处于产业链低端遥 对于中国企业袁在先进的技术和管理经验方面袁 还有很多需要向德国同行学习的地方遥英文翻译茹 果TranslatorRu Guo圆园12 年 5 月 9 日星期三出版中文主编院吴辉英文审校院胡玉章崔卫国May 9袁 圆园12孕怎遭造蚤泽澡藻凿 燥灶 宰藻凿灶藻泽凿葬赠悦澡蚤灶藻泽藻 耘凿蚤贼燥则原蚤灶原悦澡蚤藻枣押 宰怎 匀怎蚤耘灶早造蚤泽澡 砸藻增蚤泽藻则押 Hu Yuzh

33、angCui WeiguoHuaweiTechnologiesCo.willincreaseitsre-search- and- developmentspending nearly 20% this year to$4.5 billion. The Chinese companysaid that it will look to increaseitsbusinessinthefaster- growingmobile- deviceandenterprise- net-work markets to meet a target of15% to 20%revenue growth fort

34、his year. (Huawei Plans 20% Risein R&D Spending, by Wall StreetJournal)华为技术有限公司今年的研发开支将增加近 20豫袁达 45 亿美元遥该公司表示将在增长更快的移动设备和企业网络市场增加其业务袁以实现今年的收入增长 15豫至 20豫的目标遥渊叶华为 R驭D 支出计划增长 20豫曳袁华尔街日报冤Comment:As one of China爷s dominantinnovators,Huaweihasbecomesomethingorevenaconcernofwesternbusinessworld.However,we

35、have to notice that Huawei isnot a sole case. More and moreChinese entities are creating intel-lectual property of their own andbecoming more willing to protect it.点评院作为中国占主导地位的创新者之一袁 华为已经成为备受西方商业世界关注的对象遥 华为并不是唯一的案例遥越来越多的中国企业正在创造知识产权的奇迹遥 渊by Correspondent WangWeiwei from Canada)渊本报通讯员汪玮玮发自加拿大冤田力普回应美媒文章院我们不能永远待在全球产业链低端PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建


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